What does Sup Forums think of the Shannara Chronicles?
What does Sup Forums think of the Shannara Chronicles?
Cheap fantasy needs to fuck off. This is what The Witcher and LotR series will look like.
What the fuck is the Shannara Chronicles?
I thought it was really fun to take acid and watch it. Slade is always a good time. Also why that bitch turn into a tree? Did I imagine that?
liked s1
only watch for Eretria
It was alright, a bit bland in the middle of the series, but they turned it around at the end IMO
Spanish girl is a 10/10
Literally my gf
To anyone who actually watched it, I heard there's some lesbian romance in there. True and if so is it worth a fast forward through the rest watch?
love it
This place has corrupted me. I litterally shouted WE WUZ KANGZ when the black queen showed up.
There is several scenes. The best one is in S01E06
You better not lie to me, Or I'll give you a stern talking to when I'm done fast forwarding through that shit in a sec.
Why not just watch porn instead?
because I'm a sucker for lesbian romance.
But it’s no fun if you just fast forward without knowing the characters tho
I want to know if there's actual romance or just innuendo (like the bath scene I just saw) and if there is I'll look for an name+name all scenes compilation on yt. If it's just oh they look at each other pure yuri shit or there's no chemistry then I won't bother.
Watched like 3 eps of season 1. Liked THE UNDEFEATED GAUL but besides him it was clear the show wasn't for me.
It’s fun and reminds me of the old Xena and Hercules series
And now that I ff through the episode I know that it's typical lesbait where nothing actually happens and the series itself is complete garbage so I won't have to waste my time.
my gf watches it so i presume its pretty shit
she has bad tastes
Is this real?
i need to know!
I usually like fantasy escapism, but the diversity in the whole series was too stomach-turning to watch.
Demonios tus ojos (Sister of Mine)?
seems like DND with wimmen writers
I watched 20 minutes and literally cringed so hard I almost had a brain aneurysm