He released her cancer album and she says this shit?
>Her fear is that “he released my album to cover his tracks,” she said. “He knew it was going to make him look like a good guy, supporting a woman.”

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She's not wrong

I hate lesbians so fucking much

i can tell she isn’t funny just by looking at her.

Who is and who is this "he" she's talking about?

This woman is mentally ill. She's convinced herself that his support of her album and career was solely for his own self-interests.

Then again, this shouldn't be surprising, considering her whole comedy schtick revolves around her having cancer.

louie louie louah
louie louie not comin back

>considering her whole comedy schtick revolves around her having cancer.
Fucking this.

Dude, that's not fucking cool. This woman had cancer. She was extremely brave to talk about it and call it comedy even though it wasn't funny. Just buy her goddamn album motherfucker.

She didn't convince herself of anything. That's literally what he told her when he threatened to undo his support and do what he could to blacklist from any producers he had influence over because he heard her talking about his assault allegations in the press.

so are you against CK or pro CK?

at least get your strawmen straight, 4ch

Are you kidding me? She's fucking hilarious. Watch how she skillfully begs for claps. Men can't do that shit.

Me too. They're such two faced ratcunts, they want women to be treated like vulnerable angels one minute and just as tough and cool as men the next



>hey I'm going to stop helping you if you keep calling accusing me of being a rapist
Yeah no shit, what did she expect?

same. they're never how they're portrayed in porn

See . She had to expect repercussions from accusing him, but she's so self-absorbed she makes the entire thing about her plight.

dykes are miserable human beings

Women have no sense of shame.

she looks like older and more masculine version of adam scott,

What a putrid stance to take.

Fuck this no-titty ho.

Lesbians are actually good people and can form lasting long term monogamous relationships unlike gay men. They have male brains so they are in the most part honest and logical

Quality jokes and delivery, no wonder I heard about her today.

>They have male brains
No, they have female brains that are damaged from being molested/raped.

Lesbo vs Spic

no they're women pretending to have male brains. so they have all of the illogical and needy thought patterns of women with the fake over aggressive wannabe alpha attitude they think all men have.

they dress like lumberjacks because they think that's what a man is, a cartoon, it's fucking delusion.

This. Women are going to destroy the entertainment industry because they want a free pass on everything and the attitude of even if the guy didnt touch you and was creepy . IE not Thor pulling his schlong out. You deserve to have your career and livelyhood ruin. All these cunts just want to get paid out of someone else's work.