Stop being fat
Stop being fat
My genes wont allow it and I have big bones too
I just need 400 little egg rollz doc, then I'll do sum toe raises to burn off the cals. I swearz it.
>You need to stop feeding him, its killing him.
>I want to but if I dont then he gets angry and yells at me.
>So let him yell! Whats he gonna do, get out of bed!?
Absolutely based
Just buy bigger genes
That's pretty damn funny.
you first
Easy for him to say but these people can be intolerable. Not to mention that being a full time caretaker is an extremely draining task itself.
Stop being old
There's obvious mental health issues going on with these people and their caretakers/enablers, i just like how Dr. Iranian has zero tolerance for bullshit.
>start ignoring fattie
>fattie can't reach fridge
>fattie loses weight
I don't see how giving in to the whims of people with obviously life threatening addictions can be considered 'taking care' of someone.
One episode was literally
>You need to lose weight fast
Next check in
>You’re losing weight too fast
what if he gets too mad and his heart gives up
im 5'1" 100 lbs
fuck off
What was his end game?
Never 4get
What kind of a fucking enabler mentality is that. What if he bites into the pizza you just brought him and his heart gives up?
Why don't they just teach them proper nutrition? Surely they understand basic biology, math, and the mechanics behind calories in, calories out.
The same reason why teaching kids about drugs doesn't reduce drug use. They have mental problems. They don't want to be healthy, what they want is chicken wings. If these people had any amount of common sense they would have done something before they stopped being able to walk.
Giving them food is the least of eat. They also have to clean their ample poops up. If it was me I'd have poured gas over and set fire to the fat fuck after the 2nd time they demanded to be cleaned.
>If it was me I'd have poured gas over and set fire to the fat fuck after the 2nd time they demanded to be cleaned.
Imagine the smell. Burning bacon for miles.
Let's not forget /ourgal/ Princess PI
She was key to the Drug Addiction arc of fatkino
Fucking hell he even sounds like Cartman in a few clips there.
This is almost as good as the golf cart scene
Simultaneously hilarious and depressing
Sounds like the problem took care of itself
Is James still alive?
I hope not
Healthcare in America is so centered around $$$ that the doctors have golden fucking stethoscopes.
>recent weight gain 158lbs
I don't even weigh that much. Jesus.
I'm not a twink, fuck off.
>calories go in, calories come out, YOU can't explain that.
You're sassy, I like that
comedy gold
>if you can't lose 50 pounds by tomorrow I'm going to have to send you packing
>Fried rice would actually be worse for you than regular rice
>muh legs
>muh legs
>muh legs
>muh legs
>ow muh foot
Why are you saying that all of a sudden?
I want to puck my dick in your boy vagina
>needs an entire team of firemen just to get him in and out of the house
Goddamnit America this is why we can't have free healthcare
He should prescribe 5 150 grain .308 rounds to the chest for each of these societal drains
I can't, im clinically depressed and an alcoholic
>severely obese patient
>can't even move
>you decide everything they eat
>all you have to do is feed them salad for the next 6 months and they'll be a normal weight
That would likely kill them. You still have to eat enough calories to provide sufficient energy for your body to function. Their internal organs are probably the same mass as your entire body is.
Jesus Christ, I didn't need to see that.
you can do without food as long as you get your micronutrients
serious question: who paid for all this shit? Like with the asshole with the fat brother and retard dad, where do they get all the money for the pizzas and opening a "hobby" shop?
But eating good food is good.
>tfw not even fat just don't work out
Probably the show, they get paid in viewership
faggot, what do you think fat is? it's stored energy
an obese person could literally eat nothing but water and take vitamin pills and they would survive until they got skinny
fucking amerifats
Literally it's easy as fuck to lose weight,
It's called
>Intermittent Fasting
Your body learns to burn fat and in a couple of weeks it does it efficiently.
One of the best things about this, is that you don't get hungry and it has other health benefits, like regeneration and detoxification
Just don't eat sugars, restrict high carbs, prefer healthy fats and lots of fiber.
>also pure water fasting for a few days can speed things up
I know because I lost weight using it it's fucking worth it
>spend three weeks in the hospital
>almost a million dollars in hospital fees
>luckily insurance paid a majority of it, only owe $15,000
>these fatasses literally move into the hospitals
no way the show is paying for all that
wew, so much stupid and wrong broscience in just one post.
>15.000 dollars in debt because of medical stuff
Jesus, I never want to live in the US. You guys have it fucking rough.
You also weren't planning on gaining 300lbs or whatever that is in kilometers
nope, it actually works.
eating all the time is retarded since the fat burning hormones are inhibited with insulin, and if you eat all the time you got insulin all the time and you don't burn fat efficiently.
Literally hundreds of doctors are praising IF and fasting in general.
jesus fucking Christ its like the underside of a boat
IF works, sure, but not like you think it does. People can lose weight just as well eating all day as they can eating between certain hours
What did he mean by this?
>Uh you don't get to bring pizza
what are those, crumbs?
all these fatties have dark eyelids, is this a symptom of diabetes?
>be me
>can't afford a surgery
>would do anything for it
>would do whatever the doctor told me because i'd be so grateful to have the operation done
Fuck these fucking people. they should have to pay back every single dime if they fail to keep within a reasonable weight loss ratio and maintain it for a decade
Fuck 'em, Dude
>would do anything for it
except eating less
What will it take to get this """"woman"""" to gain 200ilbs so we can have a 90 Day/ 600 ilb TLC kino krossover?
Surely she must be on her way with an entire internet telling her she's a delusional fat cunt?
>is this a symptom of diabetes?
No, they stay up all night to eat so they get very little sleep.
>Obesity and sudden weight gain
>Fat cells boost the body’s production of estrogens, which leads to sun-sensitivity and skin-darkening. The darkening can extend from the orbital eye area out onto the outer cheeks, face and neck. Drugs often associated with obesity including water pills, oral anti-diabetic drugs and blood pressure medications, dramatically increase sun-sensitivity. Sun avoidance, daily sunscreen and sunglasses will help slow down the darkening. Plan to get back to pre-medication weight. Cut back on salt, eliminate high sodium foods and dairy, increase water intake, reduce fat, simple carbs and sweets, and exercise regularly. These lifestyle changes will reduce weight and water retention, and improve raccoon eyes, blood pressure, general health, skin tone and self-esteem.
Fuck you, I am doing that currently. I just think the turbo boost the surgery would give would be amazing.
>turbo boost
>everything's a video game where's my cheat code
ive earned the right to bully fatties because i used to be one and got skinny
you probably dont even need the surgery unless youre as morbidly obese as these hambeasts on the show
>spend 2+ years hitting constant weight loss plateaus and fighting through them
>have 1 surgery and lose most of your weight in less than a year, then use the new mobility to hammer the gym
Tough choice
Imagine being Mohamed in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Danielle, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your sagging body and horrific fetal alcohol syndrome monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my tv persona and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another friend of his in Florida. Like seriously imagine having to be Mohamed and not only stand on that altar while Danielle flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and extra chromosome, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she lurched down the aisle. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, DANIELLE LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of bimbos and Europeans and later allegedly Danielle for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Tunisia. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her hanging stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "acceptablesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with TLC makeup artists in the previous hours. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could cross every state in this country before immigration could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Mohamed. You're not going to lose your future citizenship over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>ive earned the right to bully fatties because i used to be one and got skinny
>all that self-hatred still in him
>the self-hatred manifesting being used on others as an outlet instead of dealing with it
Enjoy skinnymode while you can. Unless you deal with that pent up self-hatred, you're gonna eat yourself back up and past your starting weight.
ok so some people CAN be helped
The one good thing about working with the truly morbidly obese, is that even if you're pretty overweight, you still probably feel really good about yourself.
>started at >30 bmi
>lost 30kg in half a year, comfortably now i dont get fat no matter how rubbish my diet is
nice try but i eat fast food 5 nights a week and still dont get fat because i count my calories
get on my level and learn to count to 2000 you fat fuck
That thing could survive any car crash.
>eating so much garbage instead of clean, healthy foods with 1 cheat day a week
>"i count calories durr its ok!!!'
enjoy type2 diabetes, friend-o
But I don't even watch anime
Dr. Nowzaradan AKA the sociopath buster
thanks i will
meanwhile that fat fuck can enjoy dying of a heart attack in 10 years
>UUHHHHHHHH "Hey you guys how are you doing?" UHHHHHHHHH MY LEGS
>heart attack
says the guy willingly eating grease 5 times a week
youre right, youre right, i should start eating healthy again
while im at it i can bulk up and hit the gym, because i know that i actually have the discipline to pull off a cut later on, unlike a certain fatty in this thread who struggle to lose a single kilo because he cant lay off the cheetos for a day
>there are people who think this is acceptable
I thought only old ass people are allowed to be fat. People younger than I weighing more than 7 people? I'm 28 and what is this timeline?
who? ?
he says he's eating less right in his post, sweetie.