Is this a good film?
Super 8
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>J. J. Abrams
i enjoyed it
It was ok I guess
Get's a little weak near the end but if you want more Stranger Things it works.
It's the definition of 'fuck you, I liked it'
It's generic and cliche, the story is predictable, and there's nothing that hasn't been done by Spielberg a million times before, but it does have charm.
For me, it reminds me of my childhood and the dreams I had of being a film maker
No, it isn't. It's imitation 80s Spielberg, without the heart or charm. Stranger Things might not be original, but you care about the story and characters in spite of that. In Super 8, you're just bored the whole way through.
I watched in the theaters and I don't even remember most of it. Just that the children were making a film. I think I thought it was nothing special then.
I remember hearing about this film for like 2 years and then no one was talking about it anymore.
alright guys so important question:
how sexy are the kids?
I remember the train crash
Super 8? More like Super not great!
It was good until Elle disappeared for the last third of the movie...oh, and the ending sucked ass
I still remember that interactive trailer included in the first Portal where you were one of the soldiers in that train. Abrams is the master of marketing.
Abrams only good movie
Well I watched all his shitty movies so I guess I'll wrap with one that's not.
ahead of it's time, 6 years ahead of the 80s sci-fi kids craze
Is this the movie where robin williams is a pedo and works in a photo mat and has cheese pizza? No that movie sucked and ruined my opinion of Robin williams for years.
Extremly forgetable.
I liked it. I wouldn't say it deserves a Oscar or anything, but there is nothing better than seeing innocent kids in a pov role with a somewhat adult situation.
What the literal actual fuck dude?
not very
In itself, it's totally fine for one watch. As an Abrams / Spielberg production, it's definitely promised too much and delivered too little. Elle didn't do anything special but still managed to be one of the highlights of the film.
It was a blatant plagiarism of this, the only thing they missed out on was not making the alien a cute girl.
It's JJ Abrams trying to ape Spielberg without any of the heart.
Also, they try and pull a "The monster was just misunderstood" ending with a sentient creature that's been kidnapping and eating people.
Is this the only original thing JJ Abrams has done?
Lost. Star Trek movies, Star Wars movies.
Everything that's not the stupid monster is extremely OK. Lewdneck McGee is cute as a button too.
a cute!
One of the laziest films I've ever seen in a theater.
>he thinks this latest wave of 80's nostalgia is unprecedented
You have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums kid.
I did too, I remember what kind of pizza I got and how it tasted but not a single thing about the movie except for a scene with a old orange car or something.
It is ok, tires to capture the essence of spielberg/zemeckis kids films of the 80s/90s but doesn't really do it 100%, the script is a little off and abrams can't get the same affability from his characters and tone for the general film because he is a soulless director. The wonder elements are a bit off also because of the shit graphics
It's kind of ahead of it's time though in that spielberg style that is popular now with stranger things and it. Also pic related is in it but not is younger
What the pizza extra cheesy?
It's good in the beginning and middle. The ending is pretty bad.
Fat ankles
The father in it was a massive asshole for no discernible reason.
Stranger Things but it's not for children