Can you tell us about the aftermath of the attack involving the Kingdomers?
When we finally are taken to the scene, we see that they're all dead. Bodies are scattered everywhere, some missing limbs and some with huge holes from the gunshot blasts. Then finally he extends his hand from the heap of bodies of the Kingdomers who had rushed to protect him. He's been shot in the leg pretty badly, but he's alive. He's got the added problem of all the dead Kingdomers reanimating. He tries to defend himself as best he can, but he doesn't have a gun and he can't even stand up on his leg. Finally, 3 or 4 other Kingdomers show up and save him.
What happens after they save him? Do they escape?
A nerdy looking Savior with big glasses shows up and kills the remaining Kingdomers. He takes Ezekiel hostage. He goes on and on about how Ezekiel is just bullshit, that he's not a real "King" and that if they just take away that cat, he'll be nothing. Eventually Jerry comes along and slices this Savior right in half!
In the sneak peek, we see Carol hiding from some Saviors inside a building. Can you tell us more about what happens in that scene?
That building is the where the snipers were holed up in. Carol is a such a boss and takes out all those sons-of-bitches!! However, that's not all of them, and reinforcements show up. Carol manages to escape and continues to pursue and engage the remaining Saviors.
She later realizes they have the guns they're after, and so she stays there and fights them on her own. There are only 2 left alive, but then she sees Jerry and Ezekiel behind a locked fence being surrounded by walkers. So she goes to them and helps. Those are the 2 guys that escape in the jeep.
Who dies in this episode and how? Is anyone hurt?
Daniel, and every other Kingdomer in Ezekiel's party with the exception of Jerry and Carol. Including Shiva. Shiva saves Ezekiel, Carol, and Jerry when they're surrounded by walkers.
When in the episode does Shiva die?
It's towards the end. Carol goes back to rescue Jerry and Ezekiel but the walkers are closing in. Ezekiel tells them to just leave him since he's just slowing them down because of his leg wound. But Carol and Jerry refuse. They're surrounded, and that's when Shiva shows up.
Who are the men that Rick and Daryl go after on the road? What happens with them?
They are the remaining Saviors at the outpost that Carol had engaged but had to abandon because Ezekiel and Jerry were in trouble. Rick and Daryl shoot them, run the jeep off the road and get their guns.
How does the episode end?
Jerry, Carol, and Ezekiel return to the Kingdom and are met by all of the women and children. He seems completely broken, and can't even address his people because everyone's dead.
Jerry loses his weapon in this episode. He breaks it when he tries to use it to break through a big chain on a fence
Ezekiel keeps wanting Carol and Jerry to leave him behind but Carol says, "Nope. You don't get to do that."
This episode is focused on the Kingdom people. The only other scene is a short scene with Rick, Daryl, and the two Saviors
basically a filler kingdom episode this is 3rd episode without negan gonna be boring as fuck
Admit it. You cried during this scene.
>caring about his Clay Aiken boyfriend
Fag had like a total of 2 minutes of screentime.
TWD is like the visual equivalent of when you are so bored or disinterested in reading something, that you can read it over and over yet not absorb or process any of it.
Any idea when the Negan flashback episode happens?
The last episode was pure gaykino though.
I hate the fucking girly crying sobs gays make when they cry. It’s so fucking cringey and annoying.
I didn’t cry because I’m not a degenerate.
Episode 3 spoilers were completely wrong
No they weren't.
>the tiger dies
Guess that CGI budget was getting too big.
He does in the comics too you pathetic virgin faggot.
>who dies?
>a bunch of little who's
there's literally no reason for carol's character to still be alive on this show
Why are gays always fat?
Hopefully Ezekiel and Jerry cut the crap and realize this isn't a game. Ezekiel's pacifism and lies kept his people subjugated, his naivety and overconfidence got most of his best fighters game. Now's the time for him to quit roleplaying, come clean to his people, and get serious. It's the natural progression of his story. Given this show's history, I get the feeling he might just do a motivational speech and go back to the same old.
>yet another episode without negan
jesus fucking christ
Most of Negan's parts for the next few episodes are minimal scenes of him at Sanctuary. He wont have much screen time till the last 2 eps before mid season break.
No lol i laughed cuz the faggot died
Apparently from filming info there's no Negan origin this season. So probably season 9 if he's still alive.
Which is a huge fail on their part because the only way the normie audience will accept Negan surviving the war is if they start to actually develop his character and let us understand and maybe even sympathize with him. His backstory needs to come sooner than later.
>LARPers get btfo
>Kang Ezekiel drops his act out of sheer depression and guilt
Punished Ezekiel joins Punished Morgan, both of them soon to be joined by Punished Rick after Coral dies. Kino
Fucking cringe
Fuck off reddit.
I remember when they were first introduced like 3 seasons ago.
I swear this is the first time we've seen the boyfriend since that season
Can someone who has read the comics tell me if the Kingdom of reddit LARPers and the feminist hilltop get eradicated at least before Negan gets thrown in the bad boy corner? it would be the only reason for me to pick this back up. I haven't watched a single episode this season at all.