New Star Wars Trilogy

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Rian Johnson can at least be trusted to do something interesting desu

At least he's setting the stage this time rather than JJ FUCKING ABRAMS

Yeah, this was already known.


god I could at least enjoy the new saga films just a little bit because they felt like rationally paced sequels to the OT and they aren't horribly done

but now it's officially never going to end

the stories are just going to spiral out into complete pointlessness

might not even see TLJ now

fuck disney

Disney is really milking that cow huh? What happened to giving audiences some pauses before they overdose?

Everyone with half a brain knows that Disney is going to keep every franchise it has going and going with yearly releases until it can't squeeze another penny out of it, and then they'll just let it sit for 10 years and reboot it all over again.

By the time I'm 40, there are going to be like two dozen star wars films and counting.

I fucking hate movies

what an absolute clusterfuck

In shepherding this new trilogy, which is separate from the episodic Skywalker saga, Johnson will introduce new characters from a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored.

read the article

'why would they give people a pause when they fucking show up every year

i read the article
separate trilogies is dumb as hell
i was fine with them making 7-9 and maybe 10-12 in like 10 years

>Literally just announced
>Already known

You got this weekends lottery numbers too, you cunt

Unless its something about the Old Republic era, it's guaranteed to be trash.

i will quit disney star wars if it's the old republic meme
fuck nerd culture star wars could be good

here we go again

Old Republic is good tho

Embrace some of the occult weirdness of Korriban/Malachor V and the Mandalorian Wars would be a great setting. A reworked Thrawn trilogy from the perspective of the Empire could be neat too.

>Old Redditublic is good bro
Ya fuck off.

>new characters from a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored.
Thank god. It'll be nice to see an EU story told by a not-autistic-book writer

>maybe 10-12 in like 10 years
oh believe me, they'll do that too.
In fact they probably gave this to Rian to keep the Star Wars ball rolling without doing a million standalones until a reasonable amount of time has passed after 9.

>inb4 milking for everything it has

Explain to me, if the stuff produced is good, what's wrong with it coming out every year?


This leaves me indifferent, apart from the joy of a new Nerd Crew episode coming.


KOTOR 2 is good because it's a deconstruction of Star Wars made by people who dislike everything about Star Wars. It was a fresh spin on shit we've seen since the 70's. The Old Republic era in general though is really stupid.

very cool

What's wrong with KOTOR1?

TOR MMO is the one that shit the bed.


We knew this would never stop. This is our own fault. Why is everyone surprised?

It's like how everyone thinks Marvel will "slow down" with Infinity War, like fuck they will. I gurantee they'll weave in a overarching new hook as soon as possible to keep it chugging along until it ceases to create profit. Maybe they'll even pull a complete "shocker" and get the rights to Dr. Doom or something, either way they'll manage to convince you "Well, I wasn't going to stick around....but maybe for this I will." The illusion that they're going somewhere new.

It's like this, they say they're going away from the Skywalkers but like fuck if it won't be the same shti as always. Even KOTOR is too risky and that still uses Star Wars iconography out the ass as a crutch.

Nothing is wrong with Kotor1 but Kotor2 is just much more interesting and more well written.
>EA in charge of star wars video games
>Disney in charge of movies
wew who could have forseen this would result in never ending piles of stale shit

nothings wrong with it, it's just a very safe and formulaic Star Wars adventure.

>corner of the galaxy SW lore has never explored
So a sci-fi trilogy completely unrelated to SW, other than the slapped title to rack in the big bucks.





>has lightsabers
>the force
>has tie-fighters
>has x-wings
>will have the desert planet, the snow planet, the swamp planet... etc

its just more of the same.

Good video game, but would make for a boring movie

2 on the other hand would be kino

Old Republic is shit, it's basically the prequels but with Sith Empire instead of Confederacy
Wow! So original! Fucking trash.

Are normies still excited about Star Wars?

new trilogy will be called SOUL WARS with a completely diversified cast

>This is our own fault. Why is everyone surprised?

How is this our fault? Despite what the shill script says, we didn't make Lucas sell to Disney.

I'm fine with that desu, especially with Rian Johnson at the helm

They could still do different eras, they could do a horror movie (slasher/alien infestation/psychological), a heist movie, a full on war movie, they could remake Episodes 1-3 so they're not complete dogshit

There's at least some good options.

we forced him into it by treating him like shit and giving mountains of undeserved criticism just because everyone else was doing it

>any civil war depicted in sci-fi will not be called derivative because it happened in America that one time

>undeserved criticism

At least we're getting some decent movies and video games now.... Or are you truly nostalgic for nothing but Lego and Kinect Star Wars and some cartoons?

KOTOR is a wasted setting. Instead of doing something unique and odd with the concept of ancient star wars mythology, of the portrayal of a "More civilized age" instead we get a shittier version of whats going on in the movies. It's literally the same crap but more boring.

Ancient Star Wars should be closer to Asgard from Thor or some shit than just "Star Wars, but everything's like they didnt have the copyright to the actual story."

>Duel of Fates faintly plays in the background

>especially with Rian Johnson at the helm

The same Rian Johnson who lovingly licked the boots of his Disney masters during the production of Episode VIII? I'm puzzled as to why you think having a spineless corporate yes-man helming Star Wars is a good thing.

>What's wrong with KOTOR1?
I don't think anyone is saying it's bad. It's a solid game with a solid story. It's just that it's totally generic, predictable, etc. The story is the platonic form of all the RPG cliches we've already seen a million times over up to that point.

My only real beef with the entire "KOTOR era" setting is that it's thousands of years in the past, but the technology is exactly the same as in the movies. Only thing different is that capital ships are shaped slightly differently. I hate it when fantasy settings do this shit, because it makes everything seem so pointless and insignificant when thousands and thousands of years go by and nothing changes. Oh, this century the sith are in charge, this millennium the jedi are in charge, blah blah but nothing ever changes.

Star Wars isn't the enemy here. Daily reminder that they wanted to work with the modders behind that fan Battlefront 3 project but EA C&D'd it.

They greenlit Rogue One and now they're responding to "these movies are far too derivative of each other"

>Decent movies and video games

there's a vast amount of good stars wars games. the lego star wars games are good too, dumbass. star wars kinect was the exception, not the rule.

the Eternal Roastie is just as bad as the Eternal Jew. This thot sucked and fucked (formerly chucked) her way into power in the 80s and then has had a massive chip on her shoulder about it ever since, even though using her vag to get ahead was her own choice.

It's certainly better than the fucking Kinect game and The Force Unleashed

We haven't gotten good Star Wars games since 2005. Before Galaxies got the NGE Update. That should put things in perspective.

The movies are absolutely better than Episode 1/2/3 too.

name one (1) good star wars video game in the last 10 years

>Having opinions this shit
The prequels are tenfold better than TFA and R1

>they could make a (x) movie, or a (y) movie, or a (z) movie

Mate.. It's Star Wars, it's Disney, and it will always have Kathleen Kennedy as the producer. If you honestly think we will be getting anything other than Star Wars IN the Star Wars Universe, then I got news for you, you are naive and gullible. You've been played by a bunch of billionaire business men into thinking your "special franchise" is going to be prioritizing story and the art of film making BEFORE the toys and by-products.

Pic related is my response

The RTS is the one exception I forgot about I guess? Still hasn't been a good game since 2007.

EABattlefront 2 is at least decent.

>Look mom I posted it again! I'm such a contrarian xDDD

EA Battlefront 2 is at least better than mobileshit and a bad MMO and whatever the fuck TFU was

Hopefully once that EA Contract expires we'll get some interesting games like it was from 1997-2005 where anyone could pitch a game and get the license.

>we forced him into it by treating him like shit and giving mountains of undeserved criticism just because everyone else was doing it

^This is a lie peddled by Disney's viral marketing team. They know that hardcore Star Wars fans are the most likely to be critical of Nu-SW and any changes to the lore, they know these fans are basically impossible to please, so they don't even try. The idea is to blame Lucas' decision to sell (and thus all of Disney's changes) ob nitpicking fans. It's meant to silence those most likely and qualified to complain.

>It's another 'TFA autist bombards a thread with meme responses because he can't accept his films are trash' thread

What fun

The prequels weren't smart, they weren't misunderstood masterpieces, the ring theory is a meme created by delusional faggots and/or trolls

The plot was nonsensical, the acting was horrible, the dialog was hamfisted, character motivations didn't make sense, Attack of the Clones only exists to fill in a gap between 1 and 3 and the only good part about the prequels is that it spawned the cartoons that Lucas had nothing to do with.

Okay... You're still wrong.

And now explain why TFA was apparently better.

This isn't even a surprise, everyone know Disney would milk this shit to the ground since the start


Acting was better, character motivations were clear, set design and special effects were far better thanks to the use of practical effects

I'm not saying Episode 7 was some masterpiece but it's certainly better than the clunky piece of shit that Lucas shat out in the series post-1983

>if the stuff produced is good, what's wrong with it coming out every year?
It's not going to be good, you fucking dolt.

>Acting was better, character motivations were clear, set design and special effects were far better thanks to the use of practical effects
all of this is wrong
rey is no better than 1-3 anakin in terms of acting

>Acting was better
Lel. Daisy 'im acting' Ridley and Harrison 'when is it hometime' Ford. At least the prequels had McGregor & McDiarmid. TFA had Driver and nothing else.

>We knew this would never stop. This is our own fault. Why is everyone surprised?
This is true but not for the reason other anons think. While is right that the SW fandom is critical to a fault, MOST of them will still get off their asses and buy a ticket. Don't get me wrong: TFA was abysmal and R1 was cancer incarnate (eat shit apologists) but it seems that no matter how bad these shitheaps are people lack the self-control to actually understand that giving them your money endorses the statement that "We want more!"
Granted, no one on Earth with a brain thinks that standalones like Han Solo will pull anywhere near the amount of profits that the main saga does, but it'll still likely do better than other actual 'films.'

As for the whole, "Lucas was butthurt and sold because of teh fans!!!1!1!" thing is diluted bullshit. Anyone who truly believes a man as rich as him would sell a cashcow legacy like that because basement dwellers call him a poopiehead is dillusional. He sold because a check for 4 billion dollars seemed more appealing than scraping the bottom of the barrel three (3) more times.

tldr vote with your wallet. dont go see them.


Considering Clone Wars's version of Darth Bane and the Darksaber, a reworked Old Republic era might be going more all-out with the Japanese aesthetic.

reminder that anything post lucas sale is not canon

The problem with Star Wars in general is that it takes place on too large of a time scale "for over 1000 generations the Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice" is a REALLY fucking long time and there is very little an author can write to make a big difference after FTL travel. There is a reason why most franchise choose technological stagnation after FTL is developed. Battletech, Warhammer 40k and many others did it because exploring bizarre technology is hard to fit into natural storytelling archetypes. The best ground is "Age of Exploration" but instead of crossing over to the new world it's into space.

The only things that are canon are the OT films, Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games and X-Wing/TIE Fighter games.

I have no clue how many Star Wars movies there are now. It was 6 just a few years ago, now it seems like there are hundreds.

It's nice that it sounds like they might actually try to something different in terms of exploring a different era, but that's exactly what episodes 7-9 really needed to be about.

At this point, hearing that we have another 6-12 years of this shit just gives me a headache.

I don't know man, Hayden had some pretty good acting in several scenes in Episode 3. Plus Anakin wasn't a Mary Sue.

Sure he was annoying in Episodes 1 and 2, but that's another level of shitty writing altogether.

The character didn't turn everything upside down however. It didn't wreck the series beyond repair. Marey Sue did.