

And with this, Star Wars is dead to me. I’m okay with ONE new trilogy with films in between, but this is just the MCU at this point. RIP and I’m so sorry George.

I love Rian Johnson, but this is a hard pass. Disney wouldn't let him do whatever he wanted anyway.

Star Wars Episode XXIX: Return of the Grey Jedi

Star Wars Episode XXX: The Last Wookie


Star Wars Episode MMIX: Milking the Galaxy

Guys, this must mean The Last Jedi is fucking insanely awesome. They greenlit an entire trilogy based on TLJ and Rian's pitch.

I am gonna laugh if it is set in a not-KOTOR setting.

i honestly wish they would have done this from the start instead of doing episode 7 8 and 9


>that RLM still paid to go see and fellate over in their reviews

Nice buzzphrase, brainlet.

Directors have been given projects for absolute trash before. See Snyder and Jar Jar.

They don't pay for them. They have fans who work at the local theaters who let them in for free, but only a few days after the movie comes out.

MCU crossover when?

>What have they done to my franchise?
>And what have I done to my bloodline?

>Star Wars until the IP is run into the ground from fatigue

Don Mouse was a mistake



There's only one way to go

Old Republic trilogy confirmed.

Nobody cares about old redditublic.

It's all just so tiring...

Disney said they were doing 1 SW film a year for 100 years.

Oh boy nothing like more female alien Jedis.

How long until people get sick of yearly Star Wars movies?

I know at the moment it's the absolute king of "nerd culture" with everyone tripping over themselves to talk about how much they love it. But EVENTUALLY the tide has gotta turn right?

To me, it was dead the moment they announced J.J. Abrams to direct the first new one, although to be honest it was a done deal (no pun intended) the moment Lucas sold the franchise to Disney.

Look at cape shit. There will be a cultural backlash. Nothing stays in fashion forever. Disney will just keep building SW theme parks and shit all over the world when the movies lose their luster. The main appeal of SW (was never really a fan myself) was that it took nearly two decades to complete the story. Once a year it will get old quick and even faster if they keep pushing niggers on the chinks.

More Disney's Star Wars movies means more money for Mike Stoklasa.

Era possibilities

>Another shitty story based around the Empire era
>Based between episodes 6 and 7
>Old Republic (Formation of the Jedi era)
>Old Republic (Revan era)
>Old Republic (Bane era)
>After episode 9 (unlikely)
>Alternative timeline based on Legends storylines and characters

TFA proved that faggot fans will pretend to like anything as long as it's from Mickey Mouse.

>They will pull anything from "canon" instead of shoehorning tons of sjw shit in and thinking about the plot later.

>Early buzz surrounding Star Wars: The Last Jedi is overwhelmingly positive but it turns out that movie was just the beginning of director Rian Johnson's journey in a galaxy far, far away. Lucasfilm has announced that the filmmaker has been hired to write and direct a new trilogy of Star Wars movies which are separate from the Skywalker Saga which has obviously been the focal point since day one.

>Apparently, he will introduce new characters from a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored and it's feasible that they'll take place in an entirely different era to the main franchise!

Will we ever get a chance to see some good looking twi'leks in that new trilogy? It's a shame that they're completely absent from JJ-Wars.

Too bad it will be cookie cutter dogshit about a rainbow brigade of liberals. Doesn't matter what era it's set in. No clue why you care when you know it's going to be dull.

>Star Wars lore has never before explored and it's feasible that they'll take place in an entirely different era to the main franchise

I'm ok with this.

InB4 it's about Aladdin and his tumblr Mandalorian gf from the shitty Rebels series.

>an announcement none of us saw coming

Spiderman homecoming was a star wars advertisement.

Mike will be long dead from liver disease before this trilogy is over

This is basically this post. This means they will be free to SJW this shit up to 11.

>Look at cape shit. There will be a cultural backlash.
There is no cultural backlash that I'm aware of regarding capecucks.

>comparing snyder to this travesty
epic my marvel friend

Star Wars is dead. Bury it