>boromir unemployed
Looks happily retired. What's the problem?

nice 5 year old picture, cuntface

>Looks like normal, except with a pint and a cig

Good thread OP, well done.

fuck off Sean

wow you don't even have to photoshop it at all

I don't get it, what am I looking at? Looks like a bloke enjoying a pint and a fag.

Delete this

Seems like he's doing alright. What's the problem?

how about you fuck off Sean you fucking northern cunt with your shitty acting skills, go and make another episode of sharpe or something you dumb subhuman hairy northern monkey cunt with your retarded two-tone caveman accent. No wonder you get killed in every movie because no director wants to hire you after they find out how shit you are to work with, just look at how mnay times you've been divorced you sad failure of a man. then you do a >le reddit AMA and suddenly everyone loves you because you're a fucking idiot and everyone finds it funny to laugh at your one-brain-cell responces as if you're a trained monkey dancing for the amusement of a superior audience. How must it feel to know that even the human dregs who watch sharpe and game of thrones are actually infinitely intellectually superior to the Human tadpole known as Sean Bean?

He looks fine, just a middle aged man having a drink. Nothing wrong with that

That's the good life in Sheffield lad.

meant for

t. Low test Amerifat, jealous of based Sean Bean.

If you're trying to push this as pasta, you need to stop.

i should get some beer...


>he didnt comb his hair

how sad.

He's the lead in an ongoing show and will be constantly wheeled out to give post GoT fantasy shows a boost.

His career is about as good as it's ever been, and he looks great.

>those soft feminine european male hands



Beanites can't face watching their glorious leader become a fucking mess

compared to negro hands, i suppose his look more feminine due to the fairer skin.

