can powerful men no longer ask for sex with out it being called sexual harassment
Can powerful men no longer ask for sex with out it being called sexual harassment
Depends on how they ask for it.
>not having a flirt license
>not getting written notarized permission to talk to a girl
>not buying her dinner and a new outfit before holding her band
seriously ?
You are supposed to always get consent, yet our culture says you aren't supposed to ask for sex...
Just seems really retarded dance around the subject of getting laid. Such a screwed up a process.
In the case of Louis CK, he asks to masturbate in front of a girl. Now, that is a very unusual request. The odds of her saying 'yes' are still increased due to his influence in the industry and she's afraid that if she says no, or if she says no and doesn't keep quiet about it, her career is ruined.
Think about it this way: you're at work and your boss asks you to do some grunt work you don't want to do or don't have time to do. You could say "no, boss, I clock out in ten minutes" but you also know that annual reviews are coming up and you don't want to be seen as someone who's not a team player.
Who has drinks inside the boss's hotel room? Women can speak for themselves whether they want to go or not and understand what it implies. Perhaps women need more education on when guys make a move?
That's a pretty shitty analogy.
If someone whipped their dick out or rather even asked me if it was alright if they did I can confidently say I'd immediately tell them no and leave.
I wouldn't fuss about it though. Just think it was weird.
Except for the fact that he just started masturbating in front of the women...
Women who got invited for drinks in his hotel and asked if they wanted to see his penis? I don't hear anything about him tying women down to force them to watch him??
That's not asking for sex. He didn't really give them time to respond and they had no idea that anything sexual was going to occur so they were caught off guard. It's not like he went on a date with them and he came back home or they just came back from party.
It really doesn't.
Not unless they can guarantee a lifetime of fortune and fame for the person they're sexing with. Then it's literally rape.
He always asked and only it if they agreed.
And they couldn't say no? If someone pulls their dick out in front of you, do you just stand there and sob?
You can still ask women for sex, but they basically made the workplace an HR disaster.
Women have set it up so that men in the workplace will literally NEVER attempt to hit on them out of fear of being sued for sexual harassment now.
That's the thing. I'm sure they were uncomfortable and didn't want to say anything because who the fuck is expecting that kind of thing, but who is to say that it wasn't also a misunderstanding on his end? If they don't say no, and they don't protest, why are we assuming he had malicious intent?
The two comedians said they took his initial comment as a joke and laughed it off.
next, women will start accusing men of harassment because they DIDN'T hit on them
>tfw feminism is finally destroying hollywood
>a new era of independent films will rise
Dude is a comedian that travels to a new place everyday. I don't think those guys have the luxury of taking it slow with a woman.
It's show> after show + drinks > sleep > wake up > travel > repeat...
Again, what part of inviting a chick or more without dudes to a hotel room for drinks isn't common knowledge for wanted to have sex? This all happened before netflix and chill was common.
Maybe you can have an excuse if there were some dudes and chicks there. But if you know it's only you girls, then chances are he isn't hanging out for his aftershow because he thinks you're really interesting or funnier than a comedian.
>be at work in office
>nice girl at desk nearby
>start jerking off in front of her
>you like this baby?
>bitch reports me
>it was only flirting
>jerk off on the phone to customers instead
They just finished opening for him. They thought it was a fraternal celebratory thing. Also, they didn't think he would have done something with both of them there.
Have you ever considered not creating imaginary scenarios in which you are persecuted?
Let's say I am a dude watching a Sarah Silverman standup. She invites me and another dude for drinks in her hotel room. She asked if I wanted to see her vagina and I just stare dazed. She starts masturbating...
At what point do you call me a moron for not knowing her intentions?
>whipping your dick out and jacking off without asking permission or saying anything should be allowed
whenever these sex scandals happen it's shocking how many bitter liberal virgins come out of the woodwork to defend their hollywood heroes
>>jerk off on the phone to customers instead
This is the patrician choice.
he asked them before
I thought we were trying to #freethegenitals or something?
Can't afford a hooker then?
That makes more sense to the story. Louis ck is probably so beta and insecure he couldn't even isolate the girl he wanted and in his confusion just acted. Pretty weird stuff... let's be honest though if they were to have a threesome with him we would call him a legend. He had the desire but no moves lol.
>I'm sure they were uncomfortable and didn't want to say anything
The hotel room story involves both of them giving him a thumbs up and then laughing at him while he was jerking off.
Maybe they were uncomfortable, but by their own admission they treated the whole encounter like a joke, instead of something traumatizing.
Didn't Lena Dunham do that with some basketball player a few years ago?
Victims don't realise it was trauma until years later.
Don't you understand that? A man masturbating in front of a coworker he is not in a relationship with us not a joke. It's an assault and nothing short of a physical attack.
If a man did that to me if fuck him up. I would literally beat him so hard he'd never walk correctly ever again. I would forever cripple him. I'm really fucking strong it scares me sometimes just his powerful my body is. And that's why is never use it against a woman the way Cuck King did.
I think you meant pathetic, scared, and jealous.
Bait, nobody fall for it
An adult man witnessing a women he looked up to inviting him to hotel room for drinks and she masturbates.
Which dude would be traumatized? Even if it was a coworker that pain is fake.
If me and a guy friend ,saw a woman do this it would be strange, and feel weird, but not wreck our lives at all.
>that gif
literally me
So? They started laughing when he asked, they realized he was serious when he actually pulled his cock out. Then they shoulda said ew gross or stopped laughing and told him to put his dick away/walked away or any number of things they coulda done. Did they think it was a joke the whole time he was beating his meat? Instead they waited for him to finish, laughing while he was jacking it (implying that they didn't mind) and then only left after he finished. They didn't even make a stink about it until now just because it's trendy to call out people for shit they did 90 years ago. I'm actually not a huge fan of Louis and cracked up when I saw the headlines but then I actually read the article and realized it was bullshit. I mean one of the allegations in the story is that he asked a woman for consent, she said no and then he apologized. You know they're scraping at the bottom of the barrel if that made it in there. It's just a hit piece to keep the trend going and give the masses someone else to vilify.
It's different when a woman does it. I could just leave if I didn't want to be there. I could overpower her easily with just a single Russian leg sweep. She would be no match for my speed or strength. Women know this and even a trained woman would think twice before stopping a man because who the hell knows what high status men are capable of. CK knows this too by the way.
And even if they did happen to a man that would be abuse too. It's no different to if she was invited you up just to insult you verbally.
This behaviour is degrading to the victim of it no matter what.
>high status man
Didn't the story happen like in 2002 when Louis was a literal who? What power would he have back then? He was just a random no name producer who did stand up.
>(((powerful men)))
fuck off JIDF
>He didn't really give them time to respond
What is this meme?
not at work, not to your underlings, ESPECIALLY not by exposing yourself. Sit still. say nothing. do your job. don't make eye contact. Give no praise or kudos that could be misconstrued. Hire 1 woman for every 2 or 3 men so as not to appear sexist. let them go home is they get cramps. pay them for the year they are out of office while they are pregnant. make no jokes. use the proper pronouns. Repeat after me. I am a man.
nah user, you need to be put on the list first. then after getting a dna sample and backround and credit check, you are in the system and you'll get a message from the department of Gender relations if you get an offer. You can either take it or leave it but if you refuse it gets added to your report. Yes that means if a Trans person chooses you you can't really not accept, i mean, its not like they aren't real women right? Thats what you get for being a lowly 7 on the scale, maybe if you were a 10 you could get lucky and fug a real vagina.
I am in a lower weightclass than many friends and strangers, yet I am no victim. Even though I am physically weaker than many people around me I don't get FORCED into doing anything because they are stronger.
You are skipping over the fact that these entertainers being accused of sexual harassment are not physically imposing but using fame/money to get sex.
That has nothing to do with gender physical differences. If sexes were reversed not a man alive would be traumatized.
Law says it does.
>I could overpower her easily with just a single Russian leg sweep
Out of nowhere, in the middle of a professional situation...things are too mixed, he is using his position.
Of course now it is easier. Normally everybody reacts against the person who accuses. This is an opportunity window.
And powerful men will always feel too comfortable with doing shit
yes but i cannot help how it makes me feel.
so.....if i cant hit on my hot secretaries or fans, why even become rich and famous?
I honestly don't think it was out of no where. He invited them into his hotel room at night, that carries certain connotations outside of the professional sphere. I do agree that the consent thing isn't super clear cut so it's hard to gauge the situation. They didn't say no to him and they were laughing along supposedly going with it. That isn't a hard yes but I feel like its just a confusing situation for both parties. And I don't think Louis really had any power he could've abused at that time. He didn't blow up and become rich and famous until like 2009 at the earliest so he didn't really have any clout.
>Out of nowhere, in the middle of a professional situation
>professional situation
>drinking in a hotel room at a point in the night where all bars are closed
Powerful men don't need to ask.
It's not screwed up for the women. And that's all that really matters. Schrodinger's harassment is nothing but a benefit for them.
tbqh he never hides how much of a creep he is
what did he do exactly?
We're already there mate
t. roastie
/nupol/ ===== /tumblrfeminists/
To hire higher quality escorts. You know how mad it makes me that I have to settle for $200 pussy when I could be getting full gfe cim owo exclusive to me pussy from a $10000 and then find out these idiots are wasting cum on potted plants and literally whos. It makes me so mad.
Shit Satan don't give them ideas
>leftist cucks are powerful men
he was just doing it live, I think Bill would approve.
he likes to be watched while he masturbates so he asks women if he can do it.
Two of the stories are literally just that. He asked women, they said no, but the mere fact that he asked is "misconduct."
One of the stories alleges he was masturbating during a phone conversation.
The other involves him inviting two female comedians back to his hotel room. When they get there, he asks if he can jerk off in front of them. "They thought it was a joke," stood there and watched him jerk it to completion without ever protesting or attempting to leave, and are now spreading the story as if it's some kind of predatory situation.
I don't see you controlling the media faggot
guys don't mind me I'll just be batin' in the corner if thats cool with you
i thought about that too, honestly, i bet a lot of guys in hollywood that make the big bucks like James Franco secretly go to yurope and fug $1000 escorts and shit. Must be nice. the $200 ones are okay too though.
Reminder that most of the accused are part of Netflix originals.
spoken like a true jew
>Roastie sleeps with rich and famous guy
>teehee I bet he pays for my whole life, I'm so special
>alright here's bus fair, beat it kiddo
>wtf NO i was raped :
>Netflix originals
it's pretty gross...but male sexuality is pretty gross desu. We fantasise about sick stuff, girls do to i think but a man doing it is dangerous to people, thats why movies and tv shows almost never acknowledge it. I jerked off on the phone once when talking to a crush back in highschool, pretty sure she had no idea so the only way that chick would have known is if it was told to her or he put the phone to his dick.
Fare you illiterate
>stares and says nothing until you cum on your stomach
women are more obsessed with obscene sex than men are. what a waste of trips....
I think it's a joke, dickhead
Only as long as they aren't bald and creepy.
thats just sexual liberation. yeah you get to have premarital-sex with chads. you also get to get propositioned by fat ugly dudes who you dont want to have sex with
if things continue like this without logic to any sort of outcome, then society is absolutely going to collapse in on itself. man, what a time to be alive.
That sort of gets at the core of it. You'll notice women on dating sites/tinder always preemptively filter out qualities of men they wouldn't even talk to in the first place. (swipe left if...) Women need "low value" men to "know their place." What CK did wasn't gross because of the act of masturbation. It was "gross" because he failed in his role as a "civilized male," which involves never making a woman stand up for herself.
"No means no," but she doesn't want to say it because saying it "feels mean" to her conflict-adverse brain.
"Attention rape" is when a low value man demands your attention and you're too much of a coward to avert your eyes or leave of your own accord so you blame him for your inaction.
guess how i know you underage
>sexual harassment/rape accusations are not about getting justice
>women just want to ruin a career because they received nothing for their roastie work
>woman could load up a tweet right this very instance claiming michael J fox groped her and forced her to have oral sex with him
>internet would 1000% believe her before he even has a chance to respond
will we get a south park episode about it this season? or next season?
ITT: men and women are the same except when they're not and anecdotes represent an entire gender or population
>It was "gross" because he failed in his role as a "civilized male," which involves never making a woman stand up for herself.
great, thats fine. i can get on board with that. it was gross. but in that case lets stop pretending women are just fully functioning members of society the same as any man. we can go back to the old days when women weren't allowed out of the house without their husbands, or else women have to take responsibility for saying no. either or but not both
Oh! Were you there? How was his jacking off skills? Do you have the evidence cum?
what did he mean by this?
Yes. This happened and was played off as an art piece or some bullshit.
I think if we stand behind any of the people getting dragged through the period blood infused mud of modern culture, it should be Louie. Protect Louie at all costs.
Women take x15 as long to do anything other than manipulate people
Have you ever dated? Have you watched the most current season of Matt Stone and Trey Parker's LudoPark?
You have already fallen to the mind virus
lol did they just sit there and watch cuck-man blow a load in his hand???
nein. South park already bows to sharia blue
the jack n crack episode was pretty great tho
you mean the thing everyone fucking hates and makes fun of?
They can. They just shouldn't do it by taking out their dicks and jerking off. I'm pretty sure there is other ways.