When we gonna have a true kino about this?

When we gonna have a true kino about this?

Why would you want to ruin the best Manga ever made?

This. Nothing could really do it justice unless they made an anime with unlimited budget and the cream of the crop animators/directors.

We will never know, man. Sometimes works, sometimes dont, but if it's bad, this will be soon forgotten like dragon ball evolution

Why anyone dared to make a anime?

Actually reading this right now. Great stuff.

>best manga ever made
>final arc
>no new chapter for 3 years

Really makes you think...

All the best manga get sparse updates and go on hiatus for years.

blade and lone wolf are better though

All the best manga are consistently good and then ended when they needed to. Then you get shit like berserk thats dragged on so long that i don't give a shit anymore about it because there is no end in sight

I like Vagabond but it's strongest quality is it's art. Without that it's sort of just a cliche story.

Wh-what do you mean? I'm on chapter 30 and I thought I'm about to get the Musashi vs Kojiro showdown that I'm expecting since I started this shit

Something close to the manga has already been made and it is a classic of Japanese cinema, the Samurai Trilogy. The creator of Vagabond said his portrayal of Musashi was influenced by Toshiro Mifune who played the same character and Samurai trilogy revolves around.

>wanting live adaptation of manga
kill yourself



But death note came out amazing

You couldn't be more correct. Makes Shingeki no Kyojin art look ten thousands even more shit garbage.

still a masterpiece

rly? killing 70 men in morning cause they want a really fucked up revenge is just a regular cliche to you??

It's humanly possible to kill 30 mens at once?

I'm still enjoying it desu. That moment where Griffith gets bitch slapped was legendary. I do think that the Band of the hawks arc at the start was the best though.

name one that actually works, don't give me that crap of death note, it fucking sucks even for manga

pic related, is not originally a manga.

The Samurai Trilogy? Musashi was a real person, they have been making movies about him forever.

Vagabond does the fight really well too because it abandons any pretense of honor.

>the best manga ever
>not this one

Because hes a Sup Forumsedditor and needs to be able to spam ebin caps on twitter

of course it is, just RPG'em

What is this
Pls spoon-feed me

I think it was 70. That was a really exagerated arc, the rice field arc was hands down the GOAT.

don't know what could think this pal about that

Wrong it’s pic related

search google for image, niggy

slam drunk...sport manga, never liked, but there's a cult over that, still prefer vagabond over all Inoue works

Tb h this is one of my favorite manga and it would translate well to Sup Forums

The original legend says that was 30 men. But I just can't see how this is possible.

I'm talking the fight against the 80 men. They throw mud at his face, try to tackle him, attack in groups, wait to strike till he is nearly exhausted, play dead and try to ambush him.

I prefer his other works, especially Pluto

Yeah but those aren't videogamized garbage like I want

A shamo adaptation would be nice a shame that it would be impossible by today's standards

I guess you are right, but you know, ittosai did that like 2 or 3 times, he's a fucking beast, only one that could take Musashi and keep his life, total badass

Why japanese live action movies are so fucking cringe, Sup Forums? Jesus, I can't take 10 minutes.

because japan is fucked up

There have already been movies and miniseries made about Musashi. I haven't read the manga but the novel they are based on is amazing.

>anime or manga adaptations
Umm, no sweetie, not enough people of color. Only racist xenophobic nips.

Yes, but only with the finest Nipponese steel

Fuck, I can't remember this fight. What issue was this?

Nah, it's called "real" and its about wheelchair basketball, it's got a lot of solid sports cliches that are ratcheted up by everyone being a cripple and he handles them well in his usual style. Anyone seen the Mugen no junin live action yet?

Objectively, who's the strongest: Kojiro or Musashi?

not so long after musashi kill those 70 samroids. Fucking epic match

guess Kojiro, he's deaf and learn absolutely everything by himself, well Takezo did too, but he got his twisted father and takuan to learn the basic at hard way.

ohhh man, your missing a bloody masterpiece, read the manga, you are gonna love it

This, pretty much.