Anyone ever tried to pick up girls like they do on films/tv?
Any success?
Anyone ever tried to pick up girls like they do on films/tv?
Any success?
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>Anyone ever tried to pick up girls
Kind of. I've had success basically groping girls
Maybe if I was 14 years old at the time.
The chick clearly was a pedophile
one time in highschool my buddy was talkin to this girl but didn't know how to really approach her after he got her number. So after we drank a bit he just texts her: "hey bb u want sum fuk?"
which was kinda the joke amongst our friends at the time.
Either hes a fuckin lier to this day or he left us and went and fucked her that night
I never tried
>Anyone ever tried to pick up girls like they do on films/tv?
I tried something like link related to a tinder date. It didn't work.
ten minutes ago I was leaned up against a wall in front of a restaurant smoking a cigarette and a cute girl I barely know came up to me and said hi and looked surprised but the good kind of surprised
all I do is watch movies and tv
he probably did. most women are whores, and if you're just straight up upfront like that, even in that folksy hacky way, they will fuck you.
>trying to pick up girls
This is actually rape
Ridiculous elements don't work, like cheese one liners. But most shit from dramas that are realistic work. I think the human brain is wired from fiction in media in how it reacts to unfamiliar situations.
It's why girls have such a negative attitude to one liners because its a film meme. "Girl rejects loser with one liners"
2017 ladys and gents
Well I tried to pick a girl up in Wal-Mart but she started kicking her feet and screaming "PUT ME DOWN, DADDY HELP ME." Now I can't go to the local cinema because it's within 1,000 feet of a school.
>talking to the vaginal Jew
yeah ive tried. it doesnt work
One time I offered a girl a ride home and when we got to her place asked for her details. We hit it off after that, but then I got drunk and ruined it by saying some stupid shit. It was the most brazen I've ever been with when in real life though.
>tfw no tara strong with bangs gf
I joined a church and got myself a wholesome qt. She doesn't want to have sex until marriage but she's pretty good at other stuff.
I try to act like Paul Newman in some of his cool 60s movies and it works.
You really just have to be in shape.
>TFW you knew a pretty Christian girl who liked you a lot, but due to various circumstances and for various reasons, you never took it further and now you haven't talked in a while and you think about her a lot and feel bad about it even though you feel like you did the right thing
Feels bad desu.
Also she didn't know I'm an agnostic heathen. I didn't wanna tell her. She was a serious Christian and they can't be "unequally yoked".
I had a similar situation, only it was with my high school one-itis at a wedding. I didn't get to fuck her but I remain proud of how confident I was. She blew up my facebook (sorry) too, saying how immature and blah blah blah I was. Like a wall of angry text. The fact that I was in her mind enough for her to do that was good enough for me.
This girl knows I'm agnostic and is cool with it.
I guess she's not a terribly serious Christian then?
But good for you. Go get 'em tiger.
I fucked a girl I met at a bar once in the parking lot in my car and I threw her panties at her in front of her friends as I drove off after
Perhaps I deserve the miserable life I live now, karma is a bitch
Most of the pick up shit you see in tv/movies just doesn't happen in real life. Sometimes it does, but it's rare.
Most people meet their partners through work, school, or their social circle and then gradually form a relationship and then one day decide to fuck when they are both horny and alone.
Yeah, but I lied relentlessly about myself to make her interested, then went back to her place and never called her.
I'm seeing a therapist because I'm too anxious to talk to girls irl. I'm not a virgin though...I've fucked girls I've met through dating apps. But I'm too afraid to approach girls in real settings
Depressingly my "homework" assignment is to go to a bar during an event and ask random strangers simple questions. And I'm anxious about doing this
Kill me
>I tried something like link related
wh-what did you try?
he's lying
so doesn't that mean that men rate women in a normal distribution and are more likely to message them until they are solid 10/10 ice-queens, while women rate that most men are ugly, but still message men that they think are ugly? so according to this graph, women are more shallow but still put up with ugly men?
I wish I had got molested by a pedophile woman as a kid.
This fucking board I swear.
You can do it! Small talk isn't so bad once you get the hang of it.
one time I was delusional and psychotic and I was rambling to a lady who I thought was undercover spy by asking her for a lighter or a cigg and she thought I was flirting with her and was like "so is that what yall do now XD"
We all wish to be the little boy, user.
I have never approached a woman for the purposes of seeking sexual or romantic companionship. I've been close, but everytime I go home and jerk it and the desire immediately dissipates.
I've never so much as make a subtle move on a girl. I doubt I'll ever date since I'm 23 and still nothing. Some coworkers are already engaged and I'll most likely die a virgin.
I got a drunken, lingering hug once.
How do I meet cute girls if my social circle and work environment are all men?
>Anyone ever tried to pick up girls like they do on films/tv?
you mean the old nice guys routine?
there's a reason why there are so many virgins on Sup Forums.
I bet you had a scorpion jacket on though. The ladies love those.
A boy falls in love with his grandfather.
Unable to confess, Morty is gifted by a deus ex machina with Rick's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the old man, he only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the boy he called is not the same senior citizen he fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the the grampa's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB.
>Keit愛 OST
OP Full:
ED 1 Full:
ED 2 Full:
>Keit愛 TVアニメ
EP 1:
>Keit愛: 君の名は。
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
>Hey can I buy you a drink
That's literally all you need to do. She will either say yes or no. If no, then just order yourself one like it's no big deal and walk away.
Already a thing.
maybe /tv is too sexy
Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.
That's some beta shit line.
Just remember that nothing bad will happen. You are literally just talking to people. Good luck.
at least 20+ times actually. But it doesn't happen like in the movies at all. The closest I've seen to real life was probably in the movie Shame. The Key is to be an attractive dude(be decently fit/dress well/well groomed) Be normal when talking to her (doesn't have to be these crazy firework like antics you see in movies or dumb pua advice) and then have the balls to move it forward. Girls want to fuck a cool guy but well never ever do anything that makes them feel like sluts. Basically you have to facilitate everything as smooth as possible so that it makes it ok for them.
>Get a date with a girl for the first time in years
>It goes well
>Messaging her a few days later
>Tell her she can pick the venue for the second date
>Silence from her for hours
>Pick a place at random and suggest that
>She immediately responds saying "haha, okay I'll let you decide ;)"
It's weird having to be making every decision all the time
>kid literally bursts into tears at not being able to watch an R rated flick
Pretty much, it sucks but thats the way it is. And in a way it doesn't suck, not to sound too hokey but its what being a man is about. You get to be the leader and shes the follower. You are the dominate one she is the submissive. They want to be treated like this.
TFW you are not into Sado-Maso and just want an equal relationship at eye-level.
I tried flirting my friends and acquaintances like that catboi from miraculous, all I got were playful slaps to the face then kind rejection. Maybe I need to wear a gimpsuit and a mask as well for it to be effective. Or maybe I need to do it to complete strangers
chicks DIG pickle rick!!! ahahaha go get her fellow redditor!!!! The narwhal bacons at midnight!
Go fuck a dude if you're into equality, girls only want it on paper
dont say that to a girl ever.
>It translates to "I am in great pain, please help me"
deepest lore
>Picking up girls
Enjoy your sexual misconduct charges
i literally overheard this conversation at my office today.
>girl 1: oh my god isn't that sexual harrassment?
>girl 2: no it was ok he was cute
women were a mistake.
Yeah, when I'm on vacation. I once fucked a woman within two hours of introducing myself by saying "Hello, I'm white, American, and very rich. Can I buy you a drink?"
I confessed to her that I was lying about two of those things, and asked her to guess which one was true. I'm definitely white, so it got a laugh out of her.
Came inside of her too. Sweet lady.
Drink chicks are bad roots 2bh.
>so according to this graph, women are more shallow but still put up with ugly men?
they don't lol
the big enchilada is that it doesn't matter how you talk to women, what words you use, or any of that bullshit that people normally stress about. women decide in 0.5 seconds whether or not they will fuck you upon seeing your face and height.
the old meme that "men are more visual in their attraction" is wishful thinking from the patriarchy days. women are more visual than men. they are programmed by evolution to seek out alpha sperm only. the fact that we have birth control and condoms doesn't change the programming.
Women are the jews of gender
I confess to marking a generic looking blonde on the arm with a magic marker so I could tell them apart.
I believe that was on The Office? Maybe The Hangover?
t. mad uggo
I used to be like that, then I got a shitty door to door sales job. The pay was awful, but being forced to approach random people at their house and strike up conversations for 4 months really helped me. I left that job a completely different person.
>>Hey can I buy you a drink
Under no circumstances do this. Women especially will accept the drink, bought and paid for with your hard earned money. Then turn around and say they dont owe you anything, not even a conversation. Do not buy drinks or food unless its for a friend.
I was waiting for some friends one late friday, and 3 girls asked me to join them for shots, one was particularly beggy. they were way more attractive...
>I'm not a virgin though...I've fucked girls I've met through dating apps. But I'm too afraid to approach girls in real settings
are you me?
pulled a daniel craig in casino royale a while back.
eye contact and soft approach half hour later.
>that image
>Perhaps I deserve the miserable life I live now, karma is a bitch
when I was into pua i banged a girl the night I met her, and was a shit about it.
the thing about being a nice guy is you feel wrong when you're being a chad.
also cute redhead asked me out in 4th grade.
I told her to pay me.
also I came on this girl and in her mouth I think , and left immediately
I've done bad things
Give how slutty modern women are, asking 'wanna fuck?' to every woman you wanna fuck will eventually lead to success.
i doubt he's lying because something like that happened to me except in the reverse. this girl i loosely knew and saw around from time to time approached me one day and literally just said "want to fuck?"
shit happens. i guess you can't be hideous though
Whats crazy is the only time I asked "wanna fuck", I ended up slaying a petite brunnette for months while she had a boyfriend of 4 years.
she still hits me up from time to time to reflect on that summer.
there were times I wish I can go back and creampie girls I banged when I was younger now that I know how it feels. and she was super tight.
would this work Sup Forums
maybe, it'll have to be a better song.
but nowadays just saying you're a naval aviator works just as well.
I am completely the opposite.
I'm really confident and comfortable with talking to strangers feeling zero anxiety, even starting conversations with them, yet it just doesn't go further than that and I'm stuck in small talks that eventually ends in awkward silence that eventually ends with the girl quietly leaving to talk to other guys.
I just don't know how to not be boring apparently
>give up! give me your number
>ok ok
>and your OTHER number
>ok man here it is it's all cool
>we're not so different you and I...
>why do you think so?
>I used to be like you... then Nam happened
Come here friend. I know that feel all too well.
Once I guess. I did the classic silent, strong type with a bartender - basically "eye fucked" for a good 5 minutes and then literally walked up and said "hey, can I get your number" (no other intro). And it worked.
When I was in college I spent like 2 months trying to emulate season 1 Don Draper. It worked pretty well, I fucked more girls in those 2 months than in the rest of my life combined kek
You guys are retarded. People don't want to Find you interesting, they want a cool person to be interested in them. I swear at least half of fourcham is on the spectrum.
i only pick up hookers and so far had a 100% success rate
No, and I wish I had considering it's looking like to attempt such a thing nowadays would land me sexual harassment accusations.
Welcome, newfriend.