*eats your Bún chả*
*eats your Bún chả*
this cunt can go fuck himself
>Look at me, I'm a smarmy asshole who goes to shitholes and eats their garbage food because all cultures are relative
Wake me up when he goes to Epcot
>tfw your job will never be to travel around the world and trying different cuisines
*gets cucked by harvey weinstein*
Watching these shows disgust me because I have a baby stomach that can barely eat a full plate of food.
why? makes neat mini documentaries about countries youd never go to and he eats their food
There's nothing anywhere in the world you can't make at home yourself. Just follow the recipe or watch a youtube video. Most of it is garbage anyway.
>thought the refugee influx in germany was a good thing
libshit cunt
I don't really care, user. There's a difference that can be tasted simply from the hands of the people that prepare it. Also I just want to see other parts of the world.
I need a link to this. I lost all respect for him when he started doing political shit on CNN, but I gotta see this.
Those hands will likely give you parasites, but have fun sitting at rickety tables eating flecks of feces across the globe.
this, he's such an unbearable cunt
imagine being this much of a shutin
I've travelled all across North America (well, not Mexico) and the Caribbean. There's nothing for me beyond my hemisphere worth seeing.
cant find a clip that isn't a full episode, but watch this
reddit the hero
Imagine being this much of a shutin
are you fucking serious
There is literally zero pretentiousness or douchebaggery in him, hes very respectable and intelligent. I dont get why anyone would hate him
Kitchen Confidential was a good read and I liked No Reservations a lot. CNN politicized him too much for my liking. Seems like he would have been fun to party with twenty years ago though.
>I validate my life on basis who much I've moved around and eaten third world crap
reminder that he is a literal cuck
because he's liberal and that angers the hivemind drones
user, going on family vacations when you were 8 doesn't count as actual traveling.
be that as it may, he's fucking shredded for an old dude. bjj does the body good
>people worried about parasites
what's it like being poor? if you knew shit about travel, you would know to get a health check before leaving, allowing your doctor to know where you're going and what you'll be exposed to. after you return back home, he(or she) will check you for the possible symptoms and diseases that are common from that area.
god, stop being fucking shutins.
How does /fit/ feel about this
>hes very respectable and intelligent
this bait smells funny
nah i'll just eat McDonalds tendies wherever I go
Hm. Makes one active the ovens.
His episode in Palestine was great.
Recent Japan ep also excellent
Well he's kind of right. There probably be white people like we think of today, but rather a homogeneous mix of people due to travel.
70 years seems like a long stretch though.
>nah i'll just eat McDonalds tendies wherever I go
"greetings, friend. I just bit a local after landing on a pile of feeces. don't mind me, just testing some of your western blood. my proboscis is somewhat clean, but you'll be fine"
Andrew Zimmern>Guy Fieri>Adam Richmond>Anthony Bourdain
well, he's not wrong
Why did Adam give up Man vs Food? He got sort of fit to sell hamburger meat for 6 months and now he's fat again.
Richmond's a fucking hack.
Mark Twain said travel is the cure for ignorance. You sound ignorant as fuck. Coincidence?
>Guy Fieri
Shit taste.
I think the appeal is he's a food network guy who's actually worked in a kitchen. it was a novelty back in the day
>That guy who said bam
>That fat red headed guy
I would gladly genocide most chefs and restaurant workers, they're absolute scum of the earth
Punch him right in his leftist face
Mario's a faux-Italian sellout.
Emeril's OK I guess
>be 4/10 white guy
>travel to places like malaysia, vietnam, indonesia, philippines and hong kong
>women in their mid 20s to late 40s literally bend over backwards to satisfy you because of white skin envy
>many of them legit virgins that have never felt the pleasure of a western cock
>bang dozens of frumpy brown women without ever using a condom because zero fear of catching anything
>stay for like 2-3 weeks
>entire trip cost less than $1500
why hasn't Sup Forums become a sex tourist?
Because I've seen Locked Up Abroad
How doesn't he get fat?
not bait at all, nor so I do I know anything about his politics. Im just saying, out of all the people to hate and be angry at, I dont get why you would be angry at him, when hes a very benign, polite and inoffensive person (at least from what ive seen on the show)
How you can you have diversity if theres only once race?
>homogeneous mix
only due to jews and their enablers, like yourself
Lefties don't think that far ahead and don't seem to understand they're being (((manipulated))).
fuck me, get a clue you tool
>This is your mind on pol
>white skin envy
sure, nothing to do with a fool and his money
Cant imagine a would without a culture without that having the experience to learn other stuff while we all share same stuff that makes us hate each other for having it.
"Cultural shock" would not exists anymore or the culture it self and its sad that, that word gets thrown alot today like its just that easy to form a culture with just a meme.
Dont get me wrong i find joy or humor about memes but the idea of "internet culture" like seriously i think the what they meant was everyone is a jerk on the internet.
user, they just want you to take them to America.
what the fuck are you on about?
>diversity means everyone will eventually mix
I only date white women, jethro.
bourdain, the faggotjew cosmopolitan who got cucked by his wife and only has 1 daughter. at least his shitlib genes are less likely to propagate. his daughter will grow up to be a hardcore dyke with blue hair and die of ovarian cancer.
being gay
because he was a huge fucking asshole to everyone and word got out. Fieri is supposed to be a stuck up cunt too.
>going across america supporting small businesses with a super positive, family friendly attitude
>shit taste
I love him because he triggers Sup Forums
>white culture in America
>most are just mutts with a mix of Irish, Polish, German, English, Italian blood that can't/barely speak a lick of their motherlands language
Bello scherzo, amico
don't trigger me. they call me the untriggered snowflake from the south
Well, he is from New York.
fuck this JEW
Did they work in kitchens or not?
Nice circular thinking you stupid goyim
>because zero fear of catching anything
huh, how? wouldn't you be more likely to catch an STI?
le shitty noodles in asia. fucking guy, and he always needs to subtly trash america to get in good with the locals
>we're going to push race-mixing and no borders 24/7/365 and call nationalists nazis etc.
>until we get called out, then we'll just deny it like the jews we are
i've been to vietnam but i'm still a virgin. no girls there paid any attention to me.
i've been to asia and the noodles are really fucking good. even mcdonalds tastes better there.
Vietnamese food is really fucking good, you should try it. Not even memeing.
user, what is your idea of white? Most White Americans are mixed with a bunch of different nationalities (and native Americans as many would like to claim).
Your idea of culture is so muddled that most barely know anything about their grandparents roots.