Emma is unemployed!

Emma is unemployed!


What would you cast her in to save her career?

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my gf

artofzoo! Perfect for third best Emma

Watch it user

Please be nice to Emma!

Blacked Raw

oh no !!!

will she descend into alcoholism?

>tfw you'll never be her personal assistant that is only tasked with licking her legs every night so she can relax and fall asleep

>tfw you'll never make sure the entire surface of her legs is coated with your saliva and when you finally stop she immediately wakes up and yells, her eyes slightly wall-eyed, "LICK THEM NOW! OBEY!" as she instinctively takes a bite out of your flesh, almost severing a chunk with her chompers

I'd cast her on my dick if you understand my implications user.


>Emma is unemployed!
So is Little Italy finished? Great! Can't wait to watch it in the theater.
>What would you cast her in to save her career?
Ivanka Trump's biopic

ngl, I would love to see Emma getting knotted hard.

whats wrong with her stomach here?

>ywn put your tongue in her butthole

Shit poll. The relevant one is here.

literally nothing, what you're seeing is a fertile womb

>less votes
fuck off nigger go back to facebook

I think she needs to get a big guaranteed-successful franchise role, like a lead in the news Star Wars trilogy or something.

the only thing wrong here is that you're gay bro

She's sucked off 6 dozen black guys and swallowed every time.

>1 day ago, 202 votes vs 8 days ago, 218 votes
Seems like nobody cares about Worst Emma. The one with Emma Noelle Roberts aka Emma Dumont is obviously better.

stop trying to make your poll happen nigger
it ain't jiving

A film where she butt-fucks Emma Watson.

A role with lots of ups and downs and a powerful climax?

Mmm... now she is what I call "Best Emma"!

>Emma Noelle Roberts
Stop calling her that, nobody calls her Emma Roberts. She probably uses the name Dumont to avoid confusion. I know what you're pushing though, you want to claim you can add up the votes for "Dumont" and "Roberts" and crown her Best Emma. Not gonna happen, not on my watch. People voting Roberts mean Emma Rose Roberts. She was born first too, she gets to use the name.

She's an honorary Emma

I would give anything to see a movie where Emma bullies Emma.

Quite right. Plus a surprise ending that will leave her breathless.

>I know what you're pushing though, you want to claim you can add up the votes for "Dumont" and "Roberts" and crown her Best Emma.
Autism. It was said in jest. Dumont is Best Emma imo though, even if the majority in strawpoll.me/14360082/r says otherwise.

I want to see both Emma Robertses bully her

you can stop pushing your lanklet ayylmao waifu anytime user

>Best Emma
mate she wasn't even the best bunhead

she would make an amazing Ivanka

Her father must be embarrassed.

except she was

>"I'm a small-B boob," she shared. "I can't even fit into Victoria's Secret bras. They're all too big!"

>lick my alium pusy
yes mam!

based pusy poster

why is she so perfect bros?

sorry pal but your taste is objectively shit

whats her ethnic background

Because half of her was once in the balls of Eric fucking Roberts

Half Devil, half Angel.

>imagine being Will Poulter in that scene

I just came involuntarily.

>Emma Stone

Imagine being Will in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Emma and Jenniffer, you fuckin' plain, all unnattractive with your tight bodies and angelic faces. I would totally not get aroused by any of you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do have a threesome with them in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Will and not only sit in that couch while Emma Roberts and Jenniffer Aniston take turns kissing you, the favorable lighting barely concealing your boner, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while they perfect that scene. Not only having to tolerate their sexy fucking visage but their playful attitude as everyone on set tells them they have STILL GOT IT and DAMN, EMMA ROBERTS AND JENNIFFER ANISTON ACT LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and feel their luscious fucking tongues contort into parts of your mouth you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been kissing nothing but a healthy diet of plain janes and later alleged models for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in England. You've never even seen anything this fucking arousing before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on your stressed foreherad as they kiss you to writhe their tongues suggestively into you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there hiding your boner and revel in their "boring (for that is what they call themselves)" kisses, the kisses they worked so hard for with their significant others in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could cum on every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Will. You're not going to lose your future comedy acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your boner and bear it.

Do you feel in charge?

Dafuq is going on with this kids eyebrows?

My favorite movie with Eric Roberts is Runaway Train

What did he mean by this?

lucky motherfucker

I cum inside Emma Roberts everyday: the movie

probably capeshit

I'd totally star in that given the chance, no birth control

She doesn't do capeshit, she had the chance and rejected it

This is a bold or bald faced lie!

>that tattoo

it's a mole

He has given us so much yet we gave him too little how do we repay him the dept??


She was asked to do Harley Quinn and turned it down to do Chanel Oberlin, clearly the right choice
I lost it at the plane scene, spit all my slurpee over the crab legs

I think an amazon gift card with 4.99 leftover balance will suffice

It's a tattoo that says "Hold me".

Become allison macks sex slave

stop trying to peddle your garbage tier waifu in these threads you stupid nigger

worst thing is that according to some user it's like the 4th one
>captcha: court oberlin


I guess you have a point, I'm posting in the wrong Roberts' thread. Watsonfag/stoner tier behavior, although stoners are more tolerable.

Stoneheads are more confident in their star's ability, so they don't feel the need to shove her down everyone's throat like Robertfags do.

get fucked faggot, they shit up Best Emma threads all the time. Specially the resident autist who dumps Watson pics and gets no (You)s because nobody cares about that frigid harvested roastie.

frigid is right mate

>m-muh Best Emma threads!!!

>""""""""""best"""""""""" Emma
>is the only Emma to get thrown into the archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/89874877/#89880181

That's what we call the Emma Roberts threads. It doesn't even matter if it doesn't say "Best Emma" in the OP, they see a Emma Roberts thread and start posting their offtopic bullshit instead of making a Watson thread probably because they can't bump it if they're OP so it gets autosaged.

>getting this upset
>crying over waifushit
the virginity is strong with this one

i think its a scar?

I get mad whenever someone spams my thread with something not even tangentially related. Want to post Worst Emma? Go make a Worst Emma thread. It's like going to a Stranger Things thread and spamming Star Trek pics because you're mad that people like it and it's called "ST" too. Watsonfags are butthurt that Sup Forums loves Roberts and despises Watson.


>still seething over trivial shit
awww, poor little baby
have some more of the harry potter chick

>despises watson
She is second best Emma after Stone.

Roberts>Stone>Dumont>>>>literal shit>>>>(power gap)>>>>Watson


Emma stone > Emma watson > Emma Thompson > Emma roberts

No need for power gaps, all emmas are part of my waifu pantheon.

ok. i know a lot of star wars characters wear capes and she isnt british but she does have big teeth. how would you feel about the inevitable female lead in the new rian johnson star wars trilogy?

You can see second tattoo on this pic on her fingers. She also has half moon somewhere on a chest and eye symbol from Nerve on her heel.

>watsonfags falseflagging as stoners
Watson can't act. She's only there because she was in HP as a kid. She is utterly unable to convey emotions. She has the screen presence of a damp rag and the appearance of a used up whore.

>all emmas are part of my waifu pantheon
Like a true patrician.

The Blackcoats Daughter 2

I post all three Emmas regularly.

lol no

>eye symbol from Nerve on her heel
did she get it inked for real?
I don't see Dumont there. Are you a manlet who gets intimidated by her?

literally who?

Shouldn't you be sleeping by now, Euro scum?

Is this his net worth these days


Polaris from The Gifted. You're welcome for your new waifu.

Yeah, all main actors did.

>The Gifted

LEGION for normies