Why do americans do this to themselves?

Why do americans do this to themselves?

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Most Americans don't ask questions.

Obedience to their jewish overlords

Jewish offerings for burgers

They got jewed probably. Sad for them.

My mom wanted to have me circumcised at birth but the doctor didn’t approve and talked her out of it. Thank you based doctor!

Fun fact:

>Virtually no circumcision was performed before the year 1945 as it is against Korea's long and strong tradition of preserving the body as a gift from parents.[36] A 2001 study of 20-year-old South Korean men found that 78% were circumcised.[37] At the time, the authors commented that "South Korea has possibly the largest absolute number of teenage or adult circumcisions anywhere in the world. Because circumcision started through contact with the American military during the Korean War, South Korea has an unusual history of circumcision."

South Koreans literally cucked by Americans.

I'll leave this here for educational purpose.

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

It's like a disease, how do we stop it?

not to mention they have the shortest dicks in the world even among their asian counterparts lmao

>caring if women cum
lmao what a cuck. even nigs don't do that.


t. jew's slave

literally me


Sup Forums - Television & Film

Reminder that kikes pushed for goyim to circumcise themselves and their children as a means to muddy the waters while identifying them in the event of an actual concerted Holocaust.

I kinda feel bad for them.

Got to mark the goys somehow

It's sad to me that my parents specifically asked doctors to mutilate my penis

And it's also sad that they still don't realize how pointless and disgusting circumcision is, they don't even question it, they just accept it without educating themselves on the history or science of it

They are Jewaboos.

Because it's normal? We don't want unnatural looking dicks.


>America = jews
>Europe = muslims
Is asia rhe only safe place left?

>lol niggers

You mean "lmao the niggers dont even care about that" thats exactly why I date you (FUCKING WHITE MALE)...you should be able to make me climax...right? Right?

My parents did the same thing. I wanna murder them tbqh desu baka.

Why are redditors responding seriously to spam?

>tfw have to wear a 10 gallon hat to hide my big bulging brain
take that eurocucks

Why do millennials do this to themselves?

That's rich.

My dad threatened the doctor that tried to circumcise me. The doctor kept shilling it to him for more shekels and he told him he'd own the hospital and everything he owns if he touched my dick kek.

Good luck..they're racist as fug.
At least muslim dont want to cut your dick.

>tfw no based dad to defend me

Circumcision is fucked. They mutilate your most private and personal part of you in the name of a religion, so that you are forced to remember it your entire life. The weak willed will submit to that religion because its easier than questioning it

yes they do you fucking retard

>tfw American but only half circumcised because left side of foreskin is full of veins


>At least muslim dont want to cut your dick.

you're kidding right? it's a common practice everywhere Islam is the leading religion

then whycome non-kikes are also circumsized in ameriga

i have a black ring around my dick. is that from the circumcision?

At least dont allow (((they))) to do the same with your child (s).
With internet we can reverse the U.S. circumcision (((meme))) in a generation.

We don't; our parents do it to us upon the advice of jew doctors

so they dont jack of too much
tnx Kellogs, the jew

Okay but no memes, how could any parent think it's a good idea to have part of their son's dick cut off? Like how could you not do some basic research beforehand just to make sure before you your child undergoes a surgery right after they're born?


What was the fucking point of Christians splitting from Judaism if they're still going to chop off their dickskin?

let me guess, youre American?
islam came from asia

Most cases the dad goes along with it because he himself is circumcised.
Luckily for me my mum was a midwife and saw plenty of circumcisions, so my brothers and I didn't have bits of our dicks chopped off.

Christianity is a controlled opposition dogma used by Zionists to manipulate white goyim.

Why would you doubt something all your doctors say is beneficial? This was before the internet, you would have had to go out and do actual research in medical textbooks you millennial faggot.

Pretty sure that's AIDS

No user, muslims are more into cutting clitoris.

>not to mention they have the shortest dicks in the world

and let me guess, black guys don't have the biggest dicks, right? It's all lies and propaganda?

fucking white bois lmao

But it's still happening though nigger.

Mixture of jewish traditions that leaked into American culture, and Kellogg thinking it would prevent American boys form masturbating, and making sure it become commonplace.

reminder that we live in age of bots

Call your dad and tell him you love him


that to but it's actually both, for males it's simply mandatory

Usa is culturally jewish

Questioning a civilized conversation on genital mutilation is reddit as fuck.

Circumcison is not into the Quran but mudslimes were retarded enough to introduce the practice in some hadith (now i cant remeber correctly).

Btw if you dont want you cock chopped...stay christian/atheist in Europe.

This is seriously hot

I'm uncircumcised but this seems a little fishy. I think its cultural desu, like in the U.S. you have women mocking uncircumcised men and its sort of a taboo. Upon further inspection of the text however it does make sense scientifically

Yeah. Burgers fucked up Christianity like no other country: judaized to hell.

A spigot is better than a nozzle.

>h-heh who cares I''ll just fuck them with my busted dick roasties btfo

a lot of of women in the states (claim to) prefer cut dicks because they are the norm
there's also lots of misinformation out there
I am uncut and at 13 in sex ed the gym teacher who was leading the class told us how gross and unsanitary foreskins are. I was so glad I was normal! It was only through porn that I figured out I was actually uncircumcised


There are three no-meme answers to this.

The first is that back in the day in America most of the academically focused doctors were Jewish (they still are, this isn't going to go antisemetic, my father is a Jewish doctor). They recommended circumcision based on the Jewish belief that a circumcised penis is cleaner than an uncircumcised penis...

Which leads me to point number two, that a circumcised penis was legitimately much cleaner than an uncircumcised penis before the era of people showering twice a day. In other parts of the world, where people don't bathe every day, you can find some really smelly disgusting uncircumcised penises. I mean they STINK.

Point number three is that people thought it was unchristian to masturbate, and that circumcision prevented masturbation. Unlike the Jewish influence this was obviously pure memery but doubtlessly was a reason that circumcision became so widespread in the US.

Nice Television & Film discussion you fucking faggots

Because our superior women prefer a penis free of smegma, warts, puss and doesn't resemble something from a Lovecraft story.

Sorry you have that fucking disgusting sea creature between your legs.

Sup Forums is leaking again

you do realize that uncircumcised men can pull their foreskins back any time they like?

The worst thing I've heard is actual women talking about how they'll circumcise their sons because they like the way the cocks they've sucked and fucked look. Which is the equivalent of cutting off a set of labia because "my daughter ain't gonna be no roastie - just in case!"
A friend of mine regrets being circumcised, but his mother insists that there's nothing wrong with her decision. Absolutely nothing. "It looks better," she insists. I don't know why any mother would say shit like that to their son.