The reason behind all the sexual assault charges

Some of you guys are confused, so I want to explain what is going on

This is purely hypergamy at work
Look it up if you don't know what it is

Hypergamy is the DRIVING FORCE behind modern feminism and anti-men policies

To put it simply:
>Women HATE beta males, to their very core
>One thing they hate even more is fake alpha males
>Therefore they will test and belittle men, to make sure they're real alphas and not fake
>They will DESTROY the beta

That's what all this is
Women want to kill the beta male

That's why women want refugees
That's why women want to shame the beta away
That's why, if women get their will, soon a beta will be imprisoned for just looking at them the wrong way

The betas death is coming, either become stronger or get wiped out

(If you have any doubt, just look at the men accused of sexual misconduct, not a single Chad amongst them)

Other urls found in this thread:

>we have to read posts like this now that reddit banned their incel forum


I'm just dishing out the truth
Do what you want with it

Meanwhile, Canada has already passed a law that makes just flirting with women a sexual crime, this is the way of the world now

FYI reddit banned their r/incel subreddit a few days ago that's why Sup Forums is absolutely flooded with stuff like this right now.

It's only going to get worse. 2016 was just the start of the reddit migration

please go back there

I know it's horrible it's like they banned /r9k/ and all the autismo just spilled over here.

I wonder if they are all just shitposting or do these losers actually think you aren't allowed to flirt, chat up, or shamelessly hit on women?

Hopefully it's just one of those things that only exists on the internet. Fake news social media shit, RedditDrama or whatever you want to call it.

So let me get this straight: With my consent, I go into a private area watch a person masturbate. I don't touch them. And I can leave and this can stop ANYTIME I wanted to, I just had to tell them. And the guy even emails me saying he feels sorry for it, and because he's afraid I'll spill the beans, he pays me money (allegedly).

So this basically means me watching porn means I'm getting sexually harrassed, yes?

Shut the fuck up faggot real people don't listen to women to begin with

>If you have any doubt, just look at the men accused of sexual misconduct, not a single Chad amongst them

I do admit that's interesting.

Correlation and causation and all that, though. It could be that the chad men are all happily married or in relationships and have a better moral code.

Chad men tend to cheat more it seems, which breaks relations but isn't considered depraved anymore.

Cool story bro

>Women HATE beta males, to their very core
You have little experience with women, I see, and are just parroting r/redpill ideology.

It's also why liberal women (who are surrounded by liberal men) are obsessed with birth control, abortion, and vasectomies. They don't want the beta male's children at any cost.

haha everyone laugh at the alt right shill

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Anti-Men Policies Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Don't Be A Beta Like Man The Fuck Up Haha

You're blind if you don't see the obvious agenda going on

I believe you incel-kun

Fuck that's what happened? Can't they go to /r9k/ or some shit?

You are mentally ill
Get help

Why is it that any time a community gets banned, anywhere on the internet, they always seem to flood into this site in particular? Anyone know? Is it because this is the only site where the moderation is so incompetent that it refuses to get rid of them?

Incel was already an /r9k/ colony.

Wrong. They are sacrificing people on the left with baseless accusations (as in no proof, we know these kike bastards are dirty) and letting the liberal lugenpresse write wild stories and speculations about it.
Now that the baseless claims have convicted these men in the public judgement, they can attack people like Roy Moore and Trump supporters.
It was all a set up, they arent eating theirselves alive... they are sacrificing to attack right wing people

Yeah...ok, but no one really cares what you want to explain.

Fuck yes. The GOP is finished. This is what you get for m*ssing with /ourgirl/.

>The reason behind all the sexual assault charges
call me crazy but maybe these guys did it?

What does this have to do with hypergamy though?

>we are now living in a world where beta and chad are real traits

It's most likely Trump building up a slow case against Hollywood and tearing it from inside to make America distracted while he works on real problems instead of them constantly being upset at how many scoops of ice cream he has on CNN

>Trump, a known woman hater, doing something that supports women

he's taking down his biggest critics in hollywood while making women seem like shrill crying wolfs

its a win win move

Oh yes because this has totally stopped people from criticizing him. /s

Why do libcucks turn every thread into a DRUMPF hate thread, obsessed much?

7 more years of your tear

Why do ripcooks turn every thread into a BRRRAAAPPP thread, obsessed much?
7 more tears in your beer

lol you people being serious has become totally indistinguishable from you people being idiots on purpose

>first person to mention Trump is
Why do Republicunts drag politics into every thread?

>dude does stupid shit
>gets called on it

The feminist movement was launched by the Rockfeller, they figured "independent women" are extremely good consumers of all the shit they wanted to sell them. Women who put family first don't waste money on fashion magazines, truckloads of makeup, alcohol, cigarettes, parties etc... That's why jewish bankers created the feminist cunt prototype and started the sexual revolution.

Why do people keep telling me to search for "eddit" on the requests board? There's never anything there when I look.

>Tweet out that you were raped
>No proof just your words
>Nobody has gone to police to start even slightiest investigation by the law
>You are now rapist

SJW are cancer. When The Fappening happened people who looked those pictures were labeled as rapist. I mean c'mon. It's so stupid this trial done in social media works.

>That's why women want refugees


you never met any of those guys did you? Those men come from deeply oppressive societies and it shows in every fiber of their being. They are generally shy and awkward, bunch together in groups and are manlets.

Why do you think all those rape-cases usually involve groups? You can even see lots of older women with young arabs these days they basically keep as toys, buying them clothes and smartphones in return for sex.
Its really the second and third generation of immigrants that are usually loud and obnoxious playing the chad stereotype to the max.

>>Nobody has gone to police to start even slightiest investigation by the law
That's actually false.

But I'm not surprised that a dipshit conspiracy theorist such as yourself is completely uninformed about the situation.

Grow a pair already. If you don't like what a girl is doing just move on. You don't owe anybody anything and neither they you.

Oh yeah? Well I'm not surprised you eat gross feces and called it "delicious" when pressed for your opinion.

Why did they ban it? Sounds innocent enough.

come and kill me, wamen

>this qualifies as "humor" for an incel refugee

Literally WHAT? How is someone like Weinstein not an "alpha"? Multi-millionaire, incredibly influental in the entertainment industry. He's incredibly high-status individual.

And what about Kevin Spacey and harrasment AGAINST men?

They literally plotted to join ISIS so that they could kill women. What the fuck is innocent about that? The final straw was that they gave medically accurate instructions on how to castrate the roommate of one of the posters.

sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shut u-u-up you fuh-fuh-fuh-fuh-ffffffffffFFFFFFFFFAGGOT

Alright, that's not very innocent.

reddit is fucking weird

>these people are now posting on Sup Forums
makes you reevaluate all the nonces doesn't it

That's what happens when you give people too much freedom. They abuse it.

See? Warned you motherfuckers about /reddit9k/. Told you they were dangerous sick fucks and that they need to be killed. Offered up a plan for Virgin Camps and even designed a badge they would have to wear and nobody listened. Now they're proven terrorists and I'm still here just being myself.

They all should get the rope.

it's funny to call testicles "balls" or "nuts"
like lol no they're not
free louie

>i cant get laid because of a world-wide women conspiracy

really implores one to ponder

>tfw you probably LARP'd as a girl and called them a faggot and triggered them into wanting to be le ebin edgy terrorism shitskins and got them arrested

Don't thank me, I'm just doing the Lord's work. ;^)

This explains a lot, IE why women are so keen on destroying modern society and importing shitskins.

Giving them power was the worst thing we ever did.

I'm not a rope guy myself, but they do need psychological help at the very least. By psychological help I mean that they should be drugged and closed in a place where they can't hurt anyone btw

You know who was a rope guy? David Carradine.

>tfw you're woke enough to know Trump hasn't put these /r9k/ losers into abnormie camps yet because he needs them to vote for him in the next election and then as soon as he wins the day of the normie begins with jackbooted Chads kicking in doors and dragging fat squealing abnormies into the night to be used as labor and then fuel for the Chadwagons that run on oil made from abnormie lard

If he wants to do that he'd better start now because he does not even have four years before he's replaced by the GOP.

I just got my invitation to join the 81st Airborne Chad Brigade. They sent two Stacys to deliver it and they took turns riding my thundercock while I read it.

>implying GOOP can defeat Trump

Gwyneth better bring her shinebox because she's definitely going to need it to help her get back over the wall after she gets catapulted.