just finish the first episode and i expecting a crime drug show and its not feeling like one
> will shane enter the drug game of will this show only follow the other fag
just finish the first episode and i expecting a crime drug show and its not feeling like one
> will shane enter the drug game of will this show only follow the other fag
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Shane will find the path of the righteous.
First season is episodic for the most part. Season two in is serialized and better for it. The show is more about Dixie mobs and random characters. Great dialogue.
>First season is episodic for the most part. Season two in is serialized and better for it.
I really liked it when it was episodic. They had found the perfect balance between crime-of-the-week and bigger story arc
Also, Wynn Duffy is literally the best and most competent villain in every medium
Every season had a handful of non story related episodes.
It's a really great show.
Boyd and Raylon face off the entire series varying between friend and foe.
>that final scene of the series
I almost cried
> If I say I am going to kill your family I’m gonna kill your family
Who thought the host of GUTS could be a great villain?
they dug coal together
also rachel best gril, fuck those trifling honkey bitches
It was one of the best series ending scenes ever.
She went away towards the end to do motion capture for Mafia 3
It's a show about a friendship.
>rachel best gril
Absolutely this, desu. Winonna look too old, and Ava looked too white trash to me
No love for whorefu
Great season 2!
Justified Villain--of-the-season Ranking:
Mags Bennet>Avery Markhum>that guy>Boyd's father>the guy from True Romance>the wannabe Johnny Sacks from Season 4
I always will have a thing for Alicia Witt.
Between her role in Justifed and Last Man Standing, we can all agree she will be a great actress, right?
>piano prodigy
>was supporting herself by age 8
>was in dune
i can't even find a job
> it’s a Tim has PTSD over a parked car episode.
Best girl incoming
>tfw love film Eurotrip
>tfw start watching Justified
Underrated actor. Like everybody that was cast on Justified
Leaving out A lot of villains there son. Not even including Arlo or Dickie.
> He didn't know it was a state trooper. He just saw a man in a hat, pointing a gun at Boyd.
Show had some feels in it
I just said Villain-of-the-season
But here it is for you:
Wynn Duffy>>>>>>Dewey Crwoe>Mags Bennet>Avery Markhum>Garrett Dillahunt's character>drew Thrompson>the pedo guy>Dickie Bennet>Doc Brown's girlfriend from back to the future III>Arlo>Boyd>Choo Choo>Piscatella's character>the cameo from Quinn of Dexter>Boyd's father>Boyd's cousin>The veteran guy from Season 4>Theo>Limehouse>The guy from True Romance>the wannabe Johnny Sacks from Season 4>Boon
Show *hat some feels in it
That scene when Tim had a gun on a kidnapper and Raylan is telling the guy how Tim is going to shoot him in the brain stem thus making him holding a gun to the hostage head a moot point.
Then Tim kills him.
>It's a Dickie Bennet comes back from the jaws of despair for one and a half episodes to almost pull himself to paradise before crashing and burning harder than before arc
>Winona robs the evidence locker because the writers didn't know what to do with her
Weakest part of the whole show to be honest family
Remember the one where Dewey Crowe thinks he’s dying because someone stole his Kidney’s and he didn’t know the human body had two?
>HAHAHAHA! I defeated you Raylan, by selling my lands and becoming invulnerable to Markhum's greed! My superior intelect wins again!
>sells lands to girl that killed his brother and is responsible for having him in jail and his family dead
Best episode of the entire show
Still enjoyed Art guilting raylan the whole season.
She became better once she and Raylan became together again and after she left him
im no homosexual but god damn it raylan
My legal age that looks underage waifu
the first season is a bunch of several non conneceted cases resolved in a single episode
after that it change radicaly
>Are you fucking kidding me Raylan why the fuck do you even show up anymore you're the worst fucking Marshall ever jesus christ
Favorite part of the show
Endless Mike never got anywhere on His case against Raylan
>no boon
>I guess we finally are... Justified
>Let me guess I killed him, my men killed him, my dope killed him, or my daddy killed him? Next thing that comes out of your mouth is, "how do you sleep at night, Boyd Crowder?" Well, do you know how? 'Cause I know who I am. Do you? You're a slave, disenfranchised don't even know it. You drive your shitty truck to your shitty house, live out your shitty life. You think you're better than me 'cause you play by the rules? Whose rules? My life is my own.
>You ain't even heard a word I said.
>I don't give a shit about what you said. I'm an outlaw.
>Boyd kills an innocent man
Moral fags BTFO
walton goggins is one of my favourite actors
cant unsee him as the faggy principal
>bodyslams someone to death after being shot 5 times to save his boss
RIP Mikey
thats because you didnt see him rant about the jews and the white flight caused by the blacks just to be set in the path of the righteous by our lord Jesus Christ
That was a great moment
Well you guys just convinced me to rewatch the show thanks love you
>Blows snake handlers the fuck out
Shit was great.
> tfw ywn dig coal with boyd and RAYYYLENNN GIVENNNNSSS
Yeah dude, Arlo was.. I can't even tell how I felt about the guy, but everything he did made sense.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna too. It was either this or Fringe.
>do you feel guilty about shooting me?
>I'm not
Nice vice principals season finale gif