So...he didn't sexually ASSAULT anyone,just propositioned them?
Not exactly worthy of "Victim" status.
So, all he did was ASK to jerk off in front of them?
Yeah that's bullshit, those women said it was ok and then stayed watching him, they could leave at any time or say no.
They were even laughing the whole time because its fucking funny.
Pretty soon just looking at women will be considered literally rape
Sexists fuck off. Your Reddit icon would be ashamed of you.
he assaulted everyone with half a brain by making that b&w pretentious dumpsterfire of a movie though
raping newborn children isn't bad
what is the mass and energy of 'bad'?
it doesn't exist
raping newborn children is just molecules interacting with molecules
Louis CK btfo
If you're actually even considering defending a degenerate pervert like this just because its the opposite of what everyone else one Earth is doing then please reevaluate yourself.
It's not edgy or cool or funny to be contrarian, you're aligning yourself with some of the most disgustingly desperate creeps today.
>asks for permission
>doesn't lay a finger on them
Literally what did he do wrong other than having a fetish?
He's a weirdo, but nothing illegal with that.
>All this bullshit to say nothing
He has a fetish. He asked women to indulge in it and they said yes, so he did.
He indulged in his fetish over the phone without asking once, which is wrong. That's the extent of his transgressions.
It was fucking rape. Deal with it Virgin neckbeard
The law say no.
He's an ugly beta, remember the Chad convict that became a model ?
Misogynistic laws should be burned down
Stop posting you neckbeard virgin
He deserves it if he thinks masturbating in front of other people is ever fucking acceptable. Fuck that red haired kike.
why does he turn into a muslim in the second panel?
>Muh degeneracy
Meanwhile, this Sup Forumscuck jerks it off five times a day to guys jacking off on womens faces.
there's a difference between masturbating in the privacy of your own home and jerking in front females without consent.
They said it was ok, stayed and laughed..
Its pretty good that he asked for consent each time then, isn't it?
Except for over the phone, thats when he fucked up. But 'masturbated while on the phone to a woman' is hardly the makings of a dangerous sexual predator.
This. Sick of the victim culture these alt right pussies have created.
someone consenting when they think you are kidding isn't real consent
Remember Chad pedo?
lol it's alt right to call out this type of disgusting behavior?
guess I'm voting for drumpf in 2020 then cause I am alt right as fuck apparently.
hey guys we've got a scientist in here
thanks bill nye
Try to pull that in court, bucko.
>Remember how you asked me if you could jerk off, and then I said yes, and then you did, and then I watched you until you came, and then I stayed and chatted for another hour? Dude it was a prank, so that means you sexually assaulted me!
Why say yes then ? and why stay there laughing and not leave ?
Comedian says something clearly socially unacceptable by any standard they thought was a joke and they play along wtf rape is legal for comedians now
>Being hot and handsome makes girls wet and not give a single fuck about your personality
So? Like Harvey and Spacey, we knew about this shit for years. It's not news.
what is court
just a room filled with primates making noises with their mouths and banging hammers
Your reddit hero's career is over, get over it.
no shit sherlock. it's a war against men (except darkies of course)
>Be in your OWN hotel room at 3am with two cute girls drinking and smoking weed
>Asking to do some sexual stuff in this situation is completely socially unacceptable by any standard
Wow, now I understand, just never have sex! I guess you've got a headstart then user.
How come Louis C.K. won't talk about this in his new standup?
it's so obviously nothing cos they didnt even say he assaulted or harassed them, they're calling it "misconduct", but everybody right now has jumped on the bandwagon so they're gonna err on the side of ruining a man's career rather than think rationally
Constantly asking women to watch him masturbate sounds like the guy is a creep with a serious problem. And the stuff like him apologizing for forcing someone into the bathroom, but turned out he was saying it to the wrong person sounds like we've just seen the tip of his iceberg.
sounds like plenty of people have seen the tip of his iceberg
Masturbating in your office in front of a stranger is perfectly normal, huh r/incels?
You mean once and then leaving them alone if they say no?
Fucking retard roastie
I hope this feminist kike gets his daughters taken away and kills himself just to see all the redditors in mourning
No, I think it was claimed he whipped it out
you know what they say, when in doubt...
Not without consent, no
That's not what happened at all, r/maleally.
>r/maleally wants to see male feminists reap what they sow
You're right based centrist nothing bad should ever happen to people who push suicidal ideologies
Lock him up
Lock him up
Lock him up
>go to work
>your boss walks up to you and says he wants you to watch him jerk off
>say no
>tell someone about what he tried to pull (ha)
>your life becomes harder because he's mad at you for telling on him
>Breaking news: Man rapes infant to shreds in front of jury, convinces jury it's all just molecules, and gets declared not guilty. He's being called the "Nihimessiah"
kek, how's that working out for the dumb cuck now?
i guess, but 2002 era louis ck wasnt exactly a high rolling power player in the stand up world
Let me ask you something, if a guy ASKS you "Can i just look at your asshole?" while he's getting naked, what makes you think he would stop at that?
Yeah, it's getting pathetic now. All he did was jerk off.