you need to receive consent to ask for consent
asking without first asking is a form of rape.
those women could have had PTSD
you need to receive consent to ask for consent
asking without first asking is a form of rape.
those women could have had PTSD
Other urls found in this thread:
He probably won't face any criminal charges, but this sort of weird sleazy fetish will likely ruin his image and thus his career.
And permanently fuck any friendship he had. He's already a bitter divorcee. His life is over.
>He probably won't face any criminal charges
Yeah because he hasn't even been accused of anything wrong much less illegal
At least he'll still have Jimmy
If you don't think there's something wrong with wanting to whip your dick out and start jacking off in front of virtually every woman you meet, then you're probably pretty fucked up.
What are you a woman? Every guy wants to fuck every pretty girl he sees.
If jacking off to constenting women is Louis' thing then God bless him in his quest
he does come from that weird reddit era where talking about 'fapping' was seen as edgy and not totally pathetic.
Who isn't fucked up? Their biggest mistake was to underestimate what modern media can do to people.
One person now has the capacity to completely ruin the life of a person of status with a single Twitter comment, and I think it's a bit fucked up.
Liking attractive women and feeling compelled to masturbate in front of them are two different levels of fetishism. At that point his fetish has basically controlled his entire life.
A more compelling point, but what really killed him was that five different women all said he had his little jack-off fest at once. He probably could have weathered one given that it was merely having them watch him masturbate as opposed to assault.
His daughters he worked so hard to raise as good feminists will hate him and grow up to be unstable whores. Pure kino.
Bullshit, when they said no he got embarrassed and didn't do it. If he couldn't control himself then he'd have done it regardless
A normal person would be able to handle it and not ask women he barely knew if he could jack off in front of them.
It'd be like if a total stranger walked started walking down the street and asking everyone he met to toss his salad unironically. You wouldn't think a person like that was mentally healthy.
so if you understand the person is not mentally handicapped you go and ruin his career? how is that a proper response?
Not sure what you mean by that. I started at the second reply in this thread where I was basically simply stating that he was being found guilty in the court of public opinion, because public opinion is that his conduct is weird and unacceptable.
I was never exactly into the guy in the first place, but do you think his "fans" should be forced to watch his comedy and buy his shit if this makes them not like him?
>A normal person would be able to handle it and not ask women he barely knew if he could jack off in front of them.
And now two girls have their father's career and image assassinated because he isn't normal, and asks for consent. Great.
You could use that dumb ass slippering slope logic on literally any sexual proposition.
The fact is he asked women he felt would say yes, and many actually did. Who the fuck are you to decide that he didn't know them enough or whatever
It's not, it's the response that feminist ally Louis CK would have wanted though.
What the fuck are you talking about, please fuck off
>Who the fuck are you to decide that he didn't know them enough or whatever
I'm nobody special, if I liked the guy's comedy enough this probably wouldn't change my opinion on him on a personal level.
Unfortunately he spent a good chunk of his career doing political posturing and building a fanbase that would judge this very harshly, which is why the revelation of it is making his career implode.
>hey wanna watch me masturbate
>no thanks
how dare he
>it's a Sup Forums defends a jewish predator episode
The new season of Sup Forums has gone downhill
You're literally thinking in memes you spastic dipshit. Louis has as much fans that like him for having the balls to say Nigger and faggot on stage as this feminist army you're talking about.
This will blow over when people realize past the headline that its a literal non-story
Dude the hippies fought a sexual revolution so consenting adults can do any weird kinky fucked sex stuff they want
Hopefully CPS takes them away and he kills himself.
A large number of people on this board unironically watch the latest capeshit, of course they're kike cockholsters.
There shouldn't be anything wrong with wanting to do that. What's wrong is doing it in front of women who didn't give their consent
is it underwear? :)
>people talk about how muslims are running over and destroying the country
>media and natives do the job perfectly well on their own
what the fuck is wrong with modern society? can't people sort out their shit in private anymore?
>guy whips out his dick in front of me
>"dude, fuck off home you disgusting cunt"
>A: guy leaves the room
>B: guy doesn't leave the room
>result A: everything is fine again
>result B: call the cops on him
that's literally it, it's that simple. fucking hell, americans really are drama queens. the worst thing is that this kind of shit is reaching europe because media doesn't have anything better to do than copy american "journalism"
I see we are going back to the times before the sexual revolution and people are being targeted for 'sexual misconduct'. Is this the 'progress' liberals were all about? It doesn't seem to me.
A fitting fate for the male feminist
as a Eurofag, it seems to me as if liberals are acting the total opposite way of what they usually say they believe in
>freedom for everyone, including innocent until proven guilty (even when it's articles)
>acceptance of democratic outcomes (bashing of trump even though they said republicans should be quiet if the democrats win)
>whining instead of doing something for the betterment of the country
now don't get me wrong, I think Trump is a literal retard but a party that is so hypocritical shouldn't be in charge. the republicans have weird views but at least they are faithful to them and don't backpedal once they are questioned.
Only the top Chads can benefit from the sexual
revolution. This was the plan all along.
who gives a shit about modern feminists anyway? they are all whiny women who don't like men and that's alright. the thing is, because of their hatred for men and them not being able to get into a proper relationship, at least 80% of them will always be pathetic cunts with nobody to love. for me, that's enough satisfaction. just fucking ignore them
Incel power fantasy
its kinda more depressing then anything to know we churn out men and women that hate eachother for no real reason and will forever be incomplete people
It's just life. You can't change it.
Find God, find a job, and find a wife; ignore everything else and live out your days in peace.
well it obviously is. the inability of modern-day parents to actually think critically and give their knowledge to kids is also retarded. in a society based on knowledge, it's funny to see that people are getting dumber and dumber by the day.
I don't understand how thirsty retards think being in a relationship with hot dumb bitches is going to make them happy because dumb women (and men) are the cancer that are ruining the world as a whole. a few weeks ago, I had the "same pay for women" discussion with my girlfriend and she wanted to tell me how women are payed less. thank god that she understood that the media is retarded after I told her how the statistics actually came into being and why women earn less on average because I wouldn't be able to stand to be with a woman who is stupid and doesn't acknowledge facts in a reasonable way
Funny that when you put it the other way around, as in a girl masturbating in front of a guy, it's freeing and revigorating, and a very sexy thing. But a man? ; What a fucking degenerate.
I don't even bother debating that stuff with my GF, I flat out told her the main misconception women have is they think work for men is liberating or fun.
If men could slam pussy every day and be hunter gatherers in caves they would have long ago, the only reason we work and build is out of a drive to provide because if we don't then we don't get rewarded for it by women.
As a man you gain purpose from women, and then you children, and then society as a whole in that order.
Fuck up step one and you get what we have now, a generation of directionless souls seeking stimulation of any kind to avoid thinking about all this.
The thing is as a man you can direct your base desires to distractions and function indefinitely, but that's probably because as a man you remain fertile for way longer then women.
Women go mental past their late 20's if they are single and childless, and its because their subconscious knows their fertility is ending.
Not leaving behind a legacy or lineage is something you need to constantly distract yourself from.
>Don't slut shame women if they want to fuck anybody and have sexual intercourse without protection whit shady guy while they are shitfaced
>that's literally it, it's that simple. fucking hell, americans really are drama queens. the worst thing is that this kind of shit is reaching europe because media doesn't have anything better to do than copy american "journalism"
Oh no trust me they have a lots of better stories to cover but they happily cover them with ridiculous shit from america
>Another refugee scandal
>Teleport behind you, bury the story, talks about hollywood perverts
>Nothing personnal white male hehe
>Some people don’t believe Louis CK pulled his dick out...
>others saw it coming
Comedian here. This is the type of the ice burg with this faggot. The reason this is so big is because of what is not being said. These four female comedians came out about Louie. But there's tons of NYC female comedians who have waaaayyyy creepier stories about this faggot. It's been a known thing forever. Louie CK is a predator to young female comedians.
what type of ice burger is it?
>If men could slam pussy every day and be hunter gatherers in caves they would have long ago
>only reason we work and build is out of a drive to provide because if we don't then we don't get rewarded for it by women.
so much this, holy shit. I always tell my friend how women have it easy as FUCK because they are actually able to get away with not really working at all but just letting men pay for their lives if they play their cards right. If I could shake my ass just to have some bitch paying for my bills, I'd not even finish my university degree but put on a thong and dance like a motherfucker
why the fuck women think that men LOVE to work is beyond me.
The good kind. The type that melts in your mouth.
Honestly most people in comedy are really fucked up. I could start dropping 411 if you guys want.
Next stop... Compound Media
Did everyone miss the part where he apologized to one of the women for pushing her into a bathroom when that’s not what he did? Doesn’t that sound sketchy, like he’s done enough creepy stuff that he can’t get his stories straight?
Exhibitionism is not a weird fetish at all. Extremely common, actually.
Are you fucking kidding me? Have you never accomplished anything in your life? There's an immense sense of satisfaction in finishing a project, working outdoors, inventing, building...
I think I'm getting too old for Sup Forums. Damn I think I'm outgrowing the internet in general. Almost everything I see online these days is just pathetic, whiney, self-absorbed, ignorant horseshit.
SJWs, feminists, alt-right fascists, conspiratards, redditors, channers, youtubers, streamers, ect. ect. ect.
You're all just so naive and empty. Oh my god I think I'm finally free. I finally accept that nobody on the internet has any clue what they're talking about, reasonable discussion is an illusion, and everybody is jerking themselves off. It's all trash. You're all trash. I'm gonna go buy a boat and clean it for 20 years. fuck you
>If I could shake my ass just to have some bitch paying for my bills, I'd not even finish my university degree but put on a thong and dance like a motherfucker
Actually typing that out is a sign you have latent homosexual tenancies.
>Have you never accomplished anything in your life? There's an immense sense of satisfaction in finishing a project, working outdoors, inventing, building...
I never said that there wasn't. doesn't mean that a full time job equals a project you do at home, you stupid dimwit, or are you an aspiring carpenter? I'm rather saying that if women payed for my travelling bills, I'd be going all around the globe all day every day
Women won't stop till everything good in the world is destroyed.
>Guy has an addiction to masturbating, particularly in front of women
>He always makes sure to ask consent first
>Apologizes to them afterwords if they misunderstood and thought he was joking
>They leak his private sexual hang ups to the world and everyone brands him a sexual deviant and molester
>he was also asking female comics and co-workers to watch him masturbate.
But that's adorable and not creepy. Should've asked dudes instead of women tho.
Yes. Even looking at a woman is rape if you don't look like pic related.
Hope this degenerated faggot kills himself
normal people don't behave the way he has. he destroyed himself.
it's funny how you blame women for this though
you should consider discussing it with your therapist during your next appointment.
I actually agree with you. Fans of his older comedy wouldn't bat an eye at this behavior. It's right down Louis alley and I've honestly gotten more chuckles out of the stories of him awkwardly jacking off to a captive audience than anything he's done in the last few years. However the fanbase of redditors and always believe the woman types he's been cultivating recently will absolutely shun him which is fitting.
I hope he burns. But only because he's successful and I'm a loser.
no he'll go back to hanging out with the degenerates from OaA
The problem is it's with people he's working with. Imagine if your boss asked you if he could masturbate in front of you. He would clearly be in trouble.
I don't like Louis CK and he's probably abused women in the past, but this GUILTY, OFF WITH HIS HEAD! shit is happening way too fast. These are allegations that will ruin not only people's careers, but their lives. They are randomly accused, condemned, guilty, and cast off within 24 hours. It's a slippery slope that's going to turn into a witch hunt against people they simply don't like
When it comes to sexual misconduct/assault, the court of law doesn't really matter here. What matters is the court of the public opinion. If the public thinks your guilty, then your career as an entertainer is over regardless if you are ultimately found innocent.
>the men who are all about "womyn power! males are pigs!" are actually creeps and rapists
Oh boy who would have known...
I really want to see what Pamela Adlon has to say about this. It looks like she won't give a shit about it but since he either writes or co-writes every single one of the episodes on her show which he also funds that could be over. Although knowing Cuck King he'd probably still pay for it even though it would get him nothing out of it. He is that big a cuck.
Is "masturbated in front of women" code for something? I've literally never heard of anyone doing this, sounds like a madeup charge to deflect from pedowood accusations.
>“I think the line gets crossed when you take all your clothes off and start masturbating,” Ms. Wolov said.
Honestly that could literally be a line on one of his shows or standups.
code for peeping on a woman being fucked by some chad
All this shit happened in 2002-2005. Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Pootie tang hadn't even been made yet. Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Pootie tang hadn't even been made yet. Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Pootie tang hadn't even been made yet. Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care? Why should I care?
Pootie tang hadn't even been made yet.
I wanna hear from the tens of other women who he asked first and they said no and that was the end of it
“He leaned close to my face and said, ‘Can I ask you something?’ I said, ‘Yes,’” Ms. Corry said in a written statement to The New York Times. “He asked if we could go to my dressing room so he could masturbate in front of me.” Stunned and angry, Ms. Corry said she declined, and pointed out that he had a daughter and a pregnant wife. “His face got red,” she recalled, “and he told me he had issues.”
I really cannot call these the actions of a predator.
Two of them are listed in the article. They said they still felt violated and it was both harrassment and assault.
Spotted the women hating incel
Pretty weird that he's still not made any statement regarding this
Really hope it doesn't ruin his career/personal life too much
You can't just go around asking people if they want to see you jerk off, that's harassment
>“It was something that I knew was wrong,” said the woman, who described sitting in Louis C.K.’s office while he masturbated in his desk chair during a workday, other colleagues just outside the door. “I think the big piece of why I said yes was because of the culture,” she continued. “He abused his power.”
Every single line of this story is so fucking funny.
>At that point his fetish has basically controlled his entire life
>Their conversation quickly moved from the personal — Louis C.K. had seen photos of her on her boyfriend’s desk, he said, and told her he thought she was cute — to “unprofessional and inappropriate,” Ms. Schachner said.
>She said she heard the blinds coming down. Then he slowly started telling her his sexual fantasies, breathing heavily and talking softly. She realized he was masturbating, and was dumbfounded. The call went on for several minutes, even though, Ms. Schachner said, “I definitely wasn’t encouraging it.” But she didn’t know how to end it, either.
You really should read the entire article guys. It's enough material for an entire season of Louie. And it's so fucking funny.
>During Ms. Goodman and Ms. Wolov’s surreal visit to Louis C.K.’s Aspen hotel room, they said they were holding onto each other, screaming and laughing in shock, as Louis C.K. masturbated in a chair. “We were paralyzed,” Ms. Goodman said. After he ejaculated on his stomach, they said, they fled. He called after them: “He was like, ‘Which one is Dana and which one is Julia?’” Ms. Goodman recalled.
>I said yes because of the culture
>She realized he was masturbating, and was dumbfounded
>she didn’t know how to end it
>We were paralyzed
Just like my japanese porno-comics! Will I someday hear in the news about someone blackmailing a female by using photos of her having happy sex with her husband?
>you go and ruin his career
In what dimension, is someone's own actions other people's fault? It's deviant behavior, if not a lewd and lascivious act. He's sick, his jokes are disgusting (tells story of starting at daughters butt hole, crowd standing applauds) and his cuck degeneracy had to be stopped.
How do you expect a fragile woman to say no to such a request?? It's practically rape!
I just want good entertainment, I don't give a shit about feminist garbage or culture war nonsense.
if the female version of louie started fingering herself in front of me, which i'd probably be able to smell, i wouldn't be happy. not at all.
Now this is a man who's completely bulletproof from feminists and niggers.
Nah. Suck my dick and go fuck yourself. Also eat my jizz and fart up my ass and grab these, get a big swallow out of this and put this one up there while you get a big whiff of those, faggot.
>white inner city crowd cheers and totally relates to Louis ck.
If this was a man making allegations against that crazy feminist bitch incharge of star wars, no news outlet would cover it. The media dont cover the news they cover what pushes their agenda.
He is a white male.
HAHAHAHAHA someone who perpetuates this kind of shit will finally learn the hard way.
It was HIS room tho.
So? Cram it, kid.
lol it's piven
You really should just die.
Yeah you're right. That was way out of line.