Fuck's sake.
"At last, Samwise... now I am The Lord of the Rings"
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wrong scene, brainlet. try again with the scene at mt doom when he's actually trying to claim the ring.
>"Ok so what's the plan B"
>"That was plan B"
>"Is there a plan C?"
Fucking seriously?
What was Aragorn's tax policy?
Say what you want but Frodo and Sam deserve the biggest respect from all the races, they should be given whathever the fuck they want.
>he doesn't realize "the ring" is the crowd of royalty from across middle earth that are bowing to them, making them lords
stick to GOT kid
doesn't people just throw valuable shit at you when you are king?
>bowing out of respect equalls being dominated
wow maybe when they make a silmarillion netflix series they'll throw in some lore for the brainlets
they aren't bowing you dumbnuts, they are kneeling in protest
what was William the conquerors tax policy?
>...and your other ring
Gandalf actually does say “lord of the rings”
yes, sauron had lord of the rings as a title, just like there were 2 actual towers in the 2 towers, and a fellowship on book 1
>"There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power." - the late guy
>Truly they were The Fellowship of the Ring
who writes this tripe?
What would be Samwise The First's tax policy?
Something revolving around rabbits and potatos
>give us back the precious, you filthy hook nosed bagel eater
I mean, did Raimi ghostwrite these films?
They were both allowed to sail for Valinor, but just a few years apart. Also,
>Legolas got the sea-longing and set sail for Valinor with Gimli, the only dwarf in canon to ever be admitted to Valinor
>Merry was buried in honor amongst the Rohirrim and ditto with Pippin and the Gondorians
>Gandalf went back to Valinor with honor, succeeding in his mission
>Aragorn fucking challenged Sauron to a contest of wills using the Orthanc Palantir, AND WON.
The entire Fellowship did great. I just can't even begin to imagine Aragorn's power level compared to even First Age Men and even First Age Elves. Finrod lost the singing contest against Sauron in the First Age, I can't even believe it would be possible for a Third Age mortal Man's will to overcome Sauron, a Maia, which is basically the archangel class in the hierarchy of gods. Unbelievable.
just a film mate
Tuor with his haxxed gear
> At last after merging my assets with Mordor ltd, I finally became the owner.... Of the Two Towers.
> Time for insurance plans.
How did Jackson get away with this seriously ?
>shoehorning modern references and expressions into adaptions or period pieces for comedic effect or convenience
easily the worst way to ruin a movie
Except I'm making reference to the Tolkien mythos and not the films.
What'd you mean? Tuor was a Man admitted to sail to Valinor, the Third Age made a shitload of concessions for non-Elves/Maia: Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, and Gimli all were allowed to go. No other Dwarf ever went to Valinor besides Gimli. Tuor is badass as fuck though.
You can actually read about that if you wanted to.
But it was mostly tax the anglos, pillage the northeners and give normans titles
keep your niggerdom in america, mut
You asked what other man and mentioned Finrod, I say Tuor could've matched Sauron. Possibly Elendil too.
>and your other staff
>the first book specifically created for the purpose of collecting taxes is called the doomsday book
If I had to guess a First Ager that could have accomplished what Aragorn did Tuor wouldn't be my first pick, considering Hurin was able to defy Morgoth, a Vala.
>Aragorn fucking challenged Sauron to a contest of wills using the Orthanc Palantir, AND WON.
yeah okay nah. went more like
>picks up crystal ball
>hey look at my sword
>hey look at your girlfriend
Merry and Pippin should have been bowing desu
True, but the shining knight trope is easily more enjoyable than the tragic hero, atleast imho.
Who /Fingolfin/ here?
Here we go
I get bowing to Frodo and Sam but Merry did very little and Pippin basically just got comfy
>So be it. You shall be the Lord of the Rings™ The Fellowship of the Ring(C)
Elrond is a hack.
collect em, count em, stick em in a gov't treasury
>killed one or two orcs more than the civilians of either realms, convinced the ents too march on Isengard, one crippled the witch-king, the other saved the stewards son
>did very little and got comfy
It's all just made up for narrative weight user, none of it really happened. And Aragorn might have had the will to beat weakened ringless Sauron but his stat card would be sub-par compared to Hurin, Huor, Tuor, Elendil etc and would be nowhere near the scale of first age elves who could solo Balrogs and fuck up Morgoth one on one.
who was he shooting at in this scene?
Do orcs go to the halls of mandos when they die?
So I haven't read the books, just watched the films recently.
Could Gandalf break Saruman's staff because he had exceeded Saruman's power level? And in the Fellowship, it seems Saruman is more powerful than Gandalf. Did his powers grow after coming back from death?
Pippin did fuck all apart from sitting about singing for his new daddy, the ents just wrecked empty Isengard and let Saruman go anyway, the army of Orthanc was broken by men and only mopped up by the huorns, Merry literally just sat on the bitch seat of a WOMAN'S horse then barely annoyed the noble witch king with a jew-esque sneak attack before a WOMAN used his uncharacteristic distraction to shank him.
I would ha followed you my brotha, my captain... my kang...
fingolfin posters pls go
yes, yes, yes
Gandalf was the last Istari that stayed true to their original mission and gave his life during it. thus he proved himself worthy, showed that he won't turn evil or abandon his quest, and was sent back by Eru as Gandalf the White to take back fallen Sarumans place as the greatest wizard