Any of you guys seen the Despecialized original trilogy?
Any of you guys seen the Despecialized original trilogy?
Yes, I have some vhs tapes.
As a kid I had the vhs tapes so yes
Yeah I have the original vhs trilogy converted into mp4s. It's kino.
Only reason I still hold onto my VHS player.
Also, just to be clear, there was ONE original, unedited run of the films on vhs before the late 80s and early 90s saw the edited versions. Not many of us actually have the original theatrical releases.
Hmmm... I wonder if the VHS tapes somewhere in my parent's basement are the original ones, or the 1997 special edition.
>into a container
Have you never heard of pic related?
This is not correct.
Except it is...
You missed the point.
Yeah I got the Laser Discs
If your autistic point was that a conversion saw a noticible dip in quality, it didn't really.
I have the original VHS.
>Also, just to be clear, there was ONE original, unedited run of the films on vhs before the late 80s and early 90s saw the edited versions. Not many of us actually have the original theatrical releases.
I have the original holy trilogy on laser disc.
You aren't even in the same universe as the point any more.
Someone people have bought 35mm rolls from theaters and scanned them
"Despecialized" is one guy's approximation of the original versions. Just get the actual original versions. Widescreen copies exist on VHS, Laserdiscs, and one DVD release.
Are you actually on the spectrum?
they're all letterboxed sd though
Yep. Saw them all in the theater and on VHS as a kid.
I have several pre-Special Edition VHS releases of each, and the Special Editions were released in '97, not "the late '80s, early '90s". Unless you're talking about the audio having been remixed for the Definitive Collection Laserdiscs set. In which case, your statement t is still incorrect.
True. But if you want unfuckedwith versions, there they are. The Despecialized versions have been fucked-with, then fuckedwith more in a decent, but not perfect attemt to re-unfuck them.
it's an attempt to make an HD version that is as as close as possible to the original releases. there's another guy who changes shit around and fucks with the films
You're getting really autistic about semantics, yes. I know about the 1997 special editions. I was just using "80s and 90s" as a phrase because I'm not a turbofaggot with the minutia of dates.
Before the 1997 special editions there was one main run of the theatrical, unedited release.
It great
But there are still things that are fucked up. Watch the sarlacc scene, as Luke looks down. Harmy uses the Blu-ray as a source for most of the shot, but a lower-def source for the mouthhole. They don't match very well, part of it is stabilized, part of it moves around. That's probably the biggest thing I noticed, but it's not the only thing. I mean, I admire what the guy did, but it's still just an approximation of the original.
Yeah, the only way to watch those movies really.
There are several releases of the pre-97 versions. They aren't anywhere near as rare as you want to believe they are. I have two different releases of RotJ on VHS right near me. And there are more than just those two.
>There are several releases of the pre-97 versions.
Sorry, no. Not really. Even most pre-97 versions have some sort of fuckery with them.
Yeah, they're really well done
You're wrong, kid. Go hit a few thrift stores today. I almost guarantee you'll find a VHS copy that of the original. Late 80s is a decade off from 1997.
These are the best versions to have.
Go kill yourself, you larping teenaged faggot. You're the reason Star Wars threads reek with autism.
When has anyone claimed they are anything other than an approximation?
>just to be clear, I'm making a completely incorrect statement, and them I'm going to say someone is arguing semantics and double down on being wrong
are laser discs hd?
Because it's not incorrect, wew boy...why are you ao fixated on this?
>What do these '80s leading ladies look like now?
how is the quality?
WTF Greedo didn't even shoot his gun.
If that's the way you're going to be, then the original theatrical version has never been released in any format, ever, and unless you have a film print, you can't say you have it, either. The fuckery was the soundtrack. Home versions of ESB and RotJ are the same as the theatrical versions.
I'm not harping on this dumb point. There are no updoots in it for you.
Welcome to the real version kiddo
despecialized edition uses a number of sources to make their version. A lot comes from the blu -ray (as most frames are unchanged but..
"Most of the source material used for Harmy's Despecialized Edition was taken from the 2011 Blu-ray release, while other sequences were upscaled from GOUT.[13] To create the cuts, source material was taken from the 2011 Blu-ray releases, HDTV broadcasts of the 2004 DVDs, GOUT, digital broadcasts of the 1997 Special Edition, the 1993 LaserDiscs, digital transfers of a Spanish 35 mm Kodak LPP and 70 mm film cels, a 16 mm print, and still images of the original matte paintings. "
>Before the 1997 special editions there was one main run of the theatrical, unedited release.
That's the part you're wrong about. There were several releases over the years. Everyone had them. Funny you keep throwing a bitchfit because that user told you you were wrong, and you're still wrong.
Not as awful as you'd think for interlaced SD source material. Completely watchable from a reasonable distance away. Dolby Surround which is great though. They make you appreciate the restoration that went into the special editions.
Disney owns this shit now, its fucktarded that they don't release a restored original version for sale. I would even pay MORE for this. Call them the Classic Editions or whatever, just let me have them. They can even release a 4k version 3-5 years from now that I'll buy again.
No. Not even DVD quality. But they look better than VHS, and were the best thing available at the time.
Harmy's versions are the best we can have unfortunately.
I don't understand, honestly, why George/Disney/Fox/whoever don't release the originals in high quality. Seriously, VHS being the best we have is a fucking joke.
I've got the VHS set with the faces on them.
I've heard Laserdisc is the way to go. I'm honestly -incredibly- surprised Disney hasn't gone and done a blu-ray or 4k release of the non-special edition OT though.
That's the way the scene was for 20 years, until Lucas altered it.
I heard Lucasfilm ruined the original tapes with all the edits. Not sure if it's legit though.
No, they where DVD quality. They where much better then VHS(horizontal resolution of 425 TVL lines for NTSC and 440 TVL lines for PAL discs, while VHS featured only 240 TVL lines with NTSC.)
The audio for laserdisc is great too, and better then DVD audio, but most people like DVDs just for the size issue.
There was a widescreen set of tapes done in 1995 which were the classic editions, and then another set with very similar packaging that was the Special Editions a few years later.
The versions as the "bonus" on one DVD release are as good as the Laserdisc. It isn't anomorphic, but neither are the LDs. They'll both be tiny on a modern tv.
Film prints still exist, but they degrade over time.
Lucasarts has said they altered the negatives.
There are a few prints around, but most are owned by lucas due to the rental arrangement of the era
>Early days of Morpheus/Kazaa
>download LD rips of OT converted to DVD format
>burn DVDs
>lose original files in HDD crash
I hold onto these discs with my life. Too bad Empire got a scratch on it.
Like this.
Well the Despecailized edition is a HD verison
I read years ago about some no-fade dye Technicolor prints that exist that would still look new. I've always assumed the scan a positive for home releases, not a negative. So there's still hope. Skin color going from tan to pink to tan in the SE is awful. I can't remember if Harmy's versions fixed that.
But parts of it are from SD sources that have been upscaled.
I have 1080 telecine rips. Very good quality.
What video game is this? That N64 cgi did not age well.
What are those called on the torrents?
I have some bootleg silver DVDs of that. They look like actual real releases.
As a kid I had the VHS set that had the interviews with George Lucas at the start but they were worn to shit years and years ago. Would love to have them back.
What are the chances of Disney releasing the unaltered trilogy on Blu-ray?
Goodwill. Go every day until you find 'em. Shouldn't take long. I see them for 49c frequently.
Kathleen Kennedy has she wouldn't even consider it. But if Disney buy 20th Century Fox, it'll happen. Maybe not til Lucas dies, but they won't let those sheckels s!ip through their fingers.
Harmy did gods work, but folks manged to find excellent quality film saved from theaters that didn't return it after the run. The telecine scans are amazing.
Harmy put in a lot of work, but it's outraged as a nice 1080p scan exists now.
Still tho, dude deserves an Oscar honestly. And now that Disney is trying to buy distribution rights back from Fox for the original trilogy to release an 8k theatrical release, they should hire him.
Check out Team Negative 1 for the original.
Why did the guys who created the despecialised editions hide them all over the internet instead of just making them openly available on the torrents / usenet etc
It's literally everywhere. Even private torrents sites that are super strict against fan edits allow it now.
Thank you, sir.
are you talking about this?
Because she's completely confused by the question, and that guy is asking it in a completely fuckretarded way.
>Would you ever consider releasing the original theatrical cuts of the original star wars trilogy?
Thats it thats all he had to say but he never did that. Instead he asked it a dozen different ways which could be interpreted "are you going to fuck with the movies constantly like lucas did?"
Only thing I don't like about the real original is that werewolf mask - what is a werewolf doing in outer space?
Drinking a Pina Colada at a bar. His hair is perfect.
Different occasion. What I saw her answer was phrased the way you wrote it.
well played
Are you me?
Yes and btw you're pretty cool.
only the first one, they had it on yify tv.
Fucking 16mm puggo is better quality
I have.
Older cousin got pre-SE VHS versions and we copied them.
They literally, legally, can't. They would have to buy Fox first.Then who knows what crazy bullshit George put in Star Wars' will when he sold it.
Isn't disney thinking about buying fox for the star wars and Xmen stuff?
Yeah. It's alright. Then again, I don't really nerd out over this shit like some people. As long as the really annoying stuff is gone, I'm alright.
the fact that two of you exist in the same thread is somewhat astonishing
>permanently altered the negatives
What a fucking cunt.
Two Star Wars fans in a Star Wars thread. The odds must be 3,720:1!
Gonna need a torrent name or link m8.
I'm planning on watching eps 4-7 before episode 8 is out.
Never tell me the odds!
>8k theatrical release
source tho?