when are we going to get the supreme biopic?
When are we going to get the supreme biopic?
"I came across this Asian guy who was talking to a white girl. The sight of that filled me with rage. I never had that kind of attention from a white girl! And white girls are the only girls I’m attracted to, especially the blondes. How could an ugly Asian attract the attention of a white girl, while a beautiful Eurasian like myself never had any attention from them?
Isla Vista was at its wildest state at that time, and I saw lots of Asian guys walking around with hot blonde girls on their arm. It fueled me with rage, as it always had. I should be one of those guys, but no blonde girls gave me that chance. I looked down at all of them, and in my drunken carelessness, extended my arm out and pretended to shoot them all, laughing giddily as I did it.
That was the last straw, I had taken enough insults that night. A dark, hate-fueled rage overcame my entire being, and I tried to push as many of them as I could from the 10-foot ledge. My main target was the girls. I wanted to punish them for talking to the obnoxious boys instead of me. I failed to push any of them from the ledge, and the boys started to push me, which resulted in me being the one to fall onto the street. When I landed, I felt a snap in my ankle, followed by a stinging pain. I slowly got up and found that I couldn’t even walk."
ezra miller is not asian whatsoever.
jews are semites
semites are not mongoloid east (chink eye) asians whatsoever
Are those the sunglasses he lost that night?
"Asian" is a geographical term where over 4 billion people live. Nobody said Ezra Miller is an East Asian but he is Asian in the broadest terms as he is a semite / jew with roots in the Middle East / Western Asia.
so what? he's not a "hapa" faggot like elliot rogers
will it have scenes of him throwing his drinks at couples when he's walking around town?
I would like it if in the movie, when he dies, he gets to see his life again except it's an alternate life where he would have made all the right choices, whatever they were.
From his manifesto it seems like he wanted to fuq his sister really bad
I've said it before and I'll say it again, everything from his diary would make for a fantastic comedy.
Wasnt there a "Law & Order" episode about him? That is the best you are going to get.
Did Ice-T call him a pussy?
it doesn't mean he doesn't some asian blood in him, he looks very asian, down the family tree, maybe ghengis khan raped his great great great great great great great great grandmother
I think you have a bizarre fetish and a misunderstanding of how genes work. hooded eyelids are not exclusive to mongols
No he was white and overtly misogynistic
again, i'm just saying that there is no guarantee that miller is 100% white
he looks somewhat asian in some pics
when you see Jews in America or Europe, those are mostly Askenazi Jews. However Ezra looks more like how Jews look like in Israel.
Is this an app?
I think it could make a great (very) dark comedy sitcom.
Michael Cera as ER
flash guy is far to sexy to play this little cucky incel. He'd have men and woman throwing themselves at him even if he had the personality of pickled beet.
trigger warning
dat fuarking jaw
He already made a movie close enough to a biopic though (We need to talk about kevin)
better a man than a woman
he had a very fluid writing style
How does a society manufacture a person like this?
Like what events need to unfold for him to get like this, it's a perfect storm of narcissism and obsession. He would have never been happy even if he got a girl.
Yeah, but what's the movie?
Am... I suppose to think this man is ugly?
You take that back, she's perfect.
Read his dumbass manifesto it lays it out pretty clearly, over-privileged self-entitled faggot from a rich family thinks he's owed sex but can't figure out that girls would never touch him because he acts like the kind of creep that would do a mass shooting oh wait lol
is he gay? i feel like the better looking guys are bi at least
Of course he is gay.
This made me so depressed after finishing his manifesto, like if he just altered a few things it could have been a best-seller but he couldn't take a step back to realize it. I was laughing out loud from some of things he wrote and couldn't believe he wasn't being ironic. It's actually one of the most impactful books I've read, not because it's especially well-written, but because it offers a completely honest look into the life of an autistic, rich, half-asian, LA virgin and possible genius if he had just had a little more self-awareness. FUCK.
>over-privileged self-entitled faggot from a rich family thinks he's owed sex but can't figure out that girls would never touch him because he acts like the kind of creep that would do a mass shooting oh wait lol
Wait to miss all the meaning, dude. How does it feel to be stupid enough to not understand all the drama in his life even he's spelling it out for you?
I wonder how you're even able to get meaning out of the movies you watch oh wait lol
Just watch movies to turn off your brain amirite ;^)
j a w l i n e
When are we going to get a Flash standalone movie?
>mom got pregnant on accident
>parents literally tell him he was a "mistake"
>tormented by stepmom
>ignored by his father
>upstaged by his infant half-brother
>surpassed sexually by his younger sister
>received shitty advice from his mentors
>ostracized from the herd at school
>became addicted to video games to cope with bad home life
>never had a strong female role model
>stepmother tells him he will be a virgin forever (yes this actually happened to him)
You start to get a sense of what happened the more you read.
>>stepmother tells him he will be a virgin forever (yes this actually happened to him)
This guy basically wrote down everything that made him become what he was when he went on a killing spree and no one in the US gave a single fuck, no one tried to analyze the situation.
All the media in the US are fucking dumb and are diseducating the population.
Are you trying to insinuate none of his problems were his fault?
He never even tried into talk to girls and would freak out when they didn't flock to him.
>its a Sup Forums feels sympathy for Elliot
Jesus Christ when did this place become so pathetic? He's was a peice of shit
>when did this place become so pathetic?
when? are you fucking serious?
I think it's obvious you didn't read the book. No one is insinuating anything. We're just talking about basic psychological profiling, not excusing his actions. The fact that you can't speak to that means you don't have any insights to offer and can stop posting.
Stefan Molyneux did an amazing breakdown of the whole thing probably better than anyone. But he's one of the few who attempted it, and it's amazing how quickly the media narrative became "frustrated white males, what are you going to do amirite?"
fuck off you dumb roastie
Crazy as hell
>Psychologically abused from basically infancy
No wonder he went on a killing spree. Most of us are lucky we had half-decent parents at least.
He doesn't even have epicanthal folds (which is what is actually most common in east asians), he just has vertically narrow eyes with a prominent brow ridge and good periorbital support.
OP never implied he was.
Chris Chan tier autism + Hollywood level entitlement and access to weapons
I mean, he's white as well. I don't see a problem with a dark haired white man playing a halfie.
He was crying about not getting any sex but that doesn't mean his sexual life was the problem, obviously. You're as oblivious as him, congratulations.
Are you fucking kidding me? How can you not sympathize with Eliott Rodger? He killed people because he was mentally ill, not because he was some dumb redneck or pseudo terrorist.
But he already did OP.
>takes no personal responsibility
Typical faggot millenial. Wahhhh, everyhing is so tough and its everyone else’s fault.
>mommy looks even more
Goodness, what a cutie. I would've drained his dick daily. Why didn't he try going homo before going on a murderous rampage?
>Folger's doubling down on the incest
they dont look really alike
For what, the most cringy and boring story ever told?
why is this thread full of people pretending to have read the book?
Nigga you wut. Since when human drama is boring?
damn, 2014 was 3 years ago already