When did JRE podcast turn into a right wing echo chamber?
>why does a comedian hate SJWs
Idk lol
It didnt youre just a political cuck
Since the left started eating itself alive man, it's these fucking ess jay double yous man. That's Ess Jay UU's for those at home that don't know that's social justice warriors except these people are as far from warriors as you could get haha anyway yeah bow hunting is kickass
Joe is pretty varied on several issues. He seems to support certain liberal ideas while condemning other ones.
he looks centrist to me senpai
Rogan is just a chameleon. He takes on the beliefs and opinions of his guests unless to comes to the merits of doing drugs
*unless it
You dont understand what an echochamber is. You probably think pol is an echochamber, despite you and thousands ofbother retards goong and saying literally whatever you want without being censored. Youre a dumb fucking redditor btw.
Yea but Joe has an unhealthy obsession with SJWs and completely overblows the issue and how much influence powerless college kid SJWs have
Joe is a radical centrist, like all Joes.
The podcast comments simply represent the current internet Zeitgeist
Those college kids are going to be professors and politicians some day.
They regularly go to show, no matter how small, specifically to wait for a joke that offends them and then cause a scene. I would be pretty annoyed if that could happen at any moment at my job. He's defending the smaller comedians who can't just overpower that bullshit like he can.
because he lives in a total bubble and doesn't realize it
just look how uncomfortable he gets whenever a guest brings up his wealth
Ivy league students have no power now, their power is 20-40 years from now.
That's why them having such wacky bullshit beliefs is dangerous.
yes because nobody ever grows out of this shit once they get their first real job
college kids grow up dude. All those pot smoking college aged hippies who started the social revolution in the 60s became stubborn boomer conservatives in the 80s
Joe "birds are dinosaurs" rogan
>Implying academia or political office qualifies as a real job
I Just hate how much Joe try’s to crowbar his anti-SJW hysteria conversation with all his guests. Joe tries to act like he’s some authority or expert on college campus when the dude has never went to college
Well videos are widely available, and have synchronized audio tracks. They are easily obtained in unbelievable quantities via the "internet". He also has spoken with countless guests with extensive first-hand experience.
The moment n****** like you started promoting him.
Neogaff shutdown hit you hard huh ?
Yeah no the hippies revolution in 70' america
The mai 68 in France europe
The student revolution in thailand
The red guard in mao's cultural revolution were collegian and student
The arabic revolution (while sparked by foreing interest group) vastly circulated into student millieux
Yeah no any people with the least understanding of history knows that student are totally harmless ahahahah
It's not like they aren't already tearing down monument and creating civilian milicia to crack down cultural and political movement ahaha
Nothing to see here goys
When his guest list became a bit lopsided with all of these "skeptic" / independent / libertarian arm chair philosopher guests without any real guests on the other side to provide some balance to the views that they throw around.
It's also driven by the audience, his most active and loud fans are the right-leaning libertarian ones that clamor for more guests that reflect their views. It's a self-feeding thing like all echo chambers are, actually welcoming dissenting opinions or opinions that you don't want to hear is hard work and most people don't want to deal with it.
What are the best paranormal/conspiracy episode ?
Already seen all the hancock ones
the anthony west
The alex jones' one
The ancient alien ones
That's just straight up lies there has been lots of liberal guest
He constantly bash on trump and the alt-right nazies
He actually wants a discussion a debate so ofc he won't invite a teacher that would just scream "UR A FUCKING WHITE MALE" in the mic for 2hours. I mean just because of that requirement it makes it hard to find more liberal guests
Only left-wingers operate in echo chambers. Everything else is just the normal, rational world.
Literally no one does that. You’ve bought into a nonexistent boogeyman.