Name a bad movie starring Mel Gibson

Name a bad movie starring Mel Gibson.

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Daddy's home 2.

I wonder if he makes Cena his bitch in that though

what women want

Machete Kills, although very laughable, rather bad shit

air america, lethal weapon 4, maverick, daddys home 2


mad roastie detected, that movie is fucking hilarious

shut your whore mouth you dick sucking fag!

>Maverick is bad
opinion discarded

This and Hamlet


fuck I completely forgot about that movie. Bet it's worth a rewatch.

Passion of the Kike

This guy is skilled in the art of war and military tactics.

>starring Mel Gibson


Mad Max 2 and 3

I like lethal weapon 4, fite me fucker.

And the first one desu. Fuck the mad max series.

Hey, fuck you buddy.


Lethal weapon 4 was pretty bad

Lethal Weapon 5 & 6 were a return to quality tho

Jet Li was great at least
>they had to make him slow down for the cameras, particularly when he removes the slide from the gun


This, unironically. Braveheart is comical trash.

Here's your (you)

You are wrong

Hello England, Im sure you both thought the Patriot was bad too.

>Braveheart 2: Electric Boogaloo

Tequila Sunrise

Machete Kills was fucking awesome

HACKsaw ridge didn't star him but it was made by him.
Terrible movie. A few stupid people on Sup Forums are too stupid to realize it

Blood Father

The first Mad Max. That movie is hot garbage.

Lethal Weapon 3 was worse

Starring? Plenty. Made by? I can't think of any that are outright BAD.

You trolling? How anyone can sit through those boring ass movies is beyond me. The only slightly redeeming one was the last one they just made.

Braveheart is not bad, but it's not Oscar Winner great

He was forced to do this movie by the Jews after he spoke out. Not even kidding.

Passion of the Christ
What Women Want

>the beaver

the fuck are you talking about, that movie was great
this. 4 is so stupid that its charming, 3 is just garbage