What does Sup Forums think of Bernardo Bertolucci’s ‘The Dreamers’?

What does Sup Forums think of Bernardo Bertolucci’s ‘The Dreamers’?

I think it's got a teen naked Eva Green so it's a masterpiece already.

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its in my top 5 of "most fapped to" movies. up there with "sirens" "havoc" "the swimming pool" "lifeforce"

It's shit, full of rich kids degeneracy

Young Eva Green is the proof of God's existence.

Literally a tumblr film

>the swimming pool

you have good taste

Literally a reddit post

The Dreamers is oldfag-core

Literally a reddit post

The Dreamers is oldfag-core, nia



You never stop learning new things.

saw eva greens bush and watched her get fingered when i was a pubescent teen. good kino.

myyyy friend

Stealing Beauty was better.

tho I don't remember the plot.. like.. at all...
i might not even have really watched it, in fact, and just skipped through it to get to the "good" parts

My friend said "ew gross" when I showed him her fuzzy lips.

I've def masturbated to it a few times (this movie is a good time if you're attracted to both men and women) but I'm not sure I liked it in terms of the story. Some good shots and set design though.

>tfw I saw The Dreamers with my little sister en her friend

>Eva Green
what a faggot

Define "little sister", how old was she

>this movie is a good time if you're attracted to both men and women
This so much

13 and her friend 16.... good memories lad

I watched oldboy with my sister, her husband and his sister not remembering it had various cases of incest and not enough kung fu for the normies to enjoy.

How could you not remember the incest? You need re-training

Well I showed him because he was obsessed with Casino Royale.
He wanted the titties but couldn't handle the good pussy

Eva Green riding some dude's face while her tits bounce around should be legally required in every film.

Truly patrician.
Are you oldfag?

The pussy is god tier like the rest her body


literally degenerate jew trash

fap kino

I almost recommended oldboy to a girl I was chatting up just because it was kino

It's heaven for Eva's sake

>makes porno movies for a living
>wahh wienstein showed me his dick

really wish women would stop trying to be victims all the damn time. and people would stop enabling these whores.

because of this movie, I now always watch front row
