>The chad GOOOG
>The virgin Ésoose
The chad GOOOG
ryan gosling has a lazy eye
>The murderous BEB
>The victimized Neen
>The virgin ¿YAGAY?
Right looks much better. Much better than the actual face, in fact. Goose is so assymetrical.
I'm seeing double here, four Kayla's!
Avatar sequel looking like shit
okay this is pretty good
It's all in the neck boys
>when joke is actually an improvement
How will England ever recover?
So does most of the population
Who wins?
CIC looks naive and inexperienced, AIA has the face of someone who has seen some shit
ooga booga
Holy shit I need to train my neck
Based OP spreading the neckpill
Kek'd hard
AIA has the Chad pose too
>I can be your angle or yuor devil
Let looks like Jonah Hill.
My money is on KerreK. He grins and dumps a huge ogre shit right under the dragon's nose, like a fucking boss.
Right looks like the guy from the UK The Office.
Raw War looks like he's on some hardcore psychedelic shit and doesn't give a fuck anymore.
ShhS is gonna pull some kind of Kung Fu master shit.
holy shit this fucking thread
AIA has two watches, CIC has none so he'd be late to the showdown
Please, keep posting
I haven't laughed like this in weeks
>lord drol
>raw war
this looks like the MC from gothic 1
someone please do daisy ridly, preferably with her meme smile
reshoots vs original footage
AIA has a wider stance, so clearly he is superior
heres one i made some time ago
Marram is too at ease with his situation, while Naittian seems poised to overcome his desertation. Not to mention that Naittian has two mics and Marram has none. Naittian is clearly more prepared.
>that right side
My sides
The one on the left is up to some shady shit.
The one on the right is as peaceful as todd howard
>blorarold niggin
Left is clearly stronger and more robust while also more kind and naive. The one on the right WILL bite
no lol
Right is Aslaug
While SHHS has regular threesomes with twins, KerreK not only has two donkeys but two castles as well. He ultimately better off.
Fishface waifu :3
Left also has the advantage of three nostrils compared to right's one. I bet he's a great wine connoisseur.
one side of him is a semi attractive beast who enjoys lusting after women and using them sexually for his own pleasure. funny lad but gonna fuck
other is a good guy whos getting old and fat. he seems nice tho. he isnt so 'different' looking like the right one btw and he knows this. he knows its a part of him that makes him better and worse at the same time.
this is why bens a sad alcoholic lads.
The Dreaded Double-Dan. The girl has no chance.
Whose dark side will she join? Snons or Ekoke?
The right one appears more suited to intellectual work, as we can see by the sheer size of his cranium compared to the rest of the body. Also, his eyes' placement is optimal for the detection of potential predators.
>kelly clarkson before and after
hes so fucking guilty guys
dan is GUILTY
Ekoke has the advantage of having two more vaginas on his head than Snons.
reminder this was kelly clarkson before she got enough money to finance her mc donalds addiction
ola papi by day, za warudo by night
I like her wonky smile.
Potato is a potato, now matter how you turn it.
CIC has a head like colm meaney, AIA has a head like a goldeneye N64 character re-rendered in high poly
Rat's Raw is such a shit movie
Post your reaction when you learn that the goose is loose.
amazing isnt it. left one looks so.. the world
raw war looks like henning wehn
They're both creepy.