What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Literally who

stop shilling this turd here

Sam walking rooms of hipsters was his best material.

Too woke

Hey it's Nikki Blonsky from the movie hairspray

No more vertical videos should be in the library of congress

Watched Officer Maggot recently. I'm just going to say it: Sam looks like a real jerk. He must've had a terrible childhood. I don't "get" his comedy. Some of their material is entertaining, I'll give them that.

Is it supposed to make fun of stereotypes? He just goes to the extreme. Is MDE a front for him "pretending" to bully? When he's 50yo what will he think when he looks back on his YT videos?

wat went right?

literally nothing

desu he'll probably die in a car crash before then

He let my tranny ex fuck him in the ass lmao

He thought he was funny and clever.

>He's nothing without the suit

>not posting skinny twink Sam



Officer Maggot was making fun of faggot cops abusing their power. Sam is (or was) pretty antiauthoritarian. If you really couldn't get that from Officer Maggot you're brain fucked.

Fell for the invincible meme, probably would still have his show if he didn't post that shit on Facebook

Or is that a cover for something else? What about the moms video?

Too full of himself,let his politics seep into his show.Not even very funny,ive watched all of mde and the best I got was a slight chuckle from the milk workout skit and thats only cause it reminded me of /fit/ memes