Can't believe nobody is talking about this god tier episode around here.
Can't believe nobody is talking about this god tier episode around here
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A god-tier bucket of steamy shit is still a bucket of steamy shit.
>fugg sosiedy :DDD
I'm terrified that this show is going to end in wish fulfillment where Trump gets taken down by the 1337 hax0r gang.
It was pretty good but wasn't the most amazing episode I've ever seen
Reddit is so easily amused it's not funny
It was fucking amazing.
we've discussed it yesterday, friend
great episode, Birdman tier cinematography
or dare I say kinomatography?
Well, it's way past time this board was fucking closed.
>With 521,000 viewers, November 8th's episode of Mr. Robot was the least watched of the entire series. The ratings have been in constant decline from the 1.7 million people who viewed Season 1.
I can't believe you've kept watching this pile of shit after the disappointment that was season 2.
>tracking shot is enherently good
when will plebs get that shit out of their brains?
I can't stand Trump and even I'm sick of TV being nothing but propaganda and programming all the fucking time.
This show is fucking garbage
This season has been genuinely great. Really makes up for last season.
>final episode is F Society traveling back in time to stop the foreign hackers and get Hilary rightfully elected
This episode solidified my love for Angela's character. I want her and whiterose to win.
She's really transformed over the past two seasons. One of the best and most interesting characters now.
hahaah wait wait youre kidding
this is what season 3? and we STILL have christian slaters one note boring monologues retreading the same old territory?
Dropped this shitshow midway through s2 and seems like it was a good idea
You seem to have shit taste in everything.
I honestly thought nothing of her in the first season, thinking she was just going to be the useless "love interest" childhood friend or damsel in distress type, but holy fuck she's become one of the better characters in the series by far.
>rooting for the villain
Whiterose is a Machiavellian character who co-opted Fsociety for selfish reasons. It parallels how Occupy Wall Street started as a legitimate protest and was captured and neutered by Democrats.
yep, i tried watching the first episode of season 3 and it's still complete garbage. Who the hell knows if he's hallucinating everything or nothing, nobody cares anymore
I know, I'm just saying as an extension of my loving Angela's character. I just want her to win since my love for F Society is basically non existent at this point.
Angela is going to be blamed as White Rose
Angela is one of the weirdest characters in the show or in any show of that kind
she doesn't have any special ability, she's not a great hacker and she doesn't have a lot of money
she acts as a middleman and feels like he got into that position out of nowhere
I can sort of see that happening, god damn.
She might not be on the same level as Elliot but she was in a pretty high position at AllSafe so she's not just someone totally clueless about this stuff. I think that's what I like about her, she constantly underestimated and had to maneuver her way through all this shit without help from Elliot or Darlene.
I dropped this shit when they revealed MC is crazy. This entitles the authors to do whatever the fuck they want and then say "lol nope it was his imagination". Fuck this cheap plot device.
>This entitles the authors to do whatever the fuck they want and then say "lol nope it was his imagination
The only time I recall this happening is when he hallucinated going to the heroin den in season 1.
The entire prison subplot
Ty, but not. Dropped on 2 season.
same. it would have been one thing if it was accurate portrayal of delusional psychosis but its way off.
>Uses Kino
>This spaces
I honestly didn't mind that because you could tell something felt very off about the fake "reality". The thing that definitely sold me on it was when Gideon came to visit.
Though I didn't catch that Kristina had the same prison light in her office the first time I watched the scene until it was pointed out on Sup Forums
That wasn't Elliot hallucinating, that was him lying to you; he even states as much. Unreliable narrator doesn't imply hallucination. That does make me remember the sitcom spoof from that season, but again, none of the plot points are "WOAH ELLIOT THOUGHT HE SAW A SPOOKY GHOST BUT HE WAS JUST TRIPPIN LET'S UNDO A BUNCH OF STORY NOW"
I'm really puzzled by this show. It clearly exposes the deep state and its techniques (social engineering, bilionnaires paying agents in order to provoke riots, deliberate financial crisis in order to reinforce the power of the corporations etc.) but on the other hand, Esmail seems to support Hilary and is extremely preachy when in to comes to portray Trump in a bad light.
he even took a shot at bernie, it's absurd
Can someone explain the timeline of this fucking show? At the end of season 2, Obama is still president. The first episode of season 3 quickly explains that it's only been 6 days since the final minutes of season 2, yet in this same episode Elliot (Esmail) goes on an implicitly anti-Trump rant as we're flashed scenes of Trump's inauguration.
If it's still 2016 at the beginning of season 3, what the fuck does Trump's presidency have to do with anything?
The answer, of course, is NOTHING. It's just Esmail engaging in some incredibly tacky virtue signaling.
Darlene mentioned its 2015.
Whistleblowers like Assange even exposed Hilary. This show manages to be the most subversive work in television at times and than, Esmail goes full liberal.
Oh christ, what episode was this? I haven't seen the last 3 episodes yet. Is their more anti-Trump derangement in the latest episodes?
Mr Robot always had a shitlib slant to it, but I knew Esmail wouldn't be able to help himself once Trump won.
Is Elliot #StillWithHer #resist yet?
You want China to fuck over the United States for their own selfish purposes?
k then
Trumps inaug is during Elliotts internal breakdown. Esmail is saying Trump is the darkest future outcome if Elliott doesn't fix the mess
>the ratings by episode going top to bottom
Looks like they're crashing this show...WITH NO SURVIVORS
this is the only show people actually watch on USA, it isn't' going anywhere
When he take a shot at Bernie? Must've missed it.
Holy fuck this, you could say he doesn't want to attract attention to himself by being neutral regarding trump. But to honestly believe that Hillary was a better choice when you're pretty well versed in the inner workings of the deep state is just being fucking delusional.
t - hillary voter who realized voting Johnson was the most moral choice.
Wew, this show is dead, lads. USA will greenlight one more season and that will be that.
Part of me wonder what Esmail could do after this. He's not a terrible writer, but he's far too self-indulgent, if Mr Robot is anything to go by. He seems to have more promise as a director.
Whatever he does next, I bet it ends up on Netflix.
I can see why people arent sticking with the show. Its been the same shit all seasons. I mean the outcome is different but its just an internal struggle with cliffhanger ending for the main characters well being. I originally like this show, then season 2 came along and it was just back and forth garbage filler bringing us to now season 3 stage 2, and now its so beyond its point of season 1 its ridiculous and the schtick is old. The appeal is wearin off.
But I guess this is what happens when you try to make a 2 hour movie idea become multiple hours of television. Remember the Mr. Robot idea was originally pitched as a movie. When USA picked it up and after the success of the first season immediately ordered 3 more seasons.
he said he planned to end this in 5 seasons total, i can see USA going for that.
>When he take a shot at Bernie? Must've missed it.
During the last episode, the douchebag employee whose computer Elliot commandeers after arguing with him has a "Bernie Forever" sticker on it.
It was pure kino
So intense
I'm terrified that this show is not going to end in wish fulfillment where Eliot and Tyrell get together
>Tyrell no longer loves Elliot
youd be surprised how many senior citizens let their tvs sit idle on the weekends grabbing SVU or ChiPD marathons.
They also have Shooter and their newer shows look promising
I watched the first season of this when it first came out, before the normies discovered it. Even as a computer scientist who would usually be really interested in this sort of thing, I found it extremely dull. Probably never going to watch it again.
Oh, you mean the dudebro that always talks nonstop to Elliot when he was working in E-Corp?
>now its so beyond its point of season 1 its ridiculous and the schtick is old. The appeal is wearin off.
Pretty much why I haven't been in a rush to catch up on the last few episodes. I also have this suspicion that Esmail is going to try to outdo all of the twists the show has had by engaging in some sort of M. Night Shyamalan tier SUPER TWEEST at the end of the series.
God help us all if Esmail really does some sort of time/inter-dimensional travel bullshit.
No, that guy turned out to be a bro and distracted that woman and her security goons.
When Elliot went to the other floor, he tried scamming an older woman to use her pc but she was more informed than he realized and instead had to trick some douchey young guy and use his.
If this show resorts to fucking time travel, don't say Esmail didn't warn us.
Oh ok, that guy had the Bernie sticker? Gotcha
Mr Robot invinted Rick and Morty
thats g a y
tyrell best character
felt bad for tyrell when he was talking about joanna
yeah pretty messed up considering that fbi guy is in bed with dark army which makes irving know for sure what happened to her
What is it about the therapist that makes my dick harder than diamonds? I'm not even into brown girls
Tyrell still has a hard on for Elliot. He's just a drama queen.
>>it was all one seemless take, no cuts, best episode in all of tlevision in terms of effort. I loved it
Real good episode
Enjoying S3 so far.
I'm hoping they make up for sure. Especially now that his waifu is gone.
That's perfect.
She was nothing to the story, apart from eye candy
and that candy was very sweet
Her calm mommy exterior mixed with knowing her her secret love of hardcore anal porn.