>It's KINO
What are your thoughts on the movie, user?
I'm fucking sick of those wojak edits. Even more so than I am of the overuse of "kino".
no kino is deep
kino is life mane..
>it's fun
>I'm fucking sick of those wojak edits. Even more so than I am of the overuse of "kino".
>Kino and sooo deep
loving these wojak edits...guy is looking a bit slow these days though
More like chemo, amirite?
>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other entry level pleb shit on their top lists
>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
>People who like Wes Anderson and think they somehow have taste
>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
>People who have no foreign language movies listed
>People who think korean cinema is good
>People who have movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Aronofsky, Kubrick, Villeneuve, Snyder on their list
>People who have any comic book movie listed
>People who say comfy/based/kino
>it gets good an hour and 45 minutes in
>people who forget their brainlet wojak image in their brainlet wojak post
The new ones are great though, they describe your post.
They have completely robbed the meme of its nature and transformed its very soul, crushing any memetic continuity between the two bodies of work, unlike the highly acclaimed "Pee Pee Poo Poo" Pepe edits. Memetic critiques have praised the latter because of the similarity in lore and characterization, whereas this new batch of Wojack edits seem to be nothing but a soulless (You)-grab by its developers. Will the memetic industry ever recover from its (You) addiction and focus on artistic continuity again?
>Anonymous 11/10/17(Fri)12:27:19 No.90062696▶
>File: 2017-07-21-beartato-latte.png (32 KB, 356x311)
>32 KB
> (You)
> Stop!
it's """comfy"""
>Pure kinography
They're meme kino
this isn't even a brainlet. This is a guy who just got his head blown open by artillery.
>People who think movies are art
>people who don't go to the (greek mode) theather or poetry reading sessions to watch real performatic art
>Anons ITT
You're all faggots.
>tfw you like wojack edits
does anyone have the one where the smart wojak's brain is being sucked by the black hole brain of the dumb wojak
>I'm fucking sick of those wojak edits. Even more so than I am of the overuse of "kino".
Again, this one is very stupid. A black hole implies that the "dumb" wojack has a super massive brain, so massive it tears space and time.
thank u kind user, cheers
>20 eceleb/hollywood threads
>15 bait threads
>10 pol threads
>2 threads actually discussing tv shows
>implying his brains didn't explode by trying to figure out Arrival's time travel conundrum
In english, doc!
wunga no like small brain woj-uk
>gluing pubes on your head
>it's ok if drunk and with friends
t. reddit
>t. Someone a simpleton who doesnt have the mental capacity to understand 'kino'.
If only I had some kind of Image I could post that expressed how people view you when they read your opinions...
lets see. ..
>told ya it would be great
>it had gret cinematografi
They are absolutely Kafkaesque you moran
brainlets, it's hard for them to learn