>tfw hollywood imploding means no jurassic world sequel
Tfw hollywood imploding means no jurassic world sequel
But that's a good thing
>tfw no spinoff where they cross dinos with humans as in the original script.
That's right Mike, your favorite schlock is never getting a successor.
fuck ;_;
it already finished shooting my man. if bryce dallas howard gets accused of /ss/ they can just replace her with christopher plummer
Is it cause Jessi is infertile? I heard obesity makes conceiving more difficult. They should both lose weight
Original script of J World, I hope
She's not the only one.
Amish fat Jay was the best Jay.
That might not be a bad idea for RLM episode. I would like to know their opinions or rather explanation from their POV on what the fuck is happening in the industry?
who are those people
Oh I assume that's Rich's sister
why do people like dinosaurs so much?
I didn't like Jurassic world can someone explain to me why people like it so much?
They keep politics mainly out of the show, but they seem to be left leaning overall based on what Ive seen so they'll probably say what everyone else is saying.
The closest we'll get to this discussion is a Jay Stream on Pre Rec
does mike even have good taste in films?
he's entertaining for his drunken slurs and muh star trak but his opinions are always so wishywashy
Len is clearly a hardline conservative
probably Jim too
He's more forgiving of action shlock and is thus the closest to the average opinion you'll get with the show. Rich is even more casual and seems to stick mostly to the mainstream
Jay Josh and Jack are more horror/indie fans and you can see it in how most of the ReView episodes with Jay are with Josh and Jack.
So what? Regardless HBO will still survive with the best in quality entertainment.
I only count the main guys as RLM, maybe Colin from Canada too with how often he's there now. Len definitely isnt there enough to be considered RLM, he's only been there once more than Landis.
i understand the fascination with massive creatures who roamed the earth millions of years ago. and jurassic park was a cool idea that was executed well. but jurassic world is dumb. you'd think that after bringing dinosaurs back to life went bad three times there would be a global ban on opening up another dinosaur park.
>tfw Rich and Jack will never let Mike play Dr. Mario or Star Trek VR on stream
He’s been on 3 times
len was in space cop, fambly.
I was sure the girl in the background was a fat(ter) Jessi
How tall is Karin? Like, 140 cm? Shorter?
if you count the conversation with Len, I'm counting the conversation with Max
Good point on that
No I’m counting the Blind Fury re:view
And don’t forget his cameo destroying one of the tapes at the end of another BOTW