Thoughts on this movie? Better than Django?
Thoughts on this movie? Better than Django?
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Great soundtrack
Way better and ultimate comfy kino
Shouldn't it be the Hateful 9?
Django goes to shit near the end, whereas The Hateful Eight is fairly consistently good. It also has what no other Tarantino movie has; atmosphere.
It's easily Tarantino's second worst movie after Death Proof.
Did you guys find the pacing to be just right? Also, how did you guys like the ending?
Why exactly?
It's Tarantino's best movie
But that would be Jackie Brown.
It was great up until the flashback. TOTALLY necessary and only served to ruin the pacing and drag out the film. We knew what happened already and wanted a conclusion, we didn't need to see them all get murdered in the past.
>literally mfw australian woman appears
Distributed by The Weinstein Company.
That's all you need to know.
H8 > Django > Ingorious
Django is actually really good. It's not a masterpiece but it's like the culmination of everything Tarantino's ever wanted to do. And it reveals him as the derogatory hack that he is.
H8ful was like him wanting to make an indie film but forgetting what that means
What the fuck was the point of Daisy's brother's character? He could've been entirely omitted from the movie and it wouldn't have made any difference. He exists only to shoot Sam Jackson in the balls (something that could've been accomplished by Tim Roth before he got killed, if Tarantino absolutely wanted Jackson's nuts to get shot off) and then gets shot in the head himself. That's it. Why was he in this movie?
>the derogatory hack
I'm curious why do people say this?
Having family humanizes her for the audience
posh brit guy was me fav
Because literally everything in his films other than the dialogue is taken from much better films.
Literally everything
She's actually from New Zealand.
He's paying homage to and taking inspiration from.
>it's a Sup Forums poster claims Tarantino steals from other films, yet has never actually watched the films episode
i thought he was christoph waltz the entire movie until i looked up the credits afterwards.
I know this is silly, but i thought he was there because there had to be a male leader since her leading all those men would have been unbelievable? I'm overthinking it but yea.
>it's not theft if i haven't seen the thing he stole from
>it's a Sup Forums poster misunderstands another posters post episode
Django was shit
Madsen somehow was the best part of the movie
>mfw Kurt Russel smashed a real, 150 year-old museum piece
>there are people who like post-2000 Tarantula ""flicks""
do you give yourself a lobotomy before viewing these?
>it's a Sup Forums poster thinks he's better than Sup Forums posters and forgets that he's saying this on Sup Forums episode
It's better than Django.
I fucking love Goggins.
Django was dogshit tier.
Hateful 8 is likely Tarantino's best work since Pulp fiction.
I mean it feels like parody to me.
whoa- wow-wow! Wow!...
It's three hours long but it feels like ninety minutes, watched it while sleepy and it kept my attention throughout.
Seconding this
Django is a lot better than this one, but over all, QT shines when he makes the modern pieces opposite the period pieces.
It was good, though it felt like it was building up to something a lot more interesting than " a group of gang members kill a bunch of dudes" so that was a bit of a let down.
Django is pretty meh. The Candyland part was pretty great though, not counting the ending. Kill Bill aside Tarantino has a bit of a problem with endings in general I think, "fuck it, I'll just have an action scene where everyone dies".
Tarantino's worst movie. Wtf was he thinking with the flashbacks and the voice over and all the shit before the cabin. It's like he was intentionally trying to sabotage the pacing
I liked the stagecoach scenes. Probably my favorite part of the movie.
both are better than pulp fiction
his best movie
django was shit
>Tarantino has a bit of a problem with endings
That doesn't seem to be a rare problem - Edgar Wright is the same. I love his movies, but he has never had a good ending.
worst meme
I don't get the hate, one of his better one imo
Being better than Django isn't setting a high bar
Typical Tarantinocore, unnecessarily suspenseful and tedious. Reddit loves it because it's the movie equivalent of getting cucked. You just sit there getting annoyed but some people enjoy that.
>mfw Kurt Russell was the best part of this movie
the movie's plot progression and ending were disappointing. I liked django unchained better, but neither of them is Tarantino's best.
>Reddit loves it
Why do you know what Reddit loves?
According to RT, critics and general audiences weren't that enthusiastic about it.
Kill Bill 1-2 > Pulp Fiction > Reservoir Dogs > Jackie Brown > Inglourious Basterds > The Hateful Eight > Django Unchained > Death Proof
Though Basterds and Hateful Eight are about the same in terms of quality.
for me? it's:
>pulp fiction
>hateful eight
>reservoir dogs
>death proof
>kill bill's
>jackie brown
all good, but desu his best isn't even his, true romance
Inglorious Basterds > Reservoir Dogs > Jackie Brown > The Hateful Eight > Pulp Fiction > Death Proof > Kill Bill Vol. 2 > Django Unchained > Kill Bill Vol. 1
It would've been a great movie if it werent for the dick sucking part
What was so bad about it?
it was unnecessary to me but whatever
wasn't that bad, it was just a means to get the southern guy to draw his gun so he could kill him
He usually is.
This is the best character in any Tarintino movie. Prove me wrong
Because if you know what redditors are like it's exactly the kind of shit that appeals to them.
Well, actually it's just that if it's directed by Tarantino all the redditors will love it no matter what.
I can't. Goggins is the best part of anything he's in.
>Confederate lost causers were the only empathetic characters in the entire movie
What did Tarantino mean by this?
>Because if you know what redditors
Yes - so why do you know what redditors are like?
Because people on Sup Forums said Redditors like Tarantino so he must also share that opinion.
better yeah
Kill Bill Vol.1>KB Vol.2>Jackie Brown>Pulp Fiction>Death proof>Inglorious Basterds> Hateful Eight>Reservoir Dogs>Django Unchained
>Deeeeaaaaaaad on this Mother. Fucking. Floor.
That delivery gets me every time
>Because people on Sup Forums said Redditors like Tarantino
What does that tell you about those Sup Forums posters?
No clue.
It would tell you have those Sup Forums posters are Redditors.
Why are you listening to the redditors you hold in a negative light?
alright Socrates you've made your point
Here's my honestly opinion. Everything leading up and getting to the cabin was pretty tame and boring, though it was well shot and looked good. Once the character study beings when everyone is indoors it gets great and stays great until the end.
Django, I didn't hate it but I felt it stayed pretty cheesy (maybe on purpose) the entire time and it was just longer than it needed to be. So overall I liked The Hateful Eight more.
Literally anything is better than Django.
It was his worst movie next to Death Proof.
My man Lee Russell was great in this.
I'm not. He is.
Sup Forums like this movie now?
Hella boring.
Get out of here, Chloe. Go scissor your hipster girlfriend.
tarantino and his nigger fetish will die by 2020
this is an excellent film
Hateful Eight is the 2001 of Comfy Kino
>mfw snowy mountain Wyoming cold
>tfw no blanket
with every year i hate tarantino more and more, he is such a plebbit hack meme shitter
Jackie Brown
Inglourious Basterds
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill Vol. 2
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Django Unchained
Hateful Eight
Death Proof
It's not an action movie like Django, it's more like a stage play with characters who are difficult to relate to. It's great.
Piece of shit film that lacks subtlety and depth, like most of Tarantino movies. If I wanted to be bored to death by witnessing the actions of a bunch of worthless, selfish assholes, I'd reread War and Peace.
Sup Forums always fucking overrating jackie brown