How come guys like Louis CK is being crucified for consentfully hitting on women...

How come guys like Louis CK is being crucified for consentfully hitting on women, while guys like Dan Bilzerian get away with basically grabbing chicks by the pussy?

Not trying to be political, just find this part of Hollywood really weird

He explicitly buys prostitutes and pays based on what he wants them to do.

Because Bilzerian fucks dumb sluts

Nobody knows who he is or cares.

he's literally paying them to take photos with them

well you see it's because

Because they actually want Blizerian. just gave me a great idea

He pays them that is way.

>Because they actually want Blizerian's money


he pays them

they're literally who whores/instagram whores who he pays and they hope to gain exposure

Because Chad always wins.

Pretty much every girl you see him fucking is a hooker
All the instagram models he either pays or doesn't fuck

Dan the man does NOT play sluts. Stop with this fud disinfo

Same reason "18 for women, 21 for men" rules at bars aren't sexist, and why the same behavior when done by Musicians are not only overlooked, but straight up celebrated for the same behavior.
As for Bliz, he probably makes them sign contracts that state they won't do any of that shit, and pays them like previously mentioned.


>are you an alt-right member
>i respect all beliefs btw

Women are dominated by emotion

They (beta males) made womens emotions into laws
They (beta males) are now hurt by said laws

>literally PLS BE IN LONDON
the absolute state of roasties

Only chads are allowed to do this. Ugly men must be locked up for well, being ugly

Because Louis CK was up until yesterday one of the most popular standup comics in the world and Dan Blizernian is professional poker player/trust fund babby who's scrapping the bottom of celebrity. If he got outed as a sexual predator, nobody would care and the few people that know who he is wouldn't be surprised. Also, Louis didn't hit on women, he jerked off in front of his fellow comics. Dan Bilzernian presumably hangs out with club sluts and literal prostitutes who won't complain.
