That hank hill ass

That hank hill ass

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US comedian Louis C.K. has admitted that sexual misconduct allegations made against him by five women are true.

He said he had "wielded power irresponsibly" and could hardly wrap his head around the "scope of hurt" he had caused them.

Four of the accusers told the New York Times he masturbated during interactions with them and a fifth said he had asked to do so.

The allegations led to the release of his new movie being scrapped.

I Love You Daddy - a comedy about an ageing film director, played by John Malkovich, who has a reputation for getting embroiled with young women - was due to have been released in the US on 17 November.

"These stories are true," Louis C.K. said in his statement.

"The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly."

The comedian added that he regretted the hurt he had inflicted on people he worked with, including his manager Dave Becky, his family, his friends, his children and their mother.

In Thursday's New York Times report, four comediennes - Dana Min Goodman, Julia Wolov, Rebecca Corry and Abby Schachner - and a fifth woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, made allegations about the entertainer.

Goodman and Wolov said Louis C.K. stripped naked and masturbated after inviting them to his hotel room during the US Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Colorado, in 2002.

Schachner said she called Louis C.K. in 2003 to invite him to one of her shows and was dumbfounded to realise during their phone conversation that he was masturbating. "I felt very ashamed," she told the New York Times.

A fifth woman, who did not want to be named, told the newspaper of alleged incidents involving the comic in the late 1990s, while she was working in production on The Chris Rock Show.

Louis C.K., who was a writer and producer on the show, repeatedly asked her to watch him perform a sex act, she said. "He abused his power," she said.

I will be genuinely surprised if he doesn't commit suicide

Holy shit he actually did

Why do these retards admit it? Nothing good could come from admitting guilt.

Holy shit the fuck is that ass? Do americans really look like that?


>americans not understanding the concept of volume

top kek

He's a sick sick man. Jews love forcing people to watch them jerk their little penis.

How does someone that big have such a tiny ass? He has to use his glutes to stand and sit, so you're heaving up a couple hundred pounds minimum every time you get out of a chair. I weigh 140 and I think my ass might be bigger than his.

No. The Average American looks much worse than that.


Well, his wife and kids might stay. There's that...

only /gif/ and /wsg/ have sound

Soon so many people will get exposed that people wont care anymore


>schtick is "i'm a disgusting slob and i like to jerk off" for your entire career
>invite some girls up to your hotel room to ask them "hey i'm a disgusting slob do you mind if i jerk off"

i don't understand

Makes him look noble and sympathetic. He can pretend to be a victim of his own desires.

You never go full retard

The stage persona is supposed to stay on the stage

How is it possible to be that fat and still not have an ass? Can someone explain this to me? I thought hank hill ass was a joke.

are you dumb? his back and leg fat hide it

He was married? Why not just make her watch him? I don't get why someone would have a fetish to do that instead of fuck them.

Is that the girl from Zombeavers? Looks kind of like her.

Men don't store fat in their ass. I you want one you need exercise

>Tells us to go out to the Interacial Breeding
>Sexually harasses only white women
What did he mean by this?

too much sitting

How does he even shit?
Must come out like peanutbutter from a tube

Uhhh user I'm a man and I have a lot of fat in my ass....

fat people always get that thing where their tiny little ass cheeks look all squished together like 2 loaves of white bread surrounded by a mass of fatty tissue, shits disgusting and I'd kill myself if I were that fat.

haha you should post it

>cucks are hypocritical and full of self-hatred

Ha! whatta surprise

>well would yea look at that, another thread about me!

is that 1993 conans writer louis ck?

>men does this
>women does this
>empowering...powerful....woww....this is how a real woman looks like

he was divorced for years

Men store fat around their waist mostly. Louis has the ass of someone who has never stepped foot in a gym or played a sport desu.

I mean it can't be real its shopped right?

I had a j-cup tittymonster gf who used to have an ass like that. I don't even care -- I just miss those fucking tits.

No we all have BBCs

I can see why these women complained about him jacking off. What a mess



What's his name again?

Is dis nigga for real

Louis Székely

>*smiles and gives you a thumbs up*
>*accuses you of rape 10 years later*

I'd give them a thumbs up, if you know what i mean.

The brunette got nekkid on camera with Orlando Bloom


You just raped them. Enjoy being erased from existence.


It's Bobby Hill

That song is rape. I did not agree to know that masturbation exists. I did not consent to these women’s sexual advances.


What did he mean by writing this line for 17 year old Emma Stone?

is he fucked?

I thought the same thing when Andy Signore was exposed. Especially since he has much less to live for and everyone were laughing at his private messages.

standing and sitting do fuck all for your glutes.

He's actually Mexican.

>i'm turned on by his uncontrollable horniness

holy shit anybody have any dick pics of him?
he is such a daddy
more of a hard on that he's straight

>Soon so many people will get exposed that people wont care anymore

Yes! But will it become a running gag at the Oscars this February or are people going to be sick of it and turn off from entertainment altogether.

Could we be seeing the twilight of TV/Film.

until he's put before a jury

I think I do


did he make her watch?

I'm getting a hank hill ass. How can I save my body from getting worse, and how can I get a good ass? Is it too late for me?


So he just masturbated in the vicinity of these girls? It's disgusting I guess but I don't know if it constitutes a sexual crime.

Just got to the gym you fat POS

i'm almost starting to worry that the girls on which i used "advanced seduction techniques" are going to start coming after me. thank god i'm a nobody.

He was in a position of power, they couldn't consent

No consent = sex crime

Men are always in a position of power due to inherent physical strength.

Do squats. After awhile your ass will start to develop and stick out.

actually it is

commits lewd or lascivious conduct.
(b)An offender 18 years of age or older who commits lewd or lascivious conduct commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(c)An offender less than 18 years of age who commits lewd or lascivious conduct commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(a)A person who:
1.Intentionally masturbates;
2.Intentionally exposes the genitals in a lewd or lascivious manner; or
3.Intentionally commits any other sexual act that does not involve actual physical or sexual contact with the victim, including, but not limited to, sadomasochistic abuse, sexual bestiality, or the simulation of any act involving sexual activity

>He was in a position of power, they couldn't consent

This is fucking nonsense.

his words, not mine

she was a fatty though I bet

I can neither of you have ever lifted anything in your life.
Squats are the meme so you repeat it back.

Squats target the quads. If you want glute activation do diddlies.
For maximum glutes, do hipbridges


>get accused of sexual crime
>commit suicide

British politician just did this

He is next


I can tell you're a fag that does fad lifts rather than what works. Go cover yourself in electrodes and suck Bret Contreras' cock while humping a barbell, faggot.

that's a clit.

How... How do you even masturbate that thing?
Is Luis admitting to the crimes because it "proves" he doesn't have a micropenis?

>Masturbation is illegal

Jen Kirkman warned about Louis CK in 2015

Hipbridges are gay as fuck, but if you want to do glute isolations, none are better.
Personally, I do deadlifts. Pic related is me. Critique my form. Bet I lift more than you faggot.

me in response to all these allegations

Not bad, but you wanna use more spine. Otherwise looking thick, solid and tight.

What the fuck why your back bendin like that son


Why can these kinds of people only perceive social interactions in terms of power games?

i giggled desu

Public masturbation in front of a person whether underage is a crime

Doing it in front of an adult without their consent or understanding is a crime.

Hes been falsely accused of masturbating in front of women when hes incapable due to circumcision and tiny cock

>Goodman and Wolov said Louis C.K. stripped naked and masturbated after inviting them to his hotel room during the US Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Colorado, in 2002.
>And then later when I invited him to my show

Wow, that first time must have been so emotionally scarring that she was brainwashed into calling him and remaining friends. Really activates my almonds.

>Asking me if he could

Choose fucking one.


After seeing gore and child porn for half a decade some crusty geezer whipping out his cock IRL would probably just crack me up.

its fun watching /tvpol/ defend the original alt right meme

>And I wielded that power irresponsibly."
Like his flaccid penis