What the movie that bad?

What the movie that bad?

Nah she's a virtue signaling "feminist" shitting on people who gave her work after the fact. That's why her career is soaring.

jesus, she looks like shes in her late 40's

What the fuck happened? She looks like she's in her late 40s.

Her biggest regret should be ever since coming out she's been an insufferable cunt who burned every bridge she ever built in her short career

It's the dyke effect


Jesus christ, Ellen Page looks like my grandmother

Have you seen how thin she is? Angelina Jolie level.

I remember working as a crewman on the set of Inception when Leo walks past Ellen and says "High five!" and slaps his palm against her forehead.
Everyone was dying of laughter and this little cunt just storms off set telling everyone to go fuck themselves. Good times.

Calling out other people for virtue signaling is just you virtue signally to other Sup Forumsocks
But then there is no way someone of your, let's say capacities, would understand that

My god, how old is Ellen? 100? Seen less aged women at a Nursery Home.

>regrets woodly allen movie more than the david cage one

holy shit wew

I never understand it when some gay people come out and immediately go "REEEE!! FUCK STRAIGHT PEOPLE!!". Did they pretend so long that they started to hate themselves for it?

Do you think Natalie Portman regrets it?

I know that fags have more STDs than straight men cause their dick cause tiny wounds in the passive dude's asshole, but why would dykes suffer too?

I want to say you're LARPing but I also want this to be true so badly

Yeah, the moment she "came out" it's like she start rapidly aging and generally looking worse.

This photo was taken just three years ago, a couple months before she started telling everyone she loved pussy.

Holy fuck, Ellen looks like Gandalf. What happened?

What carreer? Hollywood took care of that the moment she came out.

Not to mention that even if Woody is a shitty pedobear that fucked his own daughter he still made some great movies. It´s almost as if talent and morals where unrelated.

that's rosie.

>when the oprah show has free sips in the green room

Ellen’s is the one on the right, right? The person on the left looks way too old to be her.

Makes me sad. She used to be so cute.

>But then there is no way someone of your, let's say capacities, would understand that


Instead of artsy films, she should have done ACTion movies.

I'm gay and I don't get that either. Thankfully the only people I've ever encountered like that were on the internet. It's kind of like the trannies with the "die cis scum" mentality, which is equally retarded.

>a couple months before she started telling everyone she loved pussy.
It says "Ellen Page: On loving ladies and living proud" right there on the cover dumbass.


Jej even if it's bullshit.

>It says "Ellen Page: On loving ladies and living proud" right there on the cover dumbass.

Yes, but the PHOTO was taken months before that, retard. I never said the magazine issue came out before she said it, did I?

she went from 16 to dreyfus out of nowhere.

I'm honestly starting to like Woody Allen. I was neutral before all of this, but I might star watching every single film of his.

>i'm still relevant guys even though no one wants to molest me, #metoo!

Did he actually do something or behave in some objectionable manner, or is it because of the same rumors that no one has been able to substantiate for 30 years?

living bismuth.txt

Is this what happens when women stop getting plowed down, they age after?

which movie was it?
I've only seen like 5 allen movies

wasn't she in a shitty david cage "game"?

I bet he made her stand there while he kissed and licked her hairless pussy, all the while saying things like "MM I WUV UR LIL 12 YEAR OLD PWUSSSHY LIL GURRL MMM KISSKISS"

Beyond Two Souls

She was in the worst reviewed movie he's made, To Rome with Love. I don't blame her for regretting it. That was what started the downfall of her career, everything she did after just got worst.

Yes. Her (unnecessary) nude scans leaked some time ago. David is a creep.


By her age, Woody had accomplished so much more, her remarks seem like some kind of troll to me. It's absurd for her to say such a thing.

>hasn't even got a rape or sex assault story.
>director made a joke about me being gay

At least someone knows the truth.


Scar Jo and Emma Stone seemed pretty cool, and they went on to have very successful careers.

I think the biggest regret for her is coming out. after that she literally off the face of the map.

>When Woody Allen has a better hairline than you.

Why her forehead so bit lmao. Lightbulb head lookinass


probably cause she's a massive SJW and woody allen is like totally icky

Does she still dress like a man on the red carpet?

It was coming out, she had the body and look to pool of the cute quirky girl and when she reached a certain age there was no place for her.

Same thing is going to happen with Tom Holland, casting a 20 year old to play someone in their early teens, at least with Dawson casting people have done most of their growing so the adults match for that, Tom will not age well.

Edit: it wasn't her coming out