BLACK Samwise Gamgee
Other urls found in this thread:
>heavy edits to make Spencer looks bad
>/ourguy/ still manages to BTFO this gremlin
Kill yourself
He is far more human than that Spencer dude. Some would say ironically
>What do you consider yourself
>I'm British
>sure you live here, but where are your ancestors from? Arn't you proud of them?
>My ancestors are British.
>You're ancestors are African.
>How do you know, Sir! How do you know?
The state of the left
>because my name is Richard spencer!
>tfw he got triggered so hard he took to twitter and began apologizing to Africans for the historic crimes "his" people had committed against them
He literallt got so mad he turned trans-racial.
No this is total bs as usual. He was born in England therefore he is British. There is no debate. its a technical truth. Nationality is not only based on ethnicity.
Humanity originated with Sub-Saharan Blacks. Whites and Asians are therefore clearly further evolved than those left behind, right?
I guess maybe you're right actually. Whites are More Human Than Human.
Whites are replicants to the black fleshies?
That argument could be made about spencer himself he isn't native american and no such thing as ethnic american white
Right. But he's not British.
A mouse isn't a horse because he's born in a stable and you call him a horse.
both equally guilty of being relentless faggots
>my ancestors built it tenfold
>In 1950 there were probably fewer than 20,000 non-white residents in Britain, almost all born overseas.
It's also technically true that he's not British. The wonderful conundrum of multi-culturalism.
*he doesn't have British ancestors
is it so hard to say?
>Humanity originated with sub saharan blacks
IIRC recent discoveries have painted much doubt on this theory.
No, just that ethnicity does not always decide nationality. Technical reality.
Spencer has always claimed to be of european descent despite not being born there.
This African refuses to call himself of African lineage.
One is being honest with himself, the other is not
Spencer actually makes that argument in the interview, which makes the black guy really mad.
Weren't the oldest human remains found in Greece or something?
>out of africa theory
Has been debunked for years
this year it was officially debunked with anthropological evidence
I mean, it's a semantic issue complicated by Nationality/Ethnicity. People mock America for using terms like "white" or "African-American", but it avoids confusion like this.
When Spencer says "British" he means the ethnicity. When the interviewer says British, he means nationality. They're arguing around each other. It's pointless.
Likewise, nationality doesn't decide ethnicity.
Didn't punch him hard enough desu
I don't get it.
Big if true.
get used to it
So why does spencer campaign in america? If anything its reverting back to its roots by whites decreasing in number they shouldnt be in america and come back to europe. Spencer will never be the face of the "alt-right" or whatever the new buzzword will be in 5 years time he'll be forgotten he isnt an intellectual at all. Jared Taylor makes a better case and is much more articulate buy even then I cant see this going very far for spencer he's peaked noe
It doesn't really matter. What ever our origination is, we separated into tribes around 70,000 years ago. Over the course of 70,000, and reproducing within these selected groups, it has caused distinct genetic variation.
Refusing to believe we are genetically different caused by tribal intrabreeding is dismissing science.
Not a native English speaker here: could you say he's a Brit (meaning that he's ehtnically british) and he's British (meaning he has British nationality)?
its true
Niggers are literally a different species
If idris elba was born in china doesnt mean he's chinese
You have to ask Spencer. There is much division in the alt-right on how to bring identitarianism to light.
Spencer thinks we can rework America into a homeland.
Lauren thinks we should only rework Europe into our homeland.
And Nick Fuentes thinks bickering is retarded because the white race is dead in 70 years.
I can't wait for the future when people stop being PC cucks and we actually research and prove niggers are a different sub species.
If he has dual citizenship which is really beneficial. There are ofc nuances of everything. But he was born and grew up in Britain ergo he is British.
This brotha in Seattle actually knows how to throw a punch. Those limp-wristed white bois who """"""""""""""""""atttacked"""""""""""""""""" Spencer clearly did not.
It would be "Briton" (an ethnic term rarely used) and "British" (referring to nationality).
However, Britons refers to Celtic Britons, while the British ethnicity encopasses Anglo Saxons and Gaelic peoples.
When people say British, they used to mean all of those. Because nationality = ethnicity generally.
Now we have nationalities which are separate from ethnicity - hence the hypenated peoples; African-Americans, Asian-Australians, and so on.
In homogenous countries, it's not really as complicated - Japan = Japanese = Ethnic Japs (but even then it becomes complicated to a smaller degree - Koren and Chinese and Brazilian Japanese exist, as do the native minority population).
You will die waiting
wont happen. We have grown to close to these creatures any science regarding the truth will be crushed. Even in non cucked countries there is no racial science being done.
Its because leftists are correct in their assessment that once this knowledge is known the native white populations tolerance will end and all support mechanisms for these people will be removed and they will fail spectacularly and likely die off.
>You're not British!
>U-unlike me...muh heritage...M-my name is Richard Spencer
research like this only gets funding in China. I can't think of any place in European or American universities where this is actually studied.
He's African. African parents, African name, raised within an Africa and British culture. He's a British citizen. But he's not British anymore than Rudyard Kipling is Indian.
I don't care what you think about Spencer, he unequivocally BTFO Younge, even with the editing used to distort the argument in Younge's favour
All Younge could say was the usual leftist shit like "How can you even say that?! Its too stupid to even bother correcting you!"
Please don't make me lose all hope
It's funny leftist faggots always talk about how christfag fundies are anti science when they're just as bad.
Pls no
>steals the load
British citizen is enough. Ergo he can say that he is british, because he is.
Spencer didn't really do anything. The interviewer was just a sloppy idiot. He's clearly a product of massive cultural affirmative action and has never been personally challenged or had any of his beliefs challenged. All he could do when confronted by something outside of his echo chamber was to throw a tantrum and quit.
American interviewers who are used to this sort of rhetoric and debate are much more accustomed and able to deal with Spencer and similar activisits.
Unless leftists get WORSE regarding anti white sentiments and a grand white awakening happens , we are going to become brazil. Once you accept this it makes life easier.
The traitors wont be punished. Your best chance for survival is making as much money as possible and moving to a white area , shitting out 40 kids , and dominating politics to keep out brown people.
>British citizen is enough.
Not if Spencer is referring to his ethnicity. Ergo Spencer can say that he isn't British, because he isn't.
Blame the Post War politicians for not implementing these policies correctly.
Saw this guy on UK breakfast TV. They showed the bit where they discuss whether or not blacks have benefitted in the long term from slavery, and I thought that was quite debatable, but then pic guy claimed Africa would be in a much better state if they'd stayed - that's pretty much a lie (fanciful at best).
Citizenship is a social construct :)
>All he could do when confronted by something outside of his echo chamber was to throw a tantrum and quit.
Yep, his reaction did more to validate Spencer's worldview than anything Spencer said
Younge was totally unable to refute Spencer's points and made him look credible by comparison
if ur american, you are pretty much already the same as brazil in terms of non european racial demographics
>No Borders!
Aren't we ALL British really?
We are social creatures, at least the most of us LMAO loser
>its pretty much a lie
lol last year the president of zimbabwe kicked all the white farmers out of the country to please black racists and within 2 weeks he was begging them to come back because crops were failing and his country was facing mass starvation.
Not even close.
But then most British people, whites included, aren't British. In fact, go back far enough and you're saying there's no such thing as a British person.
t. mohammad
Which demonstrates that Younge is a product of the protected British media system - they have literal legal protections to prevent them from being exposed to different ideas.
Compare Younge's failure to a Black American interviewing Spencer in a video series that has the exact same set up (a black man traveling white America, interviewing Spencer at a conference) and video presentation style, but using a completely different interview style.
See, what I was doing was lampooning the leftist strategy of dismissing a concept because it's something we "made up" thus it is automatically invalid, ya feel?
Also this
Are you an Irish/Italian/German American? Well you're American. The rest is, or should be, meaningless.
>I am english not u
pretty sure they're both amerimutts
He's not wrong, we are there in a generation, the only reason it won't be as bad is because America is a big place
British is NOT an ethnicity. That seems undebatable to me.
your own countrymen are in this thread arguing the nigger is English, fag
Sure. Go back far enough and there's no such thing as a human.
Although, jokes aside, there is such a thing as a British person. Likewise "Australian" or "American".
British people are the amalgamation of Celts, Gauls and Anglo-Saxons that settled the British Isles. You exist, even though you are a product of your parents, who are two separate people.
And it shouldn't even need to be said that within ethnicities, just as within families, there is infighting and separation. The British Isles encompasses land masses that contain distinct populations that have been at war with each other for hundreds of years, and would turn to outside enemies to fund and continue their internal strife.
That still doesn't make Gary Younge ethnically British.
(as you noted, over a long enough time line, anything is possible).
Even Sup Forumsacks (perhaps ONLY Sup Forumsacks) argue about this fundamental issue regarding Christianity. Many of them wish to assert that this imported, middle eastern ideology is crucial to European identity - which leaves the door open to Islam being crucial to European identity a thousand years from now, perhaps.
Spencer wins this one as well, the only interview I've seen him get flustered in was when he was interviewed by some WE WUZ KANGZ guy
>being an *nglo
If Kipling spent all his formative years in India I'd have little problem with him being called Indian. But it would be even more so if his parents and grandparents lived there.