How has this guy not gone down yet?

How has this guy not gone down yet?
Why is the media sweeping him under the rug?

Is he the final boss of pedowood?

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God, why can't I be that dollar bill.

looks like his buddy Goddard is going down, see maybe Singer will be next? maybe some of the other DEN investors will be outed?

All tweets and articles about him are getting completely wiped - someone must be putting the pressure on for him

Bryan Singer is a major boss, but not the final one.

Lmao. this is great. but it will go way over anyones head who has never played and fully completed Dark Souls

Who is that and how is he a pedo, that stripper is clearly of age.

Who is the main boss on this map? I am adult so I don’t play vidya.

Bryan Singer.

Dan Schinder

Beer Can Dan

Why has he not gone down yet? Is the Candyman bulletproof?

the chatter is picking up on him

I predict the surprise ultimate boss will be Kirk Douglas. Kept alive all these years by the cum kisses of raped teen boys.

I think people are so used to Singer being accused of being a pervert for so long that now it's like, who cares. It's going to take a real smoking gun to take him down at this point.

He is flaming gay, those are protected by satans minions.

Watch your mouth! He's fucking Spartacus, and would still kick the asses of all these pedos, with one hand tied behind his back.

Ben the Booze Lord lmao

Why isn’t his picture the biggest then?

they're only outing people who are the heads of production companies and/or extremely powerful.

synger is just an employee. Outing him means outing everyone above and below him.

Because partial hangouts that beg further questions are self-defeating

>the four kangz

LOL. I appreciate the care that went into this. Steven Segal, the guardian of Sens Fortress (aka, Aikido Dojo)and protector to the gate of Anor Londor top kek.
Harvey and Singer, two major heads in Hollywood, perfectly fitting the eerie and mysterious roles of Ornstein and Smough in the game world. Bravo. I looked at this picture for a good 5 minutes and had a few good laughs.

They'll never, ever take down David Geffen. You have know idea how powerful he is. I think that he could get away with actual assassination.

You can tell he's important because when he gets accused the media doesn't talk about it.
Twitter has been making accusations against him for the last week non-stop.
He just deleted his twitter account and that's sufficient apparently

Is she, dare I say it...?

>*is immune to twitter accusations


will sean william scott finally speak out about being molested?

What movie did he do with Singer?

singer might have enough dirt on other gay pedos

his first movie role was with a friend of singers
in the film the young boy has to carry out sexual favours with older men to get by

This. No one imagined Spacy being brought down. Weinstein was showing off his wattled jew cock to A-listers in his hotel room, of course they’re going to talk. Spacy is part of a network that abuses children on a huge scale, but in secret foreign hideaways, boats in international waters, private jets and islands. Warehouses in Easterm Europe. These are trafficked children who no one would listen to even if they spoke english. Spacey was in the in upper echelons and his fall is making everyone at the top very nervous.

also there was a discussion about this in either the pedowood threads or in a singer thread we had last year around the time corey haim gave some vague details and Sup Forums correctly deduced it was sheen who molested him
its strange because im trying to find it in the archives and it seems to have disapeared
there was a whole story about the production of 'born into exile' and the treatment the young boys had on set.
i definitely remember reading sean william scott being said to be molested on that film

I was initially sad to learn about this, but then I realized I confused him with Bryan Fuller. Carry on Twitter, I want to see all of it burn.

He doesn't need dirt. Since hes midlevel, then everyone above and below him is culpable.

Sean Astin knows much more than he’s telling, and he just might have the clout right now to be believed. Have has been going on with this vague revelation shit for so long that any names he give will be anticlimactic.

I thought it said odor in the thumbnail