How well do you think he will weather the storm?

How well do you think he will weather the storm?

Mistake 1: Pander to the left
Mistake 2: Apologize to the left

I don't know how people can be that stupid. He jerked off in front of women that allowed him to do so.

Had he simply said "yeah, I jerked off with women" nothing would have happened.

Listen to him on Opie and Anthony.
He said nigger all the time and played "slave girl" with a retarded negress.
I honestly hope that it gets out so he is ruined for good.

He'll start his next stand up special with "mind if I masturbate real quick?" and people will laugh

>Had he simply said "yeah, I jerked off with women" nothing would have happened.
Had he not jerked off in front of women nothing would have happened and Louis would be enjoying his mediocre career.

This isn't a left/right issue

The right is having an extended "I fucking told you so" just like the lefties/feminists/etc are. The only difference is, the right never tried to pretend that these people and this industry represented American morality

He'll be fine honestly.
If anything his next standup special might even be better depending on where he takes this whole thing.

The right doesn't pretend that jerking off in front of women is rape you retard.

Oh no, definitely not rape.

Still illegal and pathetic though

He'll probably say that the expansion of the definition for sexual misconduct is a lefty thing. Which is pretty true, but I don't agree that his power over them doesn't make it shitty.

Well, I’m fairness to the cuck king, he denied it for years but they kept on persisting. Now they are riding the witch hunt wave and people are being excommunicated every day now. What else is he supposed to do but offer his flesh for the sacrificial lashing?

Yes. This really isn't that bad. It was bad, but I think his apology is enough. He'll bounce back. And if he doesn't, his old buddy Anthony will give him a job at the Compound.

Definition says that it's a sexual activity against the will of the other participant. It's pretty close if not directly under that banner. I'm guessing you think it has to be penetration or fondling for it to be rape.

honestly he probably feels a huge sense of relief, like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. he's probably been dreading this revelation since news of weinstein first broke out

This too. Right now, he probably doesn't care about how he's losing a few jobs, he probably has peace of mind for the first time in weeks.

>ask for permission

>receive permission


isnt it weird how liberals love the idea of fags sucking each others dicks on parade floats in every city in the world, but want to outlaw any consensual heterosexual adult relationship unless a judge has reviewed all the necessary consent forms and there is a legal notary present during the copulation in missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation so 9months later the child can be collected by CPS to be given to a disabled-bipolar-queer-trans couple to raise

Don't you think it would be better if Hollywood did this less and women would disclose rapists more often?

Its the power and trust he had over them that makes this an issue.

I know this topic is done to death but why do you guys think the New York Times have a dog in this fight? It was the most savage and intensive hit piece I've ever read. Seriously reading the article seems like they spent at least a year researching and cross collaborating all those stories

Because "famous person you love is a rapist" is front page shit. Why wouldn't they?

I married my wife because I thought she would leave me if I didn't. In a way it's like sleeping with a guy because you're afraid you won't get work if you don't. Where do I go to press charges on my wife for sexual misconduct?

Being weak is not illegal.

I get that but still it seems like they have something personal against him, did I miss something?

so basically if you're a rich and powerful man you can't hit on women because you might be pressuring them into a situation where they can't say no? are women so fragile and easily manipulated by powerful men that any sexual acts involving them can potentially be considered rape? this is all bullshit. how about these women take some responsibility for their actions or lack there of?

I still fail to understand how hard it can be to not act like a fucking degenerate in public.
Just beat it to traps and weird hentai at home like everybody else for fuck's sake

So you admit that they didn't want it. Yeah you can pressure chicks to let you do non con stuff. You probably agree that it's a shitty thing but in the end on the woman. I don't agree but I'm guessing that's your stance.

>women are children


Your hotel room isn't public. And two unfunny comediennes who follow you there in the hope that you can get them a paid middle spot at chucky's comedy hut deserve to be ejaculated upon and worse.

He asked they said yes its not rape

No, not if the consent is continuous. Here it was a one off predicament he put them in. I'm not going to put these women accountable because Louis shouldn't have done it in the first place.

They said yes under pressure. That's makes it unwilling.

>the pressure of someone asking them a question

Lol strong womyn are totally equal guise ;^)

Do you virgins not know how sex works? Women aren't going to just throw themselves at you no matter how good looking, rich and powerful you are at some point you have to *ask* and usually that involves leveraging your social status

>you have to ask for sex
>calling other people virgins

LOLing @ your life.

He wouldn't have done it if they had declined. If they had attempted to leave, screamed in repulsion, shouted at him "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP THAT RIGHT THIS INSTANT!", he would no doubt have stopped. Instead, these stupid, "helpless", ADULT woman-children just sat there and watched him masturbate to completion. How traumatizing. How brave of them to live with this burden for all these years.

He got kicked off all the productions and all his old shows are being purged. He might still have a solo standup career, but his mainstream presence and popularity is gone.

Maybe he'll get another chance in five years.

Initiating sex will be practically impossible soon. When I was younger and having sex, I never asked. You just go in for the kill and hope she doesn’t bat you away. If she doesn’t stop you, then it’s game. Are we supposed to like actually ask now? Like, “may I have your express consent to begin lip-to-lip engagement while I begin to fondle your breasts”?

Of course so he doesn't leave that gray area. But this pressure tactic will work on a lot of women and I don't care if they should have done something else, Louis was the one that used that trust and his power over them to jack off right in front of them. And

>say no
>get blacklisted in your career field for life

How much money doing standup have you made in your stellar career?

Where the fuck am I that you people are so horrified by beating off in front of a woman? This is worse than Reddit, it's like some Christian message board.

Of course not!
Only Virgins would do that

Yes, Hollywood - land of the numale - wants you to become a timid unthreatening Virgin...

But you can just ignore them and they’re hilariously impotent to stop you. Lmao