This is the greatest sequel of all time.
Fight me.
This is the greatest sequel of all time
Terminator 2
I disagree
You just know OP has said the same thing about mad max pleb road and the dark knight
fucking mo/v/ie buffs
I agree
Quads of truth
Now that you've reminded me, Fury Road is easily the best of the very late sequels. Nothing else gave me an adrenaline rush in the theatre like that movie.
2049 is very good but I wouldnt say its the best sequel. It was like a massive expansion of the visuals that the original couldnt create at the time.
>Fight me.
Don't say this, it's really fucking reddit. You're not cute.
>what is Return of the King
Close though.
I can respect that opinion
I got so badly baited into thinking they were going to make another one with that awful replicant rebellion storyline. Love the way they handled it though. Complete blogpost here but I saw it with my grandpa who saw the original in the theater, he loved it too.
calling things reddÃt is reddit 2bh
Quads of truth. Movie was fantastic
Yeah, what a disgrace to our based Sup Forums anonymous community, right brother?? xd
nice reddit image
even this is better
and that's just of the top off my head
>bit drunk though
tfw I live in an isolated northern tundra community and have to resort to watching shitty cam rip of the movie. Is it at least a good cam?
That's really depressing that you don't get to experience it in IMAX user
>shits all over the face and tone of the original
Don't subject yourself to a shitty camrip, just wait until the bluray rip drops
Going to see it tomorrow with my GF, super hyped. Hope she doesn't talk the whole time. Last time we went to the cinema I had to loudly tell her to shut the fuck up, so I think she'll be good.
I would have thought Sup Forums preferred Empire or maybe The Godfather Part II.
Anyway OP is right. There's no other sequel I can think that not only improved on the original but made the original better.
>seeing BR2049 with your gf
for what purpose
fellowship is better than the other two though. so right there ROTK is behind godfather part 2, empire strikes back, and br2049
I wanna get laid
Quads confirm
Nope. Aliens.
I couldn't believe how reddit this movie was.
This is a film for people who play video games.
Scary movie 2 not joking
Nice try kid.
Aliens has may vote of all time.
Can I watch this movie without watching the first one?
no. you technically can but you lose a whole lot of the impact. it's easily a lesser experience. i watched the first one for the first time just in order to watch br2049, and loved it. i forced my roommate to do the same before i took him to see it, and he thanked me. my other roommate who didnt see the first one walked out asking stupid questions like "what exactly a replicant was" and didnt understand any of the parts where rachael was significant/mentioned (character from first movie)
>Deckard was pointless and should never be in the movie
>the entire Rebellion crap
>stupid as fuck final fight
>many scenes way too long for no reason
Godfather Part 2
I know James Cameron is a meme around here but if you're for real my god man get some taste
Fury Road was gay but Miami Vice was kino.
jesus fucking christ wat a waste of wuads you faggot
Mamoru Oshii made superior science-fiction sequel-kino
>Kerberos Panzer Cops
>The Wolfe Brigade (Prequel but still counts)
Did this answer definitively whether Deckard is a replicant?
>many scenes way too long for no reason
I agree with this part. Could've/should've been 20 minutes shorter. I still mostly liked the movie though.
In terms of taking the tone and feel of the original and doing it better, this is definitely up there along with pic related
"The royalties from that videogame alone!"