>ask girls permission to show them your cock
>they say yes
>whip it out
>but wait...they "admire" you
>now you have to apologize for some reason because you've basically raped them now
the absolute fucking state of liberal sexual dynamics in 2017
>ask girls permission to show them your cock
>they say yes
>whip it out
>but wait...they "admire" you
>now you have to apologize for some reason because you've basically raped them now
the absolute fucking state of liberal sexual dynamics in 2017
>you've basically raped them now
you're not understanding
People wonder why I don't have friends. Shit like this is why I never talk to anyone.
This shit is killing society. Even more males are going to check out.
Is there any reason whatsoever to stick in the West? What the fuck is going on? Nobody can possibly think this is good. Can liberals really not see the world from inside their bubbles?
I mean, you can still make friends with males.
A lot of them really just don't think about it any further than "I want everyone to think I'm a good guy, look at me, I have the 'correct' opinion on this and in fact I'm so good I'm even MORE outraged than the victims themselves"
It's the fall of the Republic. Too late to stop it.
>his message
>your head
Basically if you're someone's boss, you can tell them to do stuff they don't want to do and fuck with their current income and possibly future career. Doing stuff you don't want to do is sometimes part of your job, but this power can be abused, too, very easily. It can be your boss taking ten minutes off your lunch because suddenly things are busy, and you'd go along with it because even though in your state you're legally entitled to a 30 minute lunch break, your boss might be pissed and start giving you shittier hours, and you really don't want to go to court or have to find a new job over ten minutes of lunch at a job that you only need for like a year while you're in school/waiting for a new project to start that you'll be assigned to/until someone up the ladder has their scheduled retirement at which point you'll be best qualified to replace them.
That's a really minor example, but sexual abuse and assault are at the other end. It's a, I don't know, a continuum? a spectrum? You know what I mean, there's different degrees to this shit.
Why is this how our society is going to end? Doesn't make sense. We're all fucked.
Sometimes shit happens dude get over it
I guess. Who the fuck is in charge of the deep state? I could do a better job with some experience/training. They're constantly overreaching in panic.
literally all he said was that they admired him
there's no hint of a professional relationship at all and he definitely didn't say he was their boss
Cause it's already known that these were people he had an established professional relationship with and he often carried more clout in the industry than they did? I assumed you already knew that. Have you not been following this story?
>didn't say he was their boss
No, but he had a similar kind of power over them. I simplified my example into something more relatable. The power dynamics are similar enough that I think my hypothetical makes sense.
so fucking what? so nobody who works in the same field can make a sexual advance on another because there's a risk of some abstract power dynamic turning a sexual encounter into some kind of pseudo-rape?
honestly i'm not even remotely right wing but you people really need to re-examine this whole ideology because it is fucking retarded
>so nobody who works in the same field can make a sexual advance on another
No, of course not. Just be aware that this dynamic is a thing and be aware of how it manifests in your relationship with the other person.
I see what you're saying, that there exist no two exact equals in any industry, but I think that's a nitpick. It's obvious that Louis CK is especially popular, famous, and in-demand when compared to the majority of comics who are trying to get to where he is now. It made it especially hard for him to proposition women in the industry, but 1. BOO HOO I'M SO FAMOUS AND WELL-LIKED THAT I HAVE TO BE CAREFUL FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S SAKE SOMETIMES and 2. it's not impossible. He said himself "I used to misread people back then" when he apologized to whatserface.
If you're reading the other person right, you know whether it's appropriate or not. If you can't read the other person, probably don't chance it, especially if you're in a position of power over them.
Has anyone denied the so called allegations against them yet?
>female logic
>female writing
>reddit spacing
You’re a female who doesn’t frequent this site, aren’t you?
Trump. And then he won the Presidency. Lesson learned. Follow Trump’s lead and learn how to win bigly!
Sorry, I've only had one girlfriend(my wife now). Is asking women if they want to see your cock at work a normal thing?
>can't carry on a conversation
>can't discuss conflicting ideas like an intelligent adult and come away smarter for it, even if opinions on both sides remain unchanged
>has to resort to meme ad hominem attacks to get >Yous
You come here often, don't you?
>Even more males are going to check out.
more like "even more males are realizing they have no hope with the opposite sex because they are creepy and autistic"
>ask girls permission to show them your cock
definitely courteous
>they say yes
I don't think many or even any of the women agreed to it. He took their silence as consent. I think one of them hesitantly agreed. few of them described laughing at the request because they thought it was a joke, which also doesn't constitute consent.
he never touched any of them but yeah he whipped his dick out and jerked off in front of a bunch of women who weren't cool with it. Make of that what you will.
Usually when there's a new girl at work, after about a week she's already asking for my number and once I give her that another few days of texting and she's begging for my cock. I don't usually just whip it out, it takes days/weeks
a couple of them did actually work for him.
Probably one of the liberal NGO shills that post on this board. They're particularly fond of Sup Forums for some reason -- has to do with the traffic, I imagine.
They post lame racebait and anti-Drumpf agitprop on the reg and constantly complain about Sup Forums. Look for it and you'll see what I mean.
Their ideology has become totally indefensible. And we're going to burn the rest of it to the ground.
> nobody who works in the same field can make a sexual advance on another because there's a risk of some abstract power dynamic turning a sexual encounter into some kind of pseudo-rape?
there's a huge difference between making an advance and whipping your dick out.
It's going to hit a point where men just stop caring and sexism becomes open everywhere again because pretending to be sorry and taking the moral highground is just a fucking headache that can't guarantee pussy anymore
last time i checked "hey wanna see my dick" is a sexual advance
So if what Louis did is "sexual misconduct," then what is flashing someone your dick?
Also, if a woman flashes her chest at me, is that sexual misconduct?
You wish you important enough that someone would pay to influence your opinion.
If you think my ideology is indefensible you're welcome to respond to any of my posts above with questions or criticisms, instead of blaming nonexistent strawmen in a response to someone who already agrees with you.
>Also, if a woman flashes her chest at me, is that sexual misconduct?
most women, even the liberal ones, don't really care about this shit. most would never try to get someone fired. the only reason this is happening is because front page news and sympathetic ears have been given to even d-list celebs on the promise of outing famous men. this temptation to purge yourself without consequence and garner sympathy has been too much.
the only worry is that this may actually egg normal women to do the same irl too. which would be a shame since every guy has been a creep at least once in their life. it's something that comes with the territory when you're the gender expected to initiate sexual contact. it takes time to get smooth and not come off as a creep in your sexual advances and you make some mistakes getting there.
Touched a nerve, eh? I’m not blaming “nonexistent strawmen” for anything, sweetie. Get your skank ass back to r*ddit and stay gone.
complaining about Sup Forums is not limited to shills. every long term user of this site hates Sup Forums leakage. even people who go to Sup Forums among other things. keep /xyz/ on /xyz/ has always been a big thing on here due to so many special interest boards.
You shitposters are all the same. SAD.
Nobody here is interested in actually considering opposing viewpoints. They just eat up whatever the Sup Forums infographic de jour is and commit to those ideas with the ferocity of religious converts.
Yeah but someone stole the tires off my bike so I'm home tonight with no plans.
That's the purpose of it. Weed out all sexual behaviour as "unsaviour". God forbid men made sexual advances towards women, they could end up reproducing!
The term you are looking for is
Virtue signalling
A most deceitful and harmful behaviour and sadly widespread.
this guy gets it.
There are like a Billion people in this country and most of them are still fucking like rabbits. A dozen people who fucked that up and got rapey isn't going to change that. There is a difference between consensual sexual activity and non-consensual sexual activity, and if you don't see how this crosses the line maybe you could ask questions or voice a legit criticism, that way other people have the chance to challenge your idea and everyone gets a chance to discuss it.
Which is the exact opposite of living in a bubble.
Don’t care about what you have to say at the moment. Just telling people who you are so that they can choose to disengage and ignore you like I’m doing.
>muh Sup Forums
Like clockwork.
So women don't care about this, but women might start mimicing it? Ok.
I think most women probably don't care about individual strangers and how they live their lives, but they care about predatory, unwanted sexual advances and they don't want themselves or other women to have to live in a culture that routinely excuses and hides that behavior when women are on the receiving end.
Yeah it takes time to figure out how not to be a creep but these didn't just take place when the perpetrators were super-young. I mean Kevin Spacey was 26, right? So I can see how he'd just be young and figuring it out there, but most of these events occurred when the guys were ADULTS, and sometimes it repeated over years and years and years, sometimes decades. So the "too young to know" excuse doesn't hold for them.
Yes, thank god you were here to tell everyone what to think about an anonymous poster on a short-lived thread on a Friday night. I'm sure everyone was waiting at their computer with bated breath for you to show up and tell them who to listen to and who not to. No one had the option to disengage and ignore me until you showed up and offered an example of how to ignore someone by replying to them repeatedly to say that you don't care about them.
Really makes you think.
Well yeah. Only Sup Forums tier ideology inspires the kind of high level rhetoric you've displayed tonight.
Shadilay my friend. Shadilay.
Why are liberals so dead set on preventing everyone from reproducing?
Protestant busybodies, as I’ve said before. It’s in their genes to be puritanical no matter what form it takes. Under the guise of secularism, it takes an anti-natalist flavor. Bioethics is modern day slave morality. It’s meant for the slaves.
Boy, do they hate me too. Because they know I’m a real witch. And they can’t stand the fact that they can’t hound me like they could in the past. They just do it virtually now.
Please don’t ever use memes again, even ironically. This sort of embarrassment is best reserved for your favorite subreddits.
>Can liberals really not see the world from inside their bubbles?
Can you stormweenie? Real Life is not like/pol/ wants you to believe
>Even more males are going to check out.
If by males you mean "angry ugly white virgins" then yes, they're going to "check out" as in they're going to bitch about it on the internet for the years to come, just like they did before.
I hope it happens, we don't need these angry, sexist, misogynistic white males to spread their genes. Women will breed with the best males, you know, actual males, not some woman-hating virgins. The future looks good.
You don't whip it out to begin with you asshole! Quit trying to defend these people.
So liberals are ok with sex ed in schools, distribution of free condoms, improved access to healthcare including Planned Parenthood, and they're pro-abortion, and they're more likely than conservatives to be atheists, but they're also Protestant busybodies who don't want people to reproduce.
It actually makes a kind of sense, they want people to fuck freely, but not have babies. I just don't see how this rash of sexual misconduct being brought to light would discourage people from reproducing but not discourage people from fucking.
pic related
We’re facing a major demographic crisis partly because males are afraid if they interact with women, their lives will be ruined on a whim. You don’t have to be an extremist to see how wrongheaded policies leading to this are. Yet enlightened liberals, such as yourself, press on and take us all right over a cliff.
Liberals have no common sense. They overintellectualize every problem like a bunch of sniveling autists. These people should not be running things.
Sometimes the smartest guy in the room isn’t the best leader.
>but they're also Protestant busybodies who don't want people to reproduce.
Yes. That’s what the SJW stuff is 100%. As I said, it’s Puritanism recast under the guise of secular hedonism/liberation. Liberal policies are actually discouraging sex, as the numbers bear out with Millennials. The fact you can’t see it is very telling indeed.
>pic related
Good. The angrier we become, the sooner we will burn it all to the ground.
>We're facing a major demographic crisis
citation needed
>wrongheaded policies
such as?
>liberals have no common sense.
p much agree with you there. Just try talking gun control with a liberal and watch the MUH FEELINGS come out.
By the way, there are two major political parties in the united states of america, but there is a lot of variation in political beliefs. You can be socially liberal and economically conservative, for example. What I'm saying is that everyone doesn't just fall into one of the two camps, and if you've bought that lie then you're playing the establishment's game just like your parents and their parents and their parents. They want us divided, they want us to see each other as us and them, they want us fighting instead of conversing and finding common ground and learning from each other. There's no shadowy group of people plotting to make us act that way, but there are certainly people who benefit from it and don't mind encouraging it.
Yeah I don't see it. Where are you getting these numbers on millenials? I thought that generation was fucking and having casual sex more than ours did, helped along by hookup apps and websites as well as the swing of the political pendulum.
How are the liberal policies that make sex safer discouraging sex?
>Sup Forums unironically agrees that even if its not rape, its actually rape
>ask girls permission to show them your cock
>they say yes
They didn't say yes, though. They laughed at him. Someone laughing at you when you ask them for sex is a pretty hard no.
>citation needed
How can you not know this? Even Harvard professors are saying this.
>such as
Such as the very topic we’re talking about. How sexual misconduct has turned into a modern-day witch hunt.
The establishment is “progressive” left-liberalism. I am so far above their petty morality. I am a demon to these slaves of the soul.
I knew you people had no idea what’s happening in the world. This is madness.
The fact that women even have that option... that "look at my dink for 3 minutes tops" is a career booster. Jesus Fucking Christ, I'd look at anyone dick or snatch for a week straight for a raise.
Stupid men with their "working hard" and "getting better at the thing they do in exchange for money" its so easy and oppressive.
virgins always win, baby
> living in a world where this kind of rational self-defense is based
why live?
>muh liberals
yetagain falling for the their tricks and fighting the lesse enemy instead of going for the real problem
it's almost as if people are disgusted by sexual deviants even if they claim to tolerate it
The problem with that logic is that mass media has been weaponized as a tool of the political left. It’s become impossible not to mention politics when discussing pop culture.
They're frustrated incel virgins who claim men and women are happier and less degenerate than ever while simultaneously claiming nobody gets laid because liberals.
ive slept with over 30 girls in my life, had plenty of gfs etc. im currently in a long term relationship. the people who bitch about this shit are ugly. thats all there is to it,
The media has been turned against the citizenry in a very malicious way. The government basically considers me, a white male, a latent terrorist until I prove otherwise.
They do not know a witch lives inside of me. And a demon inside her.
Sheev pls go
can you explain why i, an extremely pale person of welsh decent, has a normal social life, pretty girlfriend, and has had no obstacles resulting from "white male racism"? are you sure you arent just an ugly monster that happens to be white?
Men and women are less happy and more degenerate than ever. Yet they aren’t having as much sex as they used to.
Such is the life of the liberal Puritan.
So is it rape if you have a 40 year old rich guy hitting on an impoverished 30 year old woman, because he has economic power over her, and the inherent fact that if she accepts his advances and fucks him/dates him/marries him, her station in life will drastically improve?
user, could I interest you in the priesthood? Maybe in life in a monastery?
>pretty girlfriend
Not all of us are into shagging sheep, lad.
i live in cali, dads german, moms welsh. sheep? i dont know the memes of the country mate. just asking where the oppression comes in
Nah, that shit’s for the modern-day liberal. That is the sort of purity they crave. No naughty thoughts of sexism or racism for thou!
Be wary of those obsessed with purity.
when did evangelicals decide to 180 on everything they believe? all of a sudden theyre pure sex revolution as long as its between white people
>provides statistical research and peer reviewed scientific studies
>provides anecdotes and memes
It comes from the deep state.
Propaganda outlets like the Mouse are in the business of producing propaganda. Who is the number one national security threat according to the DoD? White males.
Somebody high up fucked up and is overreaching big time.
In case you haven't noticed the Evangelicals aren't the ones with their hands on the rudder of society anymore
There's this thing called coercion? It might not be familiar to a non-white but I'm sure you can google it.
I'm seeing clear evidence of a trend, but every change in attitudes isn't a major demographic crisis. Thanks for the links, btw. I'll google this some more.
>you people
I'm assuming you mean liberal in which case I am happy to inform you that I have been voting Republican for 30 years.
Good links though, mate. Couple nitpicks:
"The study noted that participants may interpret the phrase 'had sex with' differently depending on their generation." From the vid on the first link
"The proffered reasons for millennial abstinence? A culture of overwork and an obsession with career status, a fear of becoming emotionally involved and losing control, an online-dating milieu that privileges physical appearance above all, anxieties surrounding consent, and an uptick in the use of libido-busting antidepressants." Liberals support social safety nets, higher minimum wage, union benefits, basically easier work for more pay. So I'd cross overwork off the "blame libs" list. I don't see how any of the others relate to libs, besides the anxieties about consent one, and that brings me to another point in the article;
"That is Patterson’s takeaway. “Third-wave feminists seem to be crazy, saying that all men are participating in this rape culture.” He opts for porn instead. 'It’s quicker. It’s more accessible. What you see is what you get.'"
It sounds less like the liberal ideology of feminism is to blame and more that culture clash between feminism and those who can't reconcile with it are to blame. And here in this thread we have lots of people who don't understand the feminist point of view on this issue and have refused to engage in discussion on it. If you talk with feminists seriously and make an honest effort to understand them, it's easy to understand their rules and thus easy to fuck them. It's not the Dem's fault that some spergs can't talk to a woman for 60 minutes without getting flustered.
I was totally wrong about millenials having more sex, though.
thank christ i prefer seeing titties
You mean:
>ask girls working for you permission to show them your cock
>they "consent"
>they complain
You're honestly surprised?
Women are basically sluts, but they won't fuck me? Why? I'm a nice guy. I hope they all get syphilis from Chad. Fucking bitches.
It's only America though
So, he was their actual boss in a formalized hierarchy, in a position to fire them?
The tone is still there though
Notice how seamlessly the chorus of "That's obscene, that's Satanic, that's anti-American" turned into "That's racist, that's homophobic, that's misogynist"?
It's like the shrieking never actually abated for a single moment, it just swiveled direction 180 degrees overnight
Wow, what a shitty sterile no fun allowed world libtards want to live in. No one is gonna be traumatized from seeing tits or a dick. Fucking first world problems.
Yes he was a head writer and producer on the show
because 80% of women are only interested in the top 10% of men
Unlike men who have been shown to show interest both in dating women who can be considered both a league above and beneath them.
It is regarded as such by people who research this stuff. You’re blinded by your own biases.
Not sure what you’re getting at with your nitpicking. Not really interested in responding to it because it isn’t very substantive and more of a red herring.
>It's not the Dem's fault that some spergs can't talk to a woman for 60 minutes without getting flustered.
Sorry, this is a cop-out. You think dumb spergs are a recent phenomenon. Nobody is buying your talking points, bro. Go back to your NGO’s headquarters and get new ones.
So be a Chad. Jerk off in front of your coworkers tomorrow and get some pussy.
There's a spectrum, mate. Every piece of inappropriate sexual behavior isn't rape. When you talk like that you sound like you read an opinion piece about feminism once in the 80's and never again.
And your hypothetical is so non-specific I really can't say. There are appropriate and inappropriate versions of that scenario, and they don't all revolve around wealth. The biggest difference between your example and the ones we're discussing is that the woman in your example isn't already dependent on the man to some degree for her current quality of life. If she says no, her life will be the same as if she never met him. If someone more powerful than you to whom you are connected professionally hits on you and you turn them down, your existing job could be affected, and so would the income that pays your bills and buys your food.
>Notice how seamlessly the chorus of "That's obscene, that's Satanic, that's anti-American"
You mean the conservative right? Make no mistake, my underage friend, your side was pushing censorship befofe you were even born.