>it's a "yet another hollywood libcuck turns out to be a rapist degenerate hypocrite" episode
It's a "yet another hollywood libcuck turns out to be a rapist degenerate hypocrite" episode
Other urls found in this thread:
B-b-bbbut fuck drumpf and fuck white people!
truly the best timeline
i'm surprised 2bh
i thought it would just be wineburger and maybe 1 or 2 others and thats it
but everyones getting named
>it's yet another /r/the_donald on Sup Forums episode
These reruns are fucking old.
>its another frog posting cuck on the wrong board gets banned episode
Is he, dare I say it...
a faggot?
no one even brought up reddit until u came u faggot
>literally all famous people are pedophiles and rapists
>but those things are totally wrong, normie! don't even think about them! they're not natural!
reminder that consent laws are a historical abnormality and just so happened to coincide with western birth rates dropping below replacement
oh you mean a white ""person"?
why are yall so perverted and evil?
don't worry Sup Forums
it'll be deleted soon and you can continue having your off-topic threads you do like
These threads are made by reddit
aren't prostitutes being payed? I mean shit get your act together, USA
you're coming to as store and you usually say what you want to get, right? or you wait for a salesman to surprise you?
Why aren't you complaining about this thread ?
>15 filename
ugh newshit
because that's not an attempt to start a flame war over and trigger nu male weenies and Sup Forums weenies
So off-topic is fine as long as you like it?
>start a flame war over and trigger nu male weenies and Sup Forums weenies
watch this, it will really redpill you on how libtards really are
preaching feminism so they can be sneaky and then prey on women, its really sad and disgusting
its not a coincidence almost 99 percent of these rapist are liberal men who preach feminism and hate trump and probably don't have god in their lives
>dude if you disagree you're a commie lmao
You do realize it's possible to believe in elements of both political parties without committing to either tribe right?
>inb4 no convictions
I feel very strongly about immigration, climate change, economics, social standards, and so on. Feel free to have an actual conversation with me.
You realize he was using that image to respond to a caricature, right?
You are a redditor
>watch this
Nah. Reiterate his points are if they're so good. Politics on youtube are absolute cancer.
>its not a coincidence almost 99 percent of these rapist are liberal men who preach feminism and hate trump and probably don't have god in their lives
God and conservatism idn't seem to help those kiddy diddlin' priests.
dumb frogposter
Why are humans so degenerate when it comes to sex?
>He ignores sex assault by others, including the orange turd, because it's his team
You're children.
hush, lil soyboi, now is not the time for butthurt, that comes later.
>liberals oust their deviants
>conservatives elect them
this really sets my noggin off a joggin
Hollywood's getting its just deserts for dishing it on the Drumpster. He's getting his well-deserved revenge, as we all will on the liberals who want to see us destroyed.
Hue hue fuckin libtards I hope the niggers are next right Sup Forums?
>>liberals oust their deviants
Only after they got caught. It was a well-guarded secret until it wasn't.
Now that really gets the soy stirrin'.
They're building up to Donald "grab em by the pussy" "Trump, will be an amazing finale
>liberals oust their rapists by covering up for them for decades
based libs
Allegations without evidence, every single one of them. In fact, to be honest most of these sexual assault cased right now are simplly allegations.
The difference between the right and the left is that the right won't fucking lynch someone just because someone made a claim. The left will happily do so though if the one making the claim is a precious woman.
You're done when he's impeached. LOL
More like the liberals will lynch their own based on simple allegations without proof with brainlet mob mentality.
most of those have been proven to be fake news, those men didn't admit to it unlike spacey and weinstein and louis ck
You subscribe to an ideology because you have no greater purpose and defend it endlessly because it's all you have.
End yourself .
>Allegations without evidence
I'm pretty sure all the degenerate libucks accused have admit they did indeed do the act
Millennials' minds are fucked by the election. Anything that happens in the news anymore, they immediately think of some angle to make it political. Worst part is they are almost all dumb as dirt, so there's really no having a real discussion about any of these current events either.
So you're going to blindly believe what red team says?
nice strawman. But I don't subscribe to an idealogy. I believe that people should only be lynched if they are found guilty with evidence. So naturally I align with whatever side also believes that since it will be the one to uphold such a belief. But go ahead and continue defending the left. Soon enough the people you thought were your friends will find some incriminating 'evidence' of you and you'll find yourself all alone as they pore on the heat.
>implying they didn't just say that because claiming a woman is lying is blasphemy
>t-this i-is the end of Drumpf this time for sure!
>he's STILL pretending the fappening increase in gamergate despite being called out on it in every thread
why are the left still crying about goobergate bros?
Notice how nobody ever even tries to refute this. They know they're newshits.
I believe the red team actually knows how to handle allegations. The blue team just rolls the fuck over. They have no spine.
kek missed your samefag attempt by one (1) second
>Denying over and over means you have a spine
And who told you that? The red team?
Embarrassing, post bane cancer
>Sup Forums is just satire bro
>lets defend these pedophiles because they reassure me i vote for the right people to fuck me over
the absolute state of burgerland
t. 2016 oldfag
Who was Oval oldfag and what was his relationship to this board?
literally the tumblr callout culture of 2013-2016 on a much larger scale. all of the people on that website that'd eat their own end up being exactly the same in the end
let's see
the red team isn't faced up against a liberal media that hates them and will make up shit against them
why would liberals like the new york times want to destroy their own like CK and Weinstein ulness it wasn't true
Why was a janitor brought on for 2 days to censor the texas shooting discussion on Sup Forums?
>Denying means you have a spine
Compared to the alternative? Fuck yes it does. If someone makes a claim that could potentially ruin your entire life what should you do? Roll over? Yeah, sure. That worked so well for Louis C.K. and Kevin Spacey. These guys were at the fucking top, and they threw it all away! Hey, if that's what you'll do in the future should such happens to you, then I encourage you to follow your heart.
You mean circlejerking about how he was a muslim until he wasn't and then he was somehow antifa?
You should probably get a life dude.
>Roy Moore gets accused of going after a 14 year old
>Republican law maker quotes the bible to justify it
Wow, is this the power of the right?
>it's another liberal goes on an insane gun rampage episode
these are getting pretty common. ban liberalism?
The media didn't destroy CK and Weinstein and Spacey. They destroyed themselves by not outright denying the claims and then suing them for libel.
>all these SEETHING redditers
>B-b-but the republicans did it too!
Provide some hard evidence. I'll be waiting.
They didn't deny the claim cause they were true, there was nothing to deny, they literally admitted it
While OReilly and Trump have denied it cause they are innocent, gee you libtards sure are fucking dumb.
Hey man. It fucking worked. If a democrat tried doing that do you think they'd get away with it? Fuck no. They care way too much about women's feelings.
In any country that matters, truth is an absolute defense for defamation.
Are you telling me what I'm saying isn't true? If he wasn't brought in solely for that then where has he been? A thread like this wouldn't have lasted 1 minute when he was here
Those 2 days no matter what time I would come it was actually 100% on-topic and shitpost threads were axed before they could even hit a minute mark
evidence? you need to listen and believe son. straight white male liberals have got to go.
>ITT Tribalism
Anyone actually want to talk with sources and a level head or is this just the deignnated shitpost thread?
>makes no point other than: "lol, memes"
okay guy, go back to your god emperor subreddit before you out yourself as a low-t beta cuck.
Why do men in Hollywood interact with women?
All they're doing is increasing the likely hood that allegations of sexual harassment will be filed against them. When will they realize that trying to have sex with women has way more risk than it does reward?
turnabout is fair play, my dude. leftists set up this "believe any and every rape accusation ever" culture but never expected it to backfire. either they have to believe them all, including the ones against their idols, or admit that maybe sometimes accusations come from vindictive or scheming people
I guarantee the janny is ITT eating popcorn
>low-t beta cuck
You have a lot of gal to say that after seeing the left completely bitching itself out.
Because when you’re a star, they let you do it
>make thread
>jannie deletes it
>someone else makes the exact same thread with the same image and text
>on it's way to 100+ shitposts
To be fair, using the bible to justify pedophilia is like using a toaster to make a grilled cheese. Not exactly designed for that purpose, but works nonetheless.
so pretend you made this one and stop fagging off about some damn (you)s
If somebody has committed sexual assault, then it's good that they suffer the consequences. I don't give a shit what their political leanings are.
I don't know about any of that, but to me it sounds like you're crying why you couldn't post offtopic threads on Sup Forums for 2 whole days. Who cares? Honestly, how much time everyday do people like you and OP spend trying to slide Sup Forums board culture? You're not getting anything out of it.
>not knowing the moderation schedule for boards you post on
Kevin Spacey thought he had it covered by raping young boys.
Turns out, submissive bitchs are snitches.
MachoxMacho is the only way to fuck safely these days
>it's my enemies who are low t not me
meanwhile in the real world liberals have test scores lower than 85 year old men
I'm not crying about being able to post off-topic threads though
I'm crying about how dishonest and selective the moderation still is for this board compared to every other one even though Sup Forums is now considered a "big board" like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, etc
it's absolutely retarded that this board is moderated based on studio handouts and what political belief the guy on has
>another wall of text
It has to be Sup Forums making these.
>when you thread-cuck someone
fking saved
>board culture
fuck off back to reddìt with that shit. culture was cunny until you faggots starting crying.
>wall of text
>Small text
I'm not fucking reading that. Who the hell made this shit meme?