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If only

dubs if true

yeah, it wouldn't be him to do it. he's been getting work for years because he's a niceguy, not cuz he has acting chops



Seriously though, this show has very strong pedo vibes.


fake and gay

Well the most recent moment I can remember is when that gay kid takes his shirt off and the camera keeps focusing on his young, nubile body.

0/10 try harder faggot


Soon Gosling will control all of Hollywood and the 1000 years of Pure Kino shall commence.

All capeshit torn asunder, all mockumentary thrashed against the rocks

You just know

he's a good actor though

If you think that anytime you see a shirtless boy then you're the one who's a pedo, not the director.

You are probably just homoattuned, not a big deal dont worry about it, but not something other people have to deal with

Isn't that the sjw speech guy from the Emmys? Oh how the tables have turned.

I don't even remember that, kek.

>no link
>painfully simple image that takes 2 minutes to make in paint

I don't know about being a nice guy. Nice guys usually don't threaten with violence.

Was Winona trying to tell us something with her reactions guys?

plenty of niceguys fought in world war 2. it happens

He scares the kids guys...

Seriously though, consider how many multi-million dollar projects are having the plug pulled because of this shit. Hollywood is going to lose billions just because the media wants to puff up some outrage for clicks and SJWs feel entitled to their terrets fits. This world is fucking disgusting sometimes

You mean when Will was getting a checkup by the doctors?

We can't have any shows now.

Except for the ones starring Jewish women and trannies. Those are GOOD and you will like them.

When he was going to take a back and then took his shirt off because he was too hot.

Ugh, I forgot he did this. Why do actors have to be such douches?

>Stranger KANGZ is getting its shit pushed in


>that scene where Winona Ryder straddled a tied down Will while they were both drenched in sweat

The actor playing her other son was yelling at her telling her to stop because it wasn't in the script, but the show runners felt the scene was so visceral it had to stay in.

This is getting out of hand

This thread is good proof that retards falls for every bit of fake news.

When the little girl begins to strip naked in front of a bunch of boys

I wish. Other shows that you wish should get hit with this shit stick?

Why would they be "in talks" to stop production on a show they fund?

stfu faggot

>his young, nubile body

>no source


Tfw everyone is too retarded to take 3 seconds to Google if it's true

Hollywood has been losing billions for years. It's a hearts and minds game. They're going after our children, and the next generation. It's not just about money.

>11 was just her name
>I swear she was 18


>Could there be anything wrong with the product we supply?

>No it's the consumers who are wrong

Sounds like you don't believe in capitalism friend.

No point to use paint. Much easier to just use your browser's development tools. That image would take about 30 seconds to make.

>giving your information to Google

Enjoy being on the Slave List when Google becomes the government

Hollywood is the one engineering it to cut costs on shit they don't feel like doing anymore. Lives are being ruined for the sake of redirecting some money.

t. Harvey

I've never understood these threads

Like does it actually make you feel good when you say HAHAHA BTFO and cheer that a show got cancelled or someone is being taken down when it's obviously not true and you won't even remember this thread after an hour


You were really stupid enough to believe this was real just because of an image on the internet

Fake news. Very sad!

>11 and she was gone
>11 is when we waved goodbye

Why would you get me excited like that? Oh well, at least we've still got Takei for today

Really puts that stupid award rant he did in a new perspective.

Good riddance, retard.


how new

I understand the humor, but we shouldn't cry wolf on these things. People night stop taking the real ones seriously and then we lose our happenings.

> Hollywood is going to lose billions
No, a few produced companies are going to lose tens of millions. The others will see their profits go up in the wake of the vanished competition.