I don't believe that George Takei would ever assault anyone
Wait for the facts to come out.
I don't believe that George Takei would ever assault anyone
Wait for the facts to come out.
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Sounds like nothing unless he drugged the guy.
there's a chance he could be lying as well. We have to wait for George Takei to respond
>I don't believe that George Takei would ever assault anyone
Fags are the most violent and aggressive sexual harassers in existence just ask Takei, Spacey, and most directors
He literally groped and jerked off Jonah Falcon on the Howard Stern Show.
From Jonah's facial expressions you can clearly tell he was extremely uncomfortable about it.
Not taking sides, but what importance are someone's taxes? I don't understand why people ask for this. No one has ever asked a president for their taxes before. This doesn't make sense to me. Why are someone's taxes so important?
Another degenerate faggot.
Drumpf is just trying to hoolywood
why would someone step into the spotlight to falsely accuse someone?
Libs fire sexual predator
>No one has ever asked a president for their taxes before
That's because every president since Nixon has done it. It's to show you have nothing to hide and that your decisions are not being influenced by potential monetary gain. The fact that Trump hasn't released his taxes could mean that he has something to hide. Or that he's embarrassed by his constant financial failures.
>Wait for the facts to come out
No, the American people need Mr Takei to disclose his sexual dealings, past and present, immediately -- Particularly any ties to pederasty.
I don't follow this stuff much, but didn't he release them a while ago? I remember seeing threads about it
God I hope Omar gets accused next
He's not wrong.
>american entertainment
>unless he drugged the guy.
He did
For years Trump has laundered money through his Atlantic City casinos, which coincidentally all went bankrupt right around the time he decided to run for president.
Even the accuser doesn't know if he did or not. You shouldn't grope blackout drunk people though it's illegal.
I’m gay and I hardly have sex.
Trump has long been suspected of having ties to the mob and Russian criminals and laundering money through his businesses. Even before all the president shit. So the fact he won't release them is suspicious.
Every retard that cries about russia immediatly loses all credibility in my eyes. By this point it is infinitely clear that russia did not "hack" the election and trump isnt a russian bot ,critisize cheeto man without going complete retard for one time pls
>I dont believe a degenerate faggot would commit a sex crime
>meanwhile, back in reality, the investigation into Trump's Russia ties is ramping up, people are being indicted, the piss tape is real
>the piss tape is real
Trump is just very stubborn and doesn't want to give the media what they want. I thought this was pretty obvious, I guess not. Also, shady deals don't show up on tax returns. If he's like any other rich person, he's most likely hiding a good chunk of his money in offshore accounts.
I absolutely believe it. What I don't believe is how they're consuming their own so easily. Truly savage.
I am sick of hearing some washed up actor share his political opinions though.
I hope that people don't actually believe the Russia "investigation" will actually hurt Trump in any way. It's borderline delusional.
So what happens when Mueller's investigation leads to an ironclad case against Trump and impeachment is recommended?
>Almost every single sexual predator exposed in the past month has been a democrat hillary donor
>doesn't want to give the media what they want
74% of Americans want to see his tax returns.
It would be a very easy win for Trump to just release them, and it would shut the media up. There's gotta be a reason he's not releasing them.
>I don't believe that George Takei would ever assault anyone
He's a famous perv. Pretty sure he sucked dick on camera on Howard Stern.
It would have to be extremely solid evidence for a republican house and senate to impeach him. If it is solid, he will be impeached and you will get president Pence, who is far more conservative, congrats! Lucky for you, the Russia investigation will go nowhere and Trump will finish his term.
Nice bait.
>It would have to be extremely solid evidence for a republican house and senate to impeach him. If it is solid, he will be impeached and you will get president Pence, who is far more conservative, congrats!
You're acting like Pence wouldn't be implicated in this mess, keep in mind that Paul Manafort recommended him
That’s not how it works and Trump isn’t being investigated.
you wake up and realize you're still a loser and trump is still president
You may be right, but Trump is very petty and hard headed. I don't find it hard to believe that he isn't releasing them because he sees it as "giving my enemy (the media) what they want) even if it's clean. Besides, I really doubt that any shady deals would show up on tax returns.
It is, and he is
How come we don't have a celebrity guest banging a girl in these shows?
Has there been just one leftie-crusade which hasn't backfired on themselves?
How many of you read that in his voice? I know you did, don't deny it you fornicating fecal matter craniums.
Maddow did a show on one year of taxes that leaked, then they realized he actually leaked them
Manafort was busted for shit that's not even related to the election. You honestly believe that his entire administration is involved in a Russian scandal? You 100% honestly believe that? Keep in mind that we are a year in and still have nothing.
It isn't and he isn't. Comey cleared Trump of Russian involvement. They're bringing charges against other people to get them to flip and railroad Trump.
i wouldnt be surprised if he slipped spanish fly into mens drinks then assaulted them in mens toilets
>Jerks a guy off on a live radio broadcast
I believe it, that's some deviant tier exhibitionism right there.
well being gay increases the chances that you'll rape or sexually assault someone
Convince the leftists, not me.
Innocent until proven guilty only applies to people you like I guess.
just like this time last year, he's about the impeached any day now
yeah, and don't forget that 14-year old girl he raped and how he's an Andromedan lizardman. evidence for all of this is just about to be uncovered, and then it's finally her turn.
Fags ar predators i've never known the case to be contrary
>alt-retard making child fucking jokes after his party endorsed it
Based Ahmed.
I'm not that guy but at least some of the people in Trump's circle clearly were. He probably knew about it and didn't much care. And yeah he probably fucked those Russian hookers and him raping his what first wife are probably also true. Nearly everyone in Washington and Hollywood are at least a little dirty and he's both.
lol why does this faggot jap take himself so seriously?
Because he was on Star Trek. Yet he's the least important member of the main cast arguably, fuck hardly appeared in a good chunk of the movies aside from a cameo.
Because he gets a bunch of twitter followers made up of virtue signallers, those numbers mean everything to him.
>after his party endorsed it
you must be one ugly son of a bitch.
one of my best friends his ugly as sin and gay but even he constantly get´s new partners.
I guess it helps that he is ok with having relationships with older man....
yeah you guys are freaks. I still like my friend a ton but it was really creepy when ever he talked about his 30 year older boyfriend
>if you replace the word "Russians" with jews all lefty cucks now sounds like nazis
kek. you guys just can´t accept that you lost, just like you can´t admit that 99% of the media are basically just leftwing propaganda tools at this point
>An Alabama state official on Thursday dismissed a Washington Post report alleging that GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore had initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl decades ago, saying there was an age gap between the biblical Joseph and Mary. The Post also alleged that Moore had pursued three others when they were between the ages of 16 and 18 and he was in his early 30s.
>“Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus,” Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler told The Washington Examiner. “There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual.”
I didn't realize that it was the Talking Yankees guy that he jerked off on air.
>Mr.obama, the American people need you to disclose your birth certificate -- especially any ties to kenya.
The woman claiming that just happens to be part of the Clinton campaign
I think most Russians weren't involved but some were like most jews aren't involed in conspiracies but you know some are or were.
Not my party, and not a guy who could give a party endorsement, but pretty funny nonetheless.
this shit is great. it's pretty much to the point where you can accuse anyone, and people will believe it without any evidence.
It doesn't magically erase a conservative state official endorsing Islam, I'm sorry to say.
If that's true it makes sense if someone molested you as a kid you would be driven away from their party and ideals though.
>search twitter for takei
>filter for gamergate
>brace for upvotes
You sure
>people are surprised about this guy being a rapist
The quote is actually "they let you do anything" you lying degenerate homo
Obama isn't conservative
Poor Jonah, can't catch a break.
Yea, he was a Senate candidate 40years ago right? Stop being a fucking idiot
He sucked a cock on Howard Stern and admitted to coercing boys into sex.
This fucking gook should be gassed along with everyone in this country that identifies as a 'progressive'
Because they want to be seen as a "brave victim"
What do ants have to do with that faggot?
No. The liberals created this disgusting witch hunt. They were the ones that pushed for accusation = guilty and the removal of innocent until proven guilty. They created this monster and now we get to watch it slaughter them. Let's hope it keeps going.
Funny story, according to Facebook data, George Takei is the most liked actor/director among democrats.
1. George Takei
2. Will Smith
3. Queen Latifah
4. Jada Pinkett Smith
5. Kerry Washington
And for republicans
1. Adam Sandler
2. John Wayne
3. Cheech and Chong
4. Megan Fox
5. R. Lee Ermey
what an idiot
This is kind of sad