I know I must be late to the party but holy shit, Candyman is fucking great. What does Sup Forums think of it?
Pure Kino
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Funny you bring it up, I've been meaning to make a Candyman thread the last few days. It's kino, 10/10 soundtrack really makes it. I'm still to this day afraid to say his name 5 times into the mirror.
I actually haven't seen it since I was a kid, but I read the book a few years ago and it was fucking great. I'd recommend Clive Barker to anyone who's into horror.
I haven't seen it
Yes, it's good stuff. Probably the only Clive Barker adaptation I consider to be a "proper" film. Hellraiser is fun but let's face it, the budget limitations never did justice to the concept. Candyman is the superior attempt.
If it has one problem then it is that is does at times hew a little too closely to ANOES, with the whole "Is it all in her head?/No one believes her" thing. This might be why the film is not more highly regarded. Of course, ambigious insanity is a common horror trope but timing is important for films and Candyman came out during a time of Elm Street fatigue.
Love that Phillip Glass score and prime Virginia Madsen.
The whole think is just so god damn creepy:
>that score
>the cinematography
>leaving certain things to the imagination
>the setting (the graffiti in particular)
>Tony's grunts when he's eviscerating people
>Tony letting real bees crawl all over his face
>the garage scene:
>expect it to be a normal guy in the garage
>the way he glides across the floor
>his creepy ass voice
>that freshly bloodied stub w/ a hook rammed in it
Best horror flick I've seen in a while, no way I'm doing that mirror bull shit
>Tony letting real bees crawl all over his face
You know, I never even stopped to consider that before. Yeah, they put a lot of effort into this film, which is why it's sad that it is often overlooked.
When I say "overlooked" I mean by critics. Lots of people saw the film and even those who did not are still aware of the "5 times in the mirror" legend. But I have never seen the film praised by critics or mentioned in any of those arbitrary Best Horrors lists.
This is surprising because it deals with themes that critics are often interested in. It is - up to a certain point, before it becomes explicitly supernatural - a horror film which plays on racial tensions and notions of the Big Black Boogeyman. They drive this home in the public toilet scene, with the rapist who dresses like Candyman. There's a ton of stuff there for critics to analyse. But for some reason it has never attained that "canonical" status for them, and they don't talk about it. (Even though they will happily talk all day about much worse films.)
How is his attempt to reboot hellraiser? I haven't heard anything from that franchise, even the one they just made.
>a horror film which plays on racial tensions and notions of the Big Black Boogeyman. They drive this home in the public toilet scene, with the rapist who dresses like Candyman.
Damn, didn't even think of it like that. Pretty good analysis, user.
the fuck was this guy's problem
he was a shit lord before the walking dead?
No idea. I sometimes check in for updates on this new Hellraiser that is supposedly coming out, but there is nothing concrete. Some concept art floating around, which I don't think they are going to use.
I wouldn't bother with any of any Hellraiser past the 4th film. Look at this trailer, it's like a spoof video:
I mean I've seen photos of pinhead for the new movie (they replaced Doug Bradley but he was game to come back, it was kinda a dumb reason he didn't sign on), I'm confident it'll come out sooner or later. Revelations was filmed in like a couple weeks though right?
It's legitimate Kino. Not just horror kino.
Actually, it's horror kino but also legitimately good.
Watch Paperhouse if you liked Candyman. The directors previous (and I think first) movie.
Also the score for Candyman was so beautiful.
By far the best Barker adaptation. The way they moved it to the U.S. and fleshed it out into a feature was extremely well done. It caputred the seedy BDSM eroticism of Barkers work without having to actually get full Kink like Hellaraiser. It didn't need to lean too heavily on the violence (although I think that's a positive in Barkers work) but substituted it with a genuinely frightening, unsettling atmosphere.
>tfw 13 or so
>Virginia Madsen has been arrested at Cabrini green for murdering the child
>She's at the police station
>They ask her to strip
>She's in blood soaked white underwear, slick and see through
muh dick exploded.
Yeah it's pretty underrated. As someone who grew up in Chicago, I thought it was also pretty cool how they filmed it in Cabrini–Green which was one of the worst places to live at that time. I wonder how the crew felt filming there.
p.s. Virginia Madsen was hot.
That was all added for the film. When they wanted to change the location to the U.S., he looked into their Housing Projects/Estates and came across Cabrini Green. Cabrini Green is now no more, demolished and replaced.
But reading up on it is fascinating. There are also long documentries on YouTube. It was a genuine nightmare location, and they managed to shoot their, on actual location.
It's such a fantastic location.
Coincidence, I'm watching Hellraiser Hellworld right now. Oh god, it's so fucking dumb it's glorious.
>there is a cult of young people obsessed with the cenobites
>people in the movie where t shirts with the original movie poster on them
>tried to me meta but fumbled it in embrassing fashion
>Henry cavil is in it and he's awful
>all the characters seem to talk in different accents
>There is a Hellraiser mmorpg where the cenobites kill people online
>they get lured to an irl meet up of MMO gamers by lance henricksen who looks bored as fuck
>starts putting gamers in saw traps for some reason while pinhead is just walking around the house like he is just some guy there
>feels like a throwaway script that they just turned into a Hellraiser sequel at the last minute
Shit is embrassing in a very entertaining way
firstly, every movie after three or four was actually a script for a different movie that was retooled to be a hellraiser movie. And I remember phelous talking about it, looked funny to watch
I knew that was the case for Inferno for sure. Wasn't so sure about others like Hellraiser Bloodlines which seemed like a pretty complex exploration of the Hellraiser universe and didn't have the feel of being a completely different movie
Really good movie. Love the score, the atmosphere, and the performances. Tony Todd is so underrated outside of the horror/sci-fi community.
Ok I didn't realise Bloodlines was 4. I thought it was 6 or 7. Jesus these films are a jumbled mess I can't even keep them straight. I'm guessing after 4 is when they started their shenanigans
Why does that guy look and talk like he has some sort of muscular dystrophy retardation
He looks like that cucked stepdad we all know, but I'll give him credit for doing his own thing and being one of the only sane people from that Nostalgia Critic network
>think OP is memeing as usual
>give it a chance
>mfw it's real kino
reminder that siskel and ebert gave it a bad review because the mildgore made their tim tums qweasy
yeah the location and sets were fucking amazing
they managed to inject run down projects and urban environments with the classic hammer gothic vibe without making it cheesy or look out of place which in their own regard also elevated the monster to a whole new level
You looking for Candyman bitch?
Tony Todd deserves more roles
He gets a lot of work, actually. It's just not major roles. It's a lot of smaller genre stuff, and voice acting for videos games and cartoons.