before I read this edited version, I actually thought "hey you know what? that apology might be genuine" but holy fuck, CK is such a creep he literally can't stop himself from writing how EVERYONE ADMIRE HIM in almost every single sentence
before I read this edited version, I actually thought "hey you know what? that apology might be genuine" but holy fuck, CK is such a creep he literally can't stop himself from writing how EVERYONE ADMIRE HIM in almost every single sentence
Other urls found in this thread:
are we officially reddit now?
what is this thread?
How do they not know the difference between affect and effect?
They're reddit.
Because they're emotional retards
>asking =! consent
they know the difference between colored people and people of color
>knowing anything
the only bit that seems odd is the asking/consent debate
we still havent gotten a straight answer if these women said yes or not. like he asked before he whipped it out but did he wait for a yes before whipping it out or was it just
>hey can i masturbate in front of you *unzips dick*
if they thought it was a joke and said yes because they didnt think he was serious why didnt just they gtfo once he actually whipped it out? he's still a complete degenerate though but the whole situation is weird.
Everybody wants their pound of flesh.
This is soooo problematic
asking isn't consent, receiving an affirmative after you ask is
What did he mean by this?
This is the worst thing I've read all day
You don't need actual writing skill to get hired to masquerade as a journalist at a shitty tabloid blog
Hes' clearly implying they said yes.
why be vague about that shit when consent is the crux of the entire issue
Molestation is nothing to joke about. These "journalists" should be fired.
"Yes" does not always mean yes. Sometimes it's no, but they're too scared to say that due to the power of their attacker so they feel like they have no choice but to say yes.
Louis CK had the power to ruin their careers if they declined.
His apology was actually semi decent though. What is this pointless shit? At least he owned up to it and took full responsibility.
Remember that one kid in school who would ask "can I borrow your eraser?" as he was grabbing your eraser
Asking does not equal consent.
Only nerds know that
Could someone photoshop Louie with Lady Olenna's little hat and some cool guy glasses and write "I want them to know it was me"
>admitting guilt
See, that's where he fucked up.
He could have posted the exact message that these journalists wanted and they would twist relentless scrutiny into that version as well, because it has nothing to do with him or what he's saying. That's what makes the current climate so dangerous. It's people projecting decades of abuse onto few men in order to make an example.
somebody actually took the time to print this out, wrote on it with a bunch of colored pens, and then took a picture?
literally why?
how do men have sex lives once they outgrow being impressive to your friends? women naturally seek men of gravitas. I'm having trouble reconciling the fact that women seem to chase these men while also complaining they're under their thumb every time they end up in a tight spot with one
How much do these “people” get paid? Serious question?
Even though I think he's a legit retard who will make a terrible senator I'm going to enjoy it thoroughly when this guy wins the Alabama election. Hopefully this will show men that the only way to survive these feminist attacks is to refuse to give even a single inch to these people.
Who the fuck are these people that think they are sinless enough to critique a mans written apology in such a way.
>hey do you mind if I masturbate in front of you? By the way the subtext of this question is that if you say no I will use my sway as a prominent member of this industry to ensure your career goes nowhere
It's the old adage don't shit where you eat. CK shit where he eats, and now everyone's mad because they're covered in shit.
how do you even prove this was the subtext though.
it's not possible. that's the only thing that irks me.
Just what you’d expect
So what’s the power level cutoff? Like how much money do I have to make in order to be a rapist?
What kind of fucking virgin thinks you ever actually get verbal consent before sex lmao
What power do you think Louis CK had back in 2002-2003, when these incidents took place? At that point he was a virtually unknown comic who's biggest claim to fame was directing Pootie Tang, a critical and commercial failure. He wasn't in any kind of position where up and coming entertainers needed to be scared of his influence or anything like that.
you dumbass, it's effect in this context.
effect can be a verb.
He admitted that he had way more power than his victims at the time, and that therefore it was wrong. There's no need for you to defend him when he's literally admitting his guilt.
Hi ho silver
He did literally nothing wrong
He asked every single time before he pulled his dick out
"The power I wielded over these women is that they admired me" were his exact words. Hardly a Harvey Weinstein type situation where he actually had real, tangible power to destroy careers and such.
Editing skills, and language in general, has gone to shit in the age of the 24/7 clickbait stream.
I hope you are baiting. Yes, effect can be a verb, but it is not the right verb in that context.
>effect someone's career
>affect someone's career
if you affect someone's career, you modify it. if you effect someone's career, you bring it about.
They may have felt pressured though.
he effected their career
you know, like brought it into being
jk, cuz they're idiots
we were reddit before reddit
Ever since /r/incels was taken down it's been getting worse, and I don't know why.
> No need to defend him
There is a need to prevent stupid people from saying stupid shit about him having power in 2002. Even today he's a reddit comedian who contributes little if anything to the larger pool of comedic art. Hardly someone worth comparing to or worry over compared to Harvey "Wine n' Dine" Weinstein
He had a powerful manager who went around expressing his unspecified dislike at women making waves about the incidents
That's still a pretty high level of power when they're in the same industry.
"I also took advantage of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabled them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried because people who look up to me didn't want to hear it."
He even admits this. It's not just that they admire him, but that he was widely admired in their industry.
No, it's the right verb. These were women under CK's tutelage and influence, so he would be the one with the power to effect (i.e. cause) their success.
> this board was never good
doesn't mean we have to make it worse.
> admiration
> level of power
Fuck off, admiration isn't power because it has to be earned. You can't use someone's admiration of you to do something depicable, because at that point they no longer admire you.
He's a fucking cunt, but to call his position one of power rather than one of assholery is pushing the definition of "power".
He's already been vindicated.
>He also tries to reduce his culpability by noting that, at the time of his actions, he thought simply asking if it was OK to masturbate in front of women was enough to guarantee consent.
so asking if it was ok, getting "yes" is still not a consent, is that right? Yes still means no?
yeah, the age of males is done.
>even today he's just reddit bro
Nigger he had 2 different television series, multiple specials, a deal with Netflix, and was directing a major release. In addition to that he's been a writer/producer for the past 20 or so odd years. He's held measurable power for decades.
You do realize you're arguing against Louis' OWN admission of power, right? You're arguing against him saying he HIMSELF is guilty by trying to say he isn't.
This is why we need the church. Because when you dont have the church there, to control women's sexuality, this is what you get. Do you see fedora wearers? Do you see now? Wheres your lack of an existence of a god now?
this is literally the justification for Sharia law
And the fucked up thing is... i'm kind of seeing the muzzies point. If you accept that people really are assholes, and will never stop being assholes, then you realize if you don't want someone jizzing all over your sister or mom or wife or whatever, you need to keep them away from the assholes. Problem with the muzzies is they don't hold the assholes culpable on top of keeping the women covered and separated. So you get shit like women being punished for being raped.
I'm sorry but this is just too intangible for me. I can get behind these sexual harassment complaints when it's a direct manager or something similarly concrete but when it gets all the way to the point where a man has to consider the how powerful his associates are or his respect level within his industry just to make a sexual proposition, that is unfair. The old standard of "you can't fuck employees, you can't try to exchange sex for favors and when a woman says no you need to stop" is perfectly fine. Everyone else being accused right now broke one of these three rules or tried to fuck a kid. Louis didn't.
>are you sorry now?
and it will all be fine if we just pour all of our resources into fast-tracking sex robot technology. why are we working on anything else? honestly. just take all the men, drop us on an island, populate it with west world tier sex robot technology, and uh, we'll uh offer up some chad every now and then as a sacrifice to our female overlords and they can keep him as a sex slave. everybody wins
>I hope you are baiting. Yes, effect can be a verb, but it is not the right verb in that context.
>>effect someone's career
>>affect someone's career
it's 'effect'. like they use it in economics.
"Growth in the economy can only be effected by stringent economic controls. The new policies did little to effect change."
Wait wait wait wait, What the fuck?
Asking/=/Consent? Then what the fuck even IS consent as defined by these circus weirdoes?
lol, you're going to get a lot of (you)s. delete your post while you have a chance idiot
>University of Michigan Policy & Procedures on Student Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence defines consent as "a clear and continuous agreement, expressed outwardly through mutually ongoing understandable words or actions, to engage in a particular activity
Ive always seen the burkas as muzzies not wanting their wife skin to turn into a prune, i mean they live in the desert afterall
but yeah you're right either we go back to like it was in the 1950's when women weren't allowed out of the house without their husband or else women have to stand up for themselves. if we go with the former, then sure I can go get my suit of shining white armor polished and Ill have the horse groomed and the lance sharpened and Ill be happy to ride in and save the day for these dumb broads
if the latter, then no forget it I dont know you and I don't care
>are we officially reddit now?
If we were, we'd be defending him and saying his apology was great and how funny we think he is. Reddit loves Louis CK.
so women can't give consent because being white and male is automatically considered being put in a position of power. any "yes" could really mean no.
"Hey baby. I know I asked a minute ago, but are you still comfortable with my penis inside of you? I need a clear and continuous agreement, expressed outwardly through mutually ongoing understandable words or actions, to engage in this particular activity. I'd really like to start thrusting again."
its like how its gotten with the instant replays in professional sports. 10 years ago everyone knew what a catch looked like in football. and then you add the instant replay and you go 'ok we'll never get any calls wrong again right'
well then you have a challenge and you start to dissect it. and it turns out when its slowed down, and you're zoomed in, theres a whole new layer of complexity. and you completely lose sight of the big picture and suddenly something that was a catch 10 years ago no problem is now completely up for debate
there is an infinite complexity to things, and if you try to dissect every little nuance of the male-female dynamic you're going to lose sight of whatever made it work in the first place and and its going to get micro-managed right out of existence.
Honestly this. I'm fucking done with women, I am convinced they are all insane. I will just get a sexbot and it will at least satisfy sexual urges.
fake, here's the real analysis of Louis's statement