George Takei is a rapist
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Trump is a sexual deviant and grabbed pussies of all kinds of innocent women who were to afraid to speak out.
Impeach now!
post yfw you're not a leftie
oh dear
>look in comment sections
>b-but TRUMP! MOORE!
I hate liberals so fucking much.
>We must always believe the victim!!
>except when i like the perp, then it’s innocent but proven guilty!! Then i’ll deflect and talk about totally different people!!
Civil war when brehs?
Why would you admit this?
>another vocal SocJus advocate is an immoral deviant
really butters my biscuit!
Fuck off you underage virgin.
>muh libruls with muh more
Nobody cares, not everybody is from fucking Alabama you fag
“innocent until proven guilty”
“ALWAYS believe the accuser”
“unless it’s someone i like, then innocent until proven guilty”
Really hoists my petard
What a hypocrite.
Remember to 'listen and believe' it's important we believe these accusers, goy!
it's always the most vocal who are usually guilty
sounds like you’re projecting faggot. i can tell from your pathetic reading comprehension.
Based fellow pede
Can you show me these? I want to rage
Remember when 50 some women accused Bill Cosby of drugging and raping them, and all of you flipped your shit defending him from the roasties because he a gud boi dundu nuffin? Why the sudden change in tune? I mean please, any of you feel free to speak up.
now you're just being silly, libtard
the bait is set
Holy shit your such a cuck, as if the conservatives weren’t as bad as liberals in that regard.
Just look at McCain and that Mormon guy
Tom Cruise gay allegation when?
Which is it, retard? Innocent until proven guilty or everyone is guilty no matter what?
Can't have it both ways, Demochild.
but i'm a gay chink that means i can rape with impunity
>literally no evidence
>"hahahaha take that liberals!"
>actual evidence of Trump committing sexual assault
>reich wingers rush to defend him/make excuses
You Sup Forumstards are so idiotic I almost feel sorry for you.
>liberals are so in denial they resort to blaming jews
didn't you fucks call right-wingers tinfoiloing retards for doing the same thing?
I bet trump will invite all those Hollywood deviants to the wh for an evening of pusy grabbing
Sup Forums ‘conservatives’ dont give a fuck about mccain or mormons. you are quite possibly the most retarded person i’ve seen tonight.
those are leftists user, i bet you jumped in a Sup Forums thread and grabbed a picture without context
I asked a simple question. Surely you're not this stupid that you can't understand a simple question. Try to answer it if you're going to respond again.
You faggots made your beds, now you can let your male feminist allies rape you in it.
>actual evidence
boy you got me
pretty sure he is talking about how jews are now getting jewed by their own jewish tricks
CHapo! LETS GO *subscribes to contrapoints*
there is literally no evidence of trump committing sexual assault.
You know Democrats are really buttsmashed when they whine about Trump in these Hollywood rapist threads.
t. mentally underage virgin
Stop defending them those are magapedes, like you, one of the larpers even wears a fucking iron cross.
He'll get away with it:
>He's gay
>He's a minority
>He's old as fuck
>He has devoted followers of sheeple
I mean he will gain a bit more haters but he will always have people in his corner unfortunately.
>You faggots made your beds
What are you even trying to say with this expression? Feel free to address my previous comment instead of throwing out trite turn of phrases.
just go on FB or twitter and look at the comments on takei’s most recent post.
>actual evidence
>making a joke is actual evidence of committing an act upon another human being
i never found takei to even be a good actor at all, or likable. why are people defending him so fucking much?
i havent had this much fun shitposting on Sup Forums in a long while, shitlibs are so angry today
creepy Takei
To be fair, he didn't grab a girl, did he?
Honestly, I don't really get the whole "Trump Curse" thing. Pretty much everyone famous has said something bad about Trump at some point. It's like if I said "Drink Water Curse" whenever something bad happens to someone because at one point they drank some water.
those are tumblrinas like you
he's gay
he dumps on DRUMPF
he's liberal
he's gay
first NeoGaf meltdown, now this?
christ leftists got no time to rest
>n-nobody cares
>responds to the post
>Be a liberal
>Literally every one of /yourguys/ ends up being exposed as a rapist every day
Can you imagine? Being cucked this hard on a daily basis? I can't even fathom how many gray hairs they have now. The stress must be killing them AND there's 7 more years of this left. It's going to destroy them.
>iron cross
>American flag
>don’t tread on me flag
>looking like the average /nu-pol/
Yeah those are truly lefties, user...
t_d is where you belong friendo
Yeah you should think of it as "The Rapist Curse" in which something bad happens to the many rapists who said something bad about Trump
Wasn't he the guy who jerked off a guy on the Howard stern show? Without permission
George Takei is a liberal tho, not a leftist. He was always an annoying bitch.
You’re a fucking retard m8
stop fucking kids
>that webm of him giving some dude a handjob
>libs so mad they start spamming the same reddit meetup pics in each thread
why are the left such hypocrites, it's it because they're beta numales?
feels GREAT
k pedophile
They are soy elementals
it's okay to be white, and stop deflecting for rapists
is this where the soyboy meme originates from? Genuine question
Projecting and trrrriiiggggggered
Soy is linked to low testosterone. Wheaton is a living meme and was ahead of the curve.
>this is real
*smacks lips*
What youse tryin' to say is
*whinges about Sup Forums*
What you drumpftards is saying
*listens to chapo trap house*
That we soyboys can
*browses /r/fuckthealtright*
That we be some kinda
*spams pics of ugly trump supporters on Sup Forums*
Keeping in mind that this is just my impression and I don't really claim to speak for a larger group, but I suspect most people here are aware that they don't know or care how many of these accusations are true or false, but just enjoy watching a certain subset of heavily PC culture crumble under the weight of its own self-righteousness. It's not unlike watching Wile E. Coyote get repeatedly rekt by the very same traps he set for the roadrunner.
Everybody knows you leftist pieces of shit are trying to normalize pedophilia
Thankfully it looks like they're outnumbered on this one. Still gets me mad though.
"Please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler. And by that I mean that we are being Germany in the 30s. He’s an insane bigot. He is dangerous. Listen to John Mccain. Go look at what he just said about Trump. Do you really want a guy to be president who threatens John McCain?
Trump is a messed up guy with a hole in his heart that he tries to fill with money and attention. He can never ever have enough of either and he’ll never stop trying. He’s sick." - Louis CK
Literally fake news
Nice photoshop, as if that was needed.
>asian male accused
is nobody safe? ARE ALL MALES RAPISTS?
>when I don't like it is it fake news!
Holy shit you sound just like Drumpf
I am not even leftists dumbo.
But you polbaby
It’s are too retarded to understand that there exist other than being a right wing magapede polbaby and a hypocritical lefty