"Just be yourself un-appogetically bro, warts and all..."
"Just be yourself un-appogetically bro, warts and all..."
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Childhood is hating Chad. Adulthood is realizing Chad was a good guy all along.
What is the black equivalent of a Chad?
why does this faggot from 1992 still get held up as the ultimate Chad
This is actually good advice if youre good looking,uggos BTFO
Tyrone Thunderbone
You should be removing warts even if you legitimately hate sex and never want a sexual partner.
>no movie where Chad and Stacy help Virgin find his own Stacy
thank you for posting it
I'm sure there is a movie just like this, but I don't have any in mind
that sounds pretty swell
looks like the incels refugees have arrived!
T. Virgin.
Gran Torino
someone has to make a troll tinder account with this guy as profile pic
>for science
>Big budget kino adaption when?
congratulations on most reddit post of all time
i can only ever see eminem in this guy
All blacks are chads.
Da'Chad is tom green's character in charlie's angels
Lars and the Real Girl
40 Year Old Virgin (kinda)
>chad played by a black guy
who's the skank on the far-right? She looks like someone I'm meant to know.
Just gonna drop something I made amidst all the justice league drama.
Semi-related I guess.
There's literally a country in Africa called Chad you fucking gaylord
the videogames adaptation is already a thing
looks like he took the Bogpill
I've strangely had more chad friends than nerd friends, and I've always been a pasty nerd.
Chad wouldn't sleep like that and he also wouldn't use an alarm clock
>The you realize that Chad wasn't pointing out your faults to make fun of you but trying to raise you up all along because it's so lonely being on top of the mountain
You do realize they are both virgins to Morricone, right?
It's true. You gotta take whatever cards you were handed with stride.
Chad is not bound by race you stupid nigger
True. Nerds and virgins are nearly always neurotic, and trying to pull you down so that they alone make the ascent. It's like how girls are friends, everyone trying to pull each other down to feel better about themselves.
Meanwhile Chad is happy and content, and will always give you a helping hand. Also, Chad usually has the best girlfriends. Girls aren't that nice to me, but everyone of a Chad's girlfriend was always chill with me.
Based Chads. My constant motivation.
I'm not a Chad but I've never tried to pull down anyone. My Chad best friend and I always have each other's backs.
I never quite know if all the people posting about Chad are doing it jokingly or not.
can confirm, chad helped me open up and find my true self underneath the slef doubt
is the fit lads thread or what?
>all text no pictures
lmao what a bunch of teenage girls
Well that means you're already happy where you are and that's great, but nerds and virgins, for all their posturing of "I love who I am, I'm so unique!" hate themselves and will be sxtra-sky to try to rise to the top.
Sex drive
Fuck it's true. I was such a self imposed loser in high school. It reminds me of the episode of 30 Rock where Liz goes to her high school reunion and realized she was the true bully all along, and that the popular girls were trying to extend the hand of friendship, but Liz lashed out at them out of a defensive assumption that they thought she was a loser.
I was the same way, I've actually hung at parties with chads from high school, in years since, and realized they were actually good guys. It wasn't their fault that they were born handsome and fell into football whereas I fell into computers and being a smart kid, and I was actually a dick for being such a standoffish edgelord in high school.
Not to blog post but I guess my point if I can impart a lesson to the youngfags out there, is don't make the same mistake as me. Give people a chance. I went into high school thinking it would be like I saw in the movies, and it would be this clique-ish jungle type of social turf war. But really most of my classmates were decent people and I was the asshole because I thought life was like TV and movies, and I self-identified as a soldier in some kind of us vs. them class war that never really existed.
I've had some Chads do some douchey ass shit but for the most part Chads can be based as fuck
Can't remember if it's satire or not.
I hope you faggots get banned. go to /r9k/ to wallow in your misery.
that body does not fit that face at all
>Dude, like, all the ugly betas were the awful people all along!
Black Chad has always been Tyrone, r9k wills it
>bodies look exactly the same
>somehow the one on the right is better
tumblr females are incomprehensible
Any films where the Chad and the Virgin team up for a common purpose? Can't think of anything aside from maybe 21 jump street
Also who is the best depiction of a Chad in media and why is it Thad Castle from Blue Mountain State
>fuckboi face
youre joking right?
are 2 years old and your dad is 20ish?