George Takei is a rapist
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Is he next?
Reminder that George Takei cannot be a rapist because he does not have sex with women and men cannot be raped.
the absolute state of team soyboy
let's continue this
>yfw you're not a leftie
Didn't he give some dude a blowjob live on some radio show a while back? I called this shit years ago.
No. Gibson, Brendan, Shatner, and Keanu are Sup Forums's guardian angels.
There is literally nothing wrong with being left leaning.
A few times
just a handy
>no gosling
>There is literally nothing wrong with being left leaning.
This is just too good.
Really the only thing wrong with being left-leaning is slowly stretching your asshole so it can accommodate all that dick.
It's the more logical ideology. We also don't samefag our own posts desu
>is molested by his summer camp counselor
>enjoys it
>is now the target of sexual allegations
it's amazing it took this long; he was never a part of the narrative
>actually typing that
Thanks for clearing that up, Schlomo
sick burn dude
i'm just glad that he's alive when these allegations came out so now he'll die with the shame of people knowing that he's a degenerate sexual deviant
>yfw Sup Forums engages in identity politics even more than the left
keep dreaming buddy
Post yfw you realize literally all homosexuals are twisted predators
How low energy can you get?
Matthew McConnaugheheh and Snoop Dogg are shooting Harmony Korine's new movie right now. All 3 definitely anti-Drumpfy (Korine not publicly, but he's an anti-white jew, obvious)
Vincent Gallo says that Korine drugged and raped girls all the time in New York. (KIDS was a Weinstein project)
Is this movie "The Beach Bum" going to end up cancelled? Should some SJWs be alerted of these rascally rapists and show up on set to protest???
None of their hands are clean fo sho (well, maybe McCaunaughehh). Who the fuck knows what Snoop Dogg has done.
>It's the more logical ideology
Man, being mentally ill must be so interesting
Tell that to Kevin Spacey.
Well, go ahead and tell us about it.
You guys don't understand how happy I am that Hollywood is crumbling. Liberal or conservative, grey area shit, I don't even care. Fuck em all.
Hollywood symbolizes the absolute worst and most demented elements of western society.
Snoop Dogg's brain is fucking fried. I doubt he even knows how his dick works anymore.
we're all happy lad
>It's the more logical ideology.
>yfw normies will refuse to condemn this because he is a fuck drumpf poster child.
>it's the more logical ideology
Wtf I'm a marxist sissy now! Who wants to phuck my boipucci while i supress my natural instincts to procreate, take estrogen pills and kill myself when I confront the fact that I'm an infertile genteic dead-end with no legacy?
Why is every photo with him so fascinating?
>never goes more than 3 hours without tweeting
>it's been 5
wake up and squirm for my amusement, Sulu
I haven't even watched a new release in like six years. I just come here to mock posters less intelligent than me, which is pretty much everyone here.
trumpers are easily triggered, it's true
Where were you when based Maher btfo the rural retards?
Same. The right's been fucking up bad, the left is fucking up. You're all retarded for picking one side or another because you'll all react to the actions of the people in it and they're all shit heads looking to get away with shit.
That's what I'm thrilled about. Shit heads getting it good.
>Bill Clinton
Accusations are already losing most of their weight due to everybody jumping on the train at once.
They're like shootings in Burgerland, the day after it happens you'll never hear about it again.
At this point, explicit evidence of some depraved sex shit with actual kids could come out and it would be out of the news cycle within a few days.
>literally admitting to your guilty until proven innocent mentality
That rope is coming, big nose.
>At this point, explicit evidence of some depraved sex shit with actual kids could come out and it would be out of the news cycle within a few days.
Maybe that's the point. Sacrifice a bunch of pleb Hollywood actors and then hope the masses yawn when the pedo rings are exposed.
>Being a wing brainlet and having a bias to your own ideology
Centrist master race
I'm not much for conspiracies but I do wonder why no A-listers (Hollywood or music industry, it's going on like crazy there too) have gotten hit yet. Undoubtedly every single one of them are in on this kind of stuff.
The y in yfw stands for (You), newfaggot
>your guilty
t. retard
>you can't be arrested until after you've already been proved guilty
You retarded?
But Donald Trump and Bill O'Reilly sexually assaulted people too. You're no better.
Men can rape other men. Women cannot rape a man. At least that's how it works in Bongland.
... and? you just continue to prove my point
pathetic Sup Forums crossposters, when will they learn?
Johnny Depp doesn't need to assault anyone, women throw themselves at his feet. Weinstein looks like a bloated tumor in a suit so he has to flex his money- and influence muscles to score some unwilling pussy.
Who's been arrested from these Hollywood allegations then
Bill Cosby?
You need evidence in order to arrest someone. Or didn't you know that?
>being this good of a goy
tfw you're not a woman and can't get fame by claiming famous people brushed their hand against your jacket when you brought them coffee one morning
I like how Bill Maher just forgot all about this.
We are better. Because we can get away with it. Because we understand how to deny allegations instead of rolling over like a beta and presenting our neck to our masters.
>RDJ still hasn't gone all in
Is he still looking for a remote enough hiding spot?
oh wow
Can we go back to the days where every gay person was a sexual predator, those days were comfy.
B-but the liberals!
Let them have their scraps. You could get 100 righties accused and 1 leftie, guess which one they're pissing their pants about?
>off by one
that's what you deserve cuck, let me show you how it's done
he's right tho
>It's ok to sexually assault as long as you aren't caught
The difference is their supporters won't tear them apart over baseless acuusations, while liberals/leftists will. Whether any of them did anything is irrelevant.
William Shatner is based desu
What evidence exists that Donald Trump sexually assaulted people?
While we're on the topic, what evidence exists that George Takei sexually assaulted people?
When did we just start listening and believing everything?
leftists are fucking retards
So he's fine with Roy Moore fucking a 14-year-old? The kid he's talking about in that video was 12 when the relationship started.
You say that as if it's not completely true.
When people wanted to appease their emotions rather than logic. It's all emotional games. Sup Forums is a good reason for the common retard should not be involved in politics.
>confusing leftist with SJW extremism
>Donald Trump
How long will you guys keep throwing this shit at the wall trying to make it stick?
Some roasties conveniently appeared immediately after the Access Hollywood tape, then went completely silent as soon as legal investigation was brought up?
Listen, all he needs to do is sit down and look at people and say "Really?" in a snarky tone and he's won!
Women need protection from all the soyboys raping out there
same thing
But in reality, the ratio so far happens to be closer to 100 liberals to 1 conservative. Trump doesn't count because those were literally fake allegations whereis all the allegations against liberals turned out to be true. You guys are slowly becoming the new catholic priest stereotype. If you're a balding, middle aged man who votes democrat, you should be profiled imho.
Roy Moore molested a girl
Boys can't be molested. The kid they are talking about nutted in that adult woman at least twice since she was having their second kid. Contrary to popular opinion men don't get hard when they're raped. Ergo he wasn't raped.
>what evidence exists that George Takei sexually assaulted people?
>When did we just start listening and believing everything?
It's called confirmation bias and it's way people immediately believe "facts" that support their position (or that they only think do) and will never believe facts that cast doubt on their position (or that they think do).
SJW extremism is leftist you dipshit
>Boys can't be molested
Your poor mother must be really saddened to have given birth to you
There has got to be a reason why all these accusations are popping up all of a sudden. Either Hollywood is doing some spring cleaning for new people or they are throwing these guys under a bus to cover up and distract attention from a rapist who is buddy-buddy with them.