>implying you wouldn't try to prevent your little sister from hanging around some black boy
Implying you wouldn't try to prevent your little sister from hanging around some black boy
It's going to turn out his dad is the racist one and he's protecting Lucas.
No it's going to turn out that he only doesn't want her hanging around Lucas because he's a dweeb and he only ever caught her hanging around him and not the others. Billy will also turn out gay.
Took me the whole season to realize this was the dude from the new Power Rangers movie.
I'm not racist, so I wouldn't care
I'm glad I didn't watch that beforehand. It was nice seeing him as a no-name.
Is there any reason to watch that?
I liked it, but the last fight is shit and it's barely an action movie. Breakfast Club in power rangers clothing.
>black boy
Just call him a nigger.
Fuck me, I'd been trying to place him this whole time too. I figured he must've been Jason Patric's son or something channeling the Lost Boys.
t. Reddit
t. underage
If you don't prevent your daughter or sister from hanging around negroes then you've failed.
t. Newfag
I would have done the same, but not be so heavy handed. Because as you have seen, it only drove Max into Lucas' arms.
I probably would have just tried to make her like one of the other boys.
Sup Forums isn't a racist board
The best approach is to create a negative image of blacks in her mind so that she automatically avoids them on her own.
It's not racist to want your race to exist, Tyrone.
>nog and ginger combo
Why? Why does this always happen? It makes for the fugliest looking offspring. This should be proof enough that is an abominable act.
It's pretty easy, just show them the data on BMWF domestic violence, divorce, single-motherhood, IQ, and poverty.
>hates nerds
>is gay
first of all she's not his sister
second of all if you think that's right you're a racist misogynistic pig that deserves to be rot in jail. Hope your sister marries a black guy just to spite you.
t. r/thedonald
kill all niggers
t. nigger
>"She's not my sister!"
>*Dad has an autistic screeching*
>Dude's a chad and clearly looks stronger than his dad, let's his father threat him
Why? I expected him to beat the shit out of him
I thought it was because he could tell that Lucas was an interdimensional being, that required his sister as a sacrifice, in order to escape back to his own world.
Jeez learn to read between the lines.
Of course I wouldn't. I'm not one of brainwashed idiots that hates Billy.
>beat the shit out of your dad
>he makes you homeless or shoots you
Do people that lift weights have 0 self preservation?
Why did IT lack racism? They made fun of the kike in the beginning of the movie and that was it. Every King story has hilarious racism throughout. It's one of the reasons he's popular.
I couldn't tell if it was a race thing or a nerd thing.
He's an insecure little boy inside.
I wanted his little sister to smash his nuts with the bat in the last episode. Would've been funny as fuck.
Dont worry it took me the whole season AND 3 sam memes to notice that bob is samwise gamgee
>Billy thread
>not the obligatory webm yet
For shame.
>ywn make a milf dumbstruck
Kill me.
Stranger Things is gay. Look at the lingering shots of this ponce's ass. A character remarks on how nice his ass is. A mother becomes flustered and sexually aroused when he calls to her house.
As if there could ever be a remark any more from a male character about the attractiveness of a woman. No that's sexist!
>Stranger Things is gay. Look at the lingering shots of this ponce's ass.
It was gay long before Billy showed up. You can tell just from watching Season 1 and you can tell from the posting style of Stranger Things threads. Gayness beckons roasties.
What the hell? Why wasn't he in season two? He was forced to part of this year's Comic Con panel. Is Netflix retarded?
Keeps his death ambiguous.
He's going to kill him in season 3 when he becomes the Mind Flayer's new host.
You're right. I would prevent it.
He had a small part as an apparition that appears before Jane/Eleven in the Chicago slum yard during episode 7. We don't really know what happened to him at the school.
>three years ago
>visit my sister for a cup of coffee and to catch up
>notice that it's about 5pm
>ask her where her daughter is
>"playing at her boyfriend's house"
>her daughter is 13
>don't really approve, but it's not my kid so I hold my tongue
>topic turns to her daughter, how she's doing in school, how tall she is for her age, etc.
>sister finally drops the bombshell on me
>"her boyfriend is black"
>can't bite tongue anymore
>start arguing about her sending her sexually budding 13 year old white daughter into a house of niggers unchaperoned
>accused her of wanting to see her raped and pregnant
>she gets wildly offended like any woman having her parenting questioned would be
>drops the usual counter-arguments of racism at me
>fight escalates until I storm out
>we don't talk to each other for over a year
>I hear from our mother that her daughter ended up pregnant something like eight months later, not from her black boyfriend, but his older brother
>break silent streak with sister and call her
>tell her it she's a shit parent and if there were any justice, she'd have been the one getting raped by a pack of niggers, not her innocent kid
>fast forward two years now
>still haven't talked to her
>her daughter dropped out of highschool, has another kid (different father) and has been struggling with drugs
>the experience has only pushed me further to the right, yet somehow made her mother even further to the left
Any responsible brother should've stepped in.
The black guy in ST is a white black guy. A black guy written by white people, who comes from a normal home and is a good person. All to brainwash you into thinking that all black people are this normal
i would take any race except the one in hollywood
post sister and I'll decide. I'm picky
Id leave my kid with anyone as long as their not in that group that hollywood elites are in who run social media.
I work with a few like that. Hardworking, responsible, church going men that are trying to make a living for their families. Definitely the exception though.
Muh BLACKED.COM white beauties
>sister is approached by a niglet at the train station
>he aks fo her nummah
>uncertain how to handle this
>asks parents and siblings for advice
>unequivocal 'no' from all parties
>trying THIS hard
None of this happened
Hi still has his mother, you know?
Because normies were the main target, and since normies are influenciated with the SJW media, they would have been pussies and boycott the movie or what the fuck do I know, just look at Weinstein's new movie cancelation
>Dude's a chad and clearly looks stronger than his dad, let's his father threat him
This is just learned helplessness but still his dad is bigger and probably stronger than him.
>Guy this good looking will never unexpectedly show up at your door
Why live
He was wearing a jacket so muscles didn't show up, clearly he didn't beat up his ass for the sake of the plot, since I bet that's going to be a subplot for season 3; he's going to end up like Steve
no problem with blacks, problem is with them like hollywood elites, dont let them race bait you with these Sup Forums threads.
I'd actually be hoping the kid had an older sister to pull. as a chad, I'm sure he recognizes they're next level
me too user
to be fair, relative to his role in LoTR he's aged 15 years, gained a ton of weight and (as portrayed) a few feet in height, and totally changed accent
he's a good actor, it's a pity it was a one-season part
have you ever met a black person, or are you just extrapolating from 90s TV?
I just want him to pump Mama Wheeler full of his semen t b h
>Will Chase, 6'0''
>Dacre Montgomery, 5'10''
And the guy looks like an ex-soldier, pretty sure he can beat Billy up.
inb4 the twist is that he is the mind flayer
There's no such thing as racism faggot. You follow every kike manufactured trend?
Holy shit
Tbqh even if a black guy comes from a stable family, with father and a mother that work and aren't crackheads and a non pregnant sister, they still wouldn't act as white as Lucas's family does.
so who will Kali end up with? Dustin?
You haven't met my family. My brother makes Urkel look like Shaft.
>ywn be as smooth as Billy
Damn you, muscles, you were supposed to fix my autism
Yes, maybe not that many, but a good few. More often than not they were loud, aggressive, stubborn, immature, racist, vulgar and obscene.
setting up for the cuckold redemption ark in season 3
Thats Max Mother, we dont know whats with Billys mum
>Steve is husbando.
>Dustin is best guy.
>Jaw girl is a bitch who cheated on steve
>Max is an annoying bitch race traitor
>Mike literally did nothing the entire season but whine about 11.
>11 was an edgy cunt.
>Bob was the ultimate cuck fantasy for cucks. Saves hot girl (questionable) with his nerd magic.
>Max the race traitor gets to be powerful woman by saving steve with that sleep injectionbullshit.
>That indian cunt girl was there for diversity and couldn't fucking act. I doubt anybody in american had mohawks in 1984. Maybe LA, but not like that.
>Realize the show is pozzed as shit
>Realize I know nothing about the upsidedown.
you really dont get out much do you
Um sorry sweetie but Sup Forums and Sup Forums are blood brothers
thank god i dont live anywhere near niggers
>17 year old
>stronger than a 40 year old
So how is he going to redeem himself next season? He got way too much screen time this season to stay as just a bad guy. I think he's going to die saving his sister and/or Steve next season.
That's what I ment, he could have kicked his fathers's ass and drive to mom's place
>he doesn't know about Old Man Strength
Old man strength is real.
Fuck off, we all know he's 20 something
They better not do that shit If they want me to watch S4
I think you may be gay
the eternal BBC will strike no matter what. your daughters, gfs, wives, etc. will all succumb. you either have to submit to it or go full stormfag and start literally shooting them in the streets.
his father probably was in Vietnam
Kek, how?
the timing is right... he might be a little older than most enlisted guys but it works
That's overthinking, if the show doesn't include that information, it's simply not there
S1 Lucas says all his dad's shit is from Nam; it's clearly normal for parents to have been in Nam
Sheriff pissy pants was shoown to have been in Nam this season, why is it crazy to believe a guy who looks and acts like a strict ex-military father was in Nam? It would also explain why his son is acting out, because he was gone for years of his childhood.
About twenty years later, that's besides the point.
>If one character's family member was envolved, that means everyone was envolved
Sure, and based on your logic, Dustin and Nancy had sex that night, right?
why do americans love cuckolding sjw shows so much