South Park

Best episode in years

People have been saying this for almost every episode this season

What is Heidi's problem?

that's how good this season has been.

I'm looking forward to checking this season out

based south park calling out the jews!

Also fuck drumph!

How much are you being paid to shill this nonsense? This season is pure garbage.

I disagree

why do I keep seeing an image of a fat heidi posted?

Because the most recent episode had cartman fattening up heidi

anyone who disagrees with me is a shill

its a meme, the show is legit unwatchable now

Good silly fun

old folks home was the best episode of the season

I think this one tops it imo.
I almost died laughing when I saw IRL jews dancing.

I've watched the last few episodes because people kept saying that it's the best season in years.

Nice work, trolls. You got me good.

cartman being a cunt isnt funny anymore. He's just a cunt

what is name of episode and ep number?

seriously though why would anyone even bother to shill here on a website with millions of users all of which can hide under the cloak of anonymity. Haha, are you schizophrenic or something?

Does someone have the webm of all the jews dancing whilst film producer logos appear

You think millions of people browse Sup Forums still? Threads are up for days sometimes now..

Another episode about Trump...I could have sworn they said they wouldn't bother with Trump jokes because they weren't funny anymore, but here they are again.

I'm so sick of hearing about that muppet constantly, we've heard every joke about him, why bother anymore? Are your standards this low?

I want Heidi to die and everything to go back to being silly. I don't think they know how to be funny anymore or it's just because I got older.

Just saw the episode and holy shit my sides.

>the jewish nightmare
>President Garrison raping his staff
>his electors crying in silence
>Heidi insinuating Kyle is a dirty fucking kyke

I refuse to believe someones taste is genuinely this shit without being paid for it.

Sup Forums is one of the most popular websites in the US, internet marketing targets the most popular websites. Anonymous posting makes it even easier to shill. No one here is schizophrenic you're just stupid, or possibly a shill.

>ha ha are you schizophrenic?
Classic shill tactic

>Sup Forums
>one of the most popular websites in the US

I think this was the second best episode right behind the Zuckerberg one. Too bad these were the only two I enjoyed. Something just feels off about this season.


I didn't get that part. Are they just being LOLRANDUMXD for cheap laughs? Is it a reference to something?

Nah, the witch hunt was great.

The season is still pretty meh overall but in comparison to the last few it's a relief

lurk moar fag

This was a good one

>tfw you realize the witch episide was about the current state of hollywood
>tfw matt and trey probably know a shit ton of dirt

Have you ever heard Mark Zuckerberg talk?

I've never heard him say anything about style. Is that the joke? Does he do that a lot?


IRL kikes dancing, me and my girl had to pause while we laughed for a good five minutes. Fuck I love trey parker even if he is a cuck

afraid of dying alone / not having a date for the prom

it's a shallow reaction caused by the last few seasons being dirt, new season is good but nothing special

Sup Forums has about 215,000 users at any given moment. That's spread around all boards. Not bad but hardly in the millions.

>Cartman getting cucked and then uncucking himself

pure kino

(((Matt))) and Trey have gone full shill mode.

South Park is literally zombie Simpsons tier now.

I think what they meant to say is that they weren't going to make fun of Donald Trump as himself. Instead, they're using one of the many characters of the show, Mr. Garrison, as a subtle jab towards Trump, which is something that South Park has mostly done to convey their reactions to the happenings of the world for many seasons.

Why would they? Even if they could know that stuff, they don't give a flying fuck.

>Mr. Garrison, as a subtle jab towards Trump

It's anything but subtle.

south park in 2017? get a life lol. Shit has not been funny for 15 years at least.

Well, yeah, of course. All I'm saying is that I think what they meant was that they didn't want to make fun of Donald Trump as, well, Trump.

>Best episode in years

such great heights

I love when they pull jewish joke. Literally no else can get away with it