Anyone else think these allegations are getting completely out of hand? The sheer number of them calls their credibility into question.
Frankly, this whole shitstorm is turning into a witch hunt which is not only going to destroy Hollywood as it currently stands, it is going to create a new Hollywood run solely by women and queers that men will be afraid to work in. This new Hollywood will have every male talent's balls in a vice 24/7.
See, I just assumed all these sexual 'assault' and 'harassment' allegations meant the men physically did something sexual to the women without their consent. But it turns out in burgerland all 'assault' and 'harassment' means is that a women is offended:
>In criminal and civil law, assault is an attempt to initiate harmful or offensive contact with a person, or a threat to do so. >attempt to >offensive
>Harassment covers a wide range of behaviors of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behavior that disturbs or upsets, and it is characteristically repetitive. >offensive >behavior
Is this not insanity?
Some of these accusations - where the accused and his work has literally been exiled from the industry and he has been publicly labelled a rapist - are, by the accuser's testimony, 100% consensual acts between adults. But it's still 'harassment' and 'assault' because later on the woman regretted it and took offence. In one case an actress literally dated her alleged 'rapist' for years, but again, regretted it years later and so now the consensual sex in the relationship is reclassified as rape.
i am enjoying it desu aslong as they are true makes us all look good
Nathan Wilson
It is not insanity. The age of silence is over! Rapists must pay for their crimes. Harassers must be condemned.
Joshua Gray
I just hope it doesn't spill over into civiilain life. Next thing well have roasties accusing guys all of the place while spamming the word "emboldened" to look smart.
Elijah Edwards
> queers Didn't help Spacey lmao
Also who giver a fuck. Let Hollywood burn. It's utter shit these days anyway.
Austin Moore
>n-no my l-liberal Hollyweird heroes aren't actually h-hypocritical monsters
Matthew Reed
>The sheer number of them calls their credibility into question.
oh bullshit
everyone knows you have to take it up the ass just to get work in Hollywood. It's been a running joke for decades
>Suck my balls and I'll make you a star etc
Liam James
>who giver a fuck
t. Pajeet
Leo Cox
Poor chads. Hope they don't get too much shit from roasties.
Brayden Butler
people are getting so much info at once that they are forgetting who's actually a rapist
Michael Hall
I swear to Allah if you call me that again I will bring down such fury upon you and your family that will make the world tremble!
John Sullivan
It's simple:
If you're attractive: >Anything you do is cute, being aggressive is "sexy & dominant"
If you're ugly: >Even smiling at a woman is literal rape
Hunter Anderson
>How do we fight against this? burn it down start again
the muslims had it right all along
Christian Young
it's not that women want to put every man who looks at them wrong in prison they just want the ability to do so
Cameron Wright
Why are you defending super rich people
Who cares
And it would never effect ciicvilans cause nobody cares about your sad life's to accuse you
Gavin Wood
>going near a roastie >ever
Aaron Lewis
Unless they admit it or they are found guilty in a court, you should just ignore accusations desu.
Isaiah Brown
>Frankly, this whole shitstorm is turning into a witch hunt which is not only going to destroy Hollywood as it currently stands, it is going to create a new Hollywood run solely by women and queers that men will be afraid to work in. This new Hollywood will have every male talent's balls in a vice 24/7. If this shit doesn't have wider implications, that'll affect my life, I don't mind it desu. Hollywood films have been shit for a while now; the last movie I watched in theatres was BR2049, but before that I didn't even remember, the last time I went to kinoplex. We have a huge library of KINOs, so I'd rather ignore anything new, and watch every old movie desu.
Carson Adams
>Ha ha ha Hollywood is full of degenerate rapists and pedos, it's so sweet to finally see them getting caught and BTFO! >W-wait a minute, so many allegations, so fast, so many actors I personally like? These cannot be all true, it's a witch hunt! Fucking women are ruining Hollywood by lying about sexual harassment!
Is this what they call the swinging pendulum?
Parker Fisher
young men are routinely kicked out of universities and have their careers destroyed on baseless allegations even if it gets to trial and they're found innocent , the punishment has already been inflicted
funny how this part of """equality""" never gets mentioned
Easton Reed
Which is still a fucking insane power that nobody should have
Owen Price
Official Hollywood power ranking >Black women >White Jew women >White women >Queers >Jew men >Nigger men >White men
William Smith
I can't wait until we have all men in chastity belts. You white rapist pigs deserve it.
Matthew Hughes
Young men are also blindly protected from rape allegations because they're football stars and "but think of their future, one rape shouldn't have consequences if he's still in school!"
Chase Morris
Nathan Perry
To someone that grew up with Hollwood as their teacher and babysitter, it would seem that way. Usless idiots is how they got away with it so long. Anyone who is in the industry is not shocked at all and kinda grateful that this is coming to light. I mean, use your brain, you think all these talentless assholes are actually great actors? No, they suck dick. Thats how you get roles in Hollywood if youre not protected by nepotism. Thats the real world, mark
Aiden Allen
Where do we put Asians on the list though?
Tyler Phillips
or they kill themselves
Michael Rogers
imagine being raped by karlie and taylor
Matthew Turner
They don't matter to Hollywood types. just look at the "Tale of Elliot Rodgers"
Ryan Bailey
By not raping or assaulting women? You sound panicked like you have a guilty conscience
Gabriel Collins
Samuel Edwards
for all you know, the ones accused have done nothing wrong
Jace Hernandez
yeh this will be 100% happen
Justin Bailey
>The sheer number of them calls their credibility into question.
So far only a couple of perpetrators have denied they've done anything. So its pretty damning.
Grayson Price
Yea but aren't ALL young people blessed by society with leniency on most criminal matters. Some kid steals a snickers at the store, who gives a shit really. A dude steals a brand new car and then sells it somehwere, dude is clearly an ingrained criminal and you can't really do much other than put him in prison and HOPE that by the time he's out he'll have relaxed somehow.
Henry Williams
Except Louis just admitted guilt. Weinstein has way too many accusations for them all being fake. Spacey's also starting to fall into this camp.
Gabriel Hill
until we get onto the definition of 'assault' and that's before we get onto the definition of 'consent'
it's a can of worms i'll admit, but this didn't fall out of the sky
Samuel Cooper
guilty of what? he's a creep but he's not a criminal
Anthony Flores
Guys, what if this is the beginning of the future utopia Elliot described. Men will now realize how poisonous women are. So they will gather all of them up and lock them in the breeding caves. Meanwhile society on the top level will be rebuild without the corrupting influence of sex and women?
Kevin Brown
>baawwww don't hold me accountable for my actions
Christopher Kelly
The slippery slope here is: It's quickly turning from prosecuting actual perverts, to prosecuting guys just trying to get laid
Soon, just smiling at the wrong woman will be a criminal offense
Lucas Phillips
Maybe but if there are lots of women coming forward, that is a pretty strong cue and it is ironically fortunate that sex offenders rarely just go after one person. If it is a habitual behavior, probably stemming from kind of faulty logic or just an absence of normal morality, then it'll crop up over and over again like a bad case of stress triggered OCD or something.
Gavin Hill
>Soon have you not been paying attention? people are ready to lynch these guys just on a woman's testimony
Easton Williams
Not criminal offense but he is guikty of sexual misconduct at a work place. Some of the solicitations happened while he was working with the woman in question.
Mason Taylor
clearly this is the prequel to the gayniggers from out space planet in Orville
Chase Cox
Well time to stop talking to women completely. You may never score but you won't go to jail either.
Cooper Allen
yeah i know jimmy saville honestly saw nothing wrong with what he did it was as normal as a black man at the front of a bus
Aiden Garcia
Good. Let the whole town fucking burn.
Brody Powell
>when you post on a website full of pedophiles, racists, degenerates and social outcasts but you still try to take the moral high ground
Jackson Reyes
You can be fired for being a creep and people can choose not to hang out with you based on that fact. You can't just behave anyway you feel like and expect people to just eat your shit and then walk away without a bad rep.
James Gray
Yeah, we're in another moral panic user. Just like the McMartin Trial/Satanic Panic of the mid 1980's early 1990's. Except this time the crazy rhetoric that caused it all to spiral out of control isn't coming from the religious right, it's coming from the cultish feminist left.
I have no problem with it thus far and I gather most people don't, since Hollywood actually is full of sex perverts and abusers. It needs to be purged and leftists going Crucible on their own is just as good a method as any to get that ball rolling. If there's any consolation to be had (aside from the hope that Pedowood is busted wide open) it's this: The Satanic Panic was pretty much the last time that the religious right had any REAL power in judging American morality. There were later attempts in the 1990's (the nonsense with vidya violence/satanism, attacking rap music and the simpsons etc) but none ever actually carried much weight after the biggest case in the panic (the McMartin trial) got an innocent verdict and police had to re-examine their child interview techniques to stop asking leading questions. The same thing will happen here. One of these cases will go to court. Someone major who is actually innocent. They'll get proved innocent and people will begin to calm down and there will be a re-examination of what should constitute standards for public accuasations on sexual assault/definitions of it. And feminists are going to see their power wane as a result. But, considering how long that panic lasted . . . I'd say we're looking at this taking another 5-10 years to get to that conclusion barring a major war or something interrupting the process.
Nolan Sanchez
Yeah, that's totally what's going to happen, you poor emasculated man, the entire world is suddenly not your playground.
Elijah Reyes
we'll probably find a nice place where likeminded sexual deviants can congregate. Like a brothel.
Daniel Roberts
better the devil you know
Justin Nguyen
Gotta speak truth to power son. Here the powerful are the crazy male loners
Joseph Barnes
>Weinstein has way too many accusations for them all being fake. t.retard It's not the number of accusers that sinks Weinstein dipmuncher, it's that there's a tape of him doing what he was accused of, as well as records of his goons bribing people to keep silent.
Assuming a number of people all saying the same thing at the same time proves absolutely nothing. If anything, that's as much evidence that an accusation could be a coordinated attack caused by a different motivation entirely.
Michael Jackson was innocent as fuck when he got accused of pedophilia multiple times. The second time he got accused (when he actually went to trial) there were like five or six people accusing him at once. It was all bullshit though and they were just trying to extort money out of the guy like the first one did (MJ's mistake was that he listened to his (((lawyers))) then and settled out of court to make it go away in 1994; he should have fought it then to prevent the later attempts to get money out of him).
Blake Sullivan
>I'd say we're looking at this taking another 5-10 years to get to that conclusion barring a major war or something interrupting the process.
>5-10 more years of social justice garbage in movies and media.
I see myself spending much less money on entertainment the upcoming years.
Nathaniel Cook
>The sheer number of them calls their credibility into question.
anybody with two brain cells to rub together already knows this is all a sham
it is just a coordinated power grab by feminists and their enablers, to try and carve a slice out of hollywood for female-run production studios
Gavin Carter
>How do we fight against this? avoid women.
Jaxon Jackson
Wow you really put extra lube on that slippery slope didn't you
Juan Miller
Not like there's anything decent being produced to begin with.
Matthew Hughes
Mason Roberts
that's a baseless assumption
lots of women stand to make a lot of money in settlements that's all we know
Henry Edwards
LOL you're Never getting laid anyway senpai. With or without accusations you'll be a wizard forever.
Brayden Baker
Oh, now that a SJW is in the line of fire, it's suddenly a witchhunt.
Josiah Flores
That's what happens when you spend more time on twitter threads than actually discussing television and film
The state of Sup Forums
Nicholas Allen
Did you report her to HR or are you just whining because nobody did it for you?
Jayden Taylor
It's the double standards of this that irritates me.
At work I've been sexually harassed by an ugly chick I have no interest in. She's slapped my ass in front of people, offered to suck me off in the stationery cupboard, sat on my lap, rubbed her tits and ass on me and, even though people witness it, nothing is done about it.
If a guy puts a hand on a woman knee, all fucking hell breaks loose.
James Fisher
John Sullivan
Jacob Rivera
>((())) Didn't even read after looking at that
Blake Peterson
Mate, this is why you shouldnt allow mob justice. Soon all kinds of careers and lives will be destroyed without even seeing some evidence.
Joshua Roberts
cat: kevin spacey treats: nubile hollywood twinks
Jason Richardson
It's not the kind of place you can do that. Everyone's either friends or family of each other (there's a lot of nepotism). So yes I could report her but then the whole office would hate me and make my life miserable.
Plus everyone just laughs it off as her being la quirky girl.
Owen Flores
Dylan Martinez
Elijah Richardson
>more capeshit >more Star Wars >more transformers >more endless trash Oh man we live in the age of /Kino/
Ryan Stewart
This is the ONLY true answer to the meeto shitstorm
Aaron Ortiz
>that's a baseless assumption
t. retard
Matthew Kelly
When the women are gonna start accusing virgin neckbeards of harassment, they'll actually resort to rape. Cause why not? in the end you'll end up getting same punishment
Jack Wood
Hollywood perverts being exposed isnt a feminist or MRA issue. These are objectively institustutioanlized perverts. If you feel any empathy to stick up for multimillionaire predators, then you should seriously have a long look in the mirror.
Joseph Jenkins
Feminists want to oust men from Hollywood with bogus allegations to make room for their own production studios
that's what you said there is no evidence whatsoever to support this
Nathaniel Rogers
Age of KINO is over. This year there might be only 2-3 actual good movies produced
Jace Lewis
We must separate the earth. Three quarters go to the good looking people while the ugly people get confined to the remaining quarter.
Cooper Price
>faggot OP forgot how hollywood is a gigantic pile of degeneracy and illegal shit, the fact pedowood is quite literally a thing and it was to the point kubrick literally made eyes wide shut to point this shit out but exactly nobody gave a singular flying fuck
Anthony Rogers
crazy idea here but maybe they should stop taking advantage of men, women and children that want to make it in the industry and actually value talent instead of looks and fuckability. this
Andrew Watson
Its a feminist issue when these predators have been posing as social justice warriors for years now. The frontline of of the witch hunting mob turned out to be the worst witches.
Ayden Bailey
No. The only difference is that this is now happening to Jewish males in the entertainment industry.
It wasn't "hysterical" or a "witch hunt" when it was happenign to average white guys or men on college campuses, or when they did this to video game nerds, or Trump supporters, or whoever else the leftist hysteria machine decides to turn on.
Hollywood, an industry that explicitly defended and promtoed this machine, are now being consumed by it. Good. They deserve it. Fuck them all.
You think this is bad? Come to Canada or Australia. You have no idea how bad it will get for you. In our countries you can be ARRESTED, have your right to access the internet or own phones removed and be labeled an abuser of women...For disagreeing with radical feminists online. I don't mean - "I'm going to rape and murder you" - I mean "You're wrong to say all men are pedophile rapists beacuse of x, y and z".
This is the feminist nightmare you told us was "just tumblr" and a "few weirdos on twitter".
The anti-racism wtf-I-love-Islam shit that you claim is just fringe radical weirdo liberals? Yeah, that will be mainstream soon too.
You all deserve it too.
Landon Bennett
Isn't this basically how Islam was born? The betas will take back the earth.
Jason Sanders
>Hollywood psychos tearing each other apart michael_jackson_eating_popcorn.gif
Aiden Watson
So you're being harassed but don't want to report it and get mad when other people don't realize it bothers you. Wow.
Levi Sullivan
except the astounding surge in female producers in the last decade
Nolan Myers
If i had 3 nukes i would nuke Hollywood 3 times
Ethan Price
Are you retarded? It's been in normal civilian life for years now. We have OSCAR WINNING mainstream documentaries claiming that one in five college women are raped every year - This would mean that there are more rapes on college campuses than there were during the Congloese or Sierra Leone civil wars - in which there was no law and order and nations with already massive rape rates (and that's just the reported ones!) were using rape as a literal weapon of war.
It is good to see this happening to the very same people who promoted it.
>You think this is bad? Come to Canada or Australia. You have no idea how bad it will get for you. In our countries you can be ARRESTED, have your right to access the internet or own phones removed and be labeled an abuser of women...For disagreeing with radical feminists online. I don't mean - "I'm going to rape and murder you" - I mean "You're wrong to say all men are pedophile rapists beacuse of x, y and z". >australia lies
Josiah Hughes
can you spare one for San Francisco please?
Hudson Kelly
>In our countries you can be ARRESTED, have your right to access the internet or own phones removed and be labeled an abuser of women...For disagreeing with radical feminists online. I don't mean - "I'm going to rape and murder you" - I mean "You're wrong to say all men are pedophile rapists beacuse of x, y and z". this is what tinfoils actually believe