tipple pipple rises edition
Doctor Who General /who/
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wow... this was an amazing revelation. who remembers this. a 'utopia moment' almost...
You bloody legend
this is a fucking epic meme
I usually hate 5wf but this got a chuckle out of me
Thank you very much, very glad you enjoyed it and it worked as intended, this review really means a lot to me. Thanks again.
Oh shit. Theres a 90 min Matt Whelan podcast.
Who the fuck would want to listen to that?
I'll add it to the stream later ;-)
>tipple pipple
fuck I remember this but I can't remember its context
>i'm just my own man, you know
this host is terrible he's just agreeing with everything whelan says
i can't get through 4 minutes of this, imagine someone listening to it for 90 whole minutes
I got through two minutes. If anyone makes it through, hats off to you
i thought his voice would be whiny it's just...dull
I skipped around
At 34 mins they finally bring up dwsr
>i have that same dalek shirt in the top right
into the fire it goes
>who's adam?
>the first face this face saw...
What's /who/ with you?
I'm two episodes into The Two Doctors. It's... interesting. I think I like it but I'm not entirely sure. How about you?
God he's a lovely person
The Eleventh Hour and Rose are night and day from each other.
Rose is excitement, danger, and substantial human drama right off the bat. And then only at the very, very end do we get, "Oh, by the way, I have a time machine. Want to come with? Have some more adventures?"
The Eleventh Hour opens up with twenty meandering minutes of this wet, rambling ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ eating apples and yogurt and fish fingers and custard, and then [indecipherable mumbling technobabble] crack in time(?), [indecipherable shouting technobabble] time machine(?), and now it's suddenly ten years later?
Which means we have to reintroduce Amy all over again, and it's just a whole big, long, slog before we even get to the core conflict of the episode. And then we do, the Doctor resolves that conflict just by telling the bad guys how great and impressive he is, which is something a new viewer has absolutely no context for.
If you've been watching since series four, you may remember River Song saying that "her Doctor" could "turn armies around at the mention of his name" and make that connection, which is then driven home a couple scenes later, when the Doctor opens the TARDIS doors by snapping his fingers, another trademark of "River's Doctor." But if you haven't seen Forest of the Dead, you have absolutely no way to track that development, and none of this is really going to mean anything to you. It relies very much on previous knowledge from the outset.
>this wet, rambling ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
So where was this copypasted from? Whoflix?
How do I get into this show? What's shit, what isn't? I imagine a series with this much content in it has to have shitty seasons. Just start from the very first?
The Eleventh Hour and Rose are night and day from each other.
The Eleventh Hour is excitement, danger, and substantial human drama right off the bat. And then only at the very, very end do we get, "Oh, by the way, I have a time machine. Want to come with? Have some more adventures?"
Rose opens up with twenty meandering minutes of this chav, rambling ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ arguing with her mum and boyfriend, and then [indecipherable argument with mother] council estates, [indecipherable argument with boyfriend] my mate shireen(?), and now it's Doctor Who?
Which means we have to reintroduce the Doctor all over again, and it's just a whole big, long, slog before we even get to the core conflict of the episode. And then we do, the Doctor resolves that conflict just by telling the bad guys how great and impressive the Shadow Proclamation is, which is something a new viewer has absolutely no context for.
If you've been watching the deleted scenes of McCoy's eera, you may remember the Seventh Doctor saying that "he is far more than another Time Lord", which is then driven home a couple episodes later, when the Doctor says he's the last of the Time Lords, another trademark from the Audio Visuals destroyed Gallifrey arc. But if you haven't read the EDAs, you have absolutely no way to track that Time War development Rose refers to, and and none of this is really going to mean anything to you. It relies very much on previous knowledge from the outset.
start at series 1 (2005)
don't skip anything
Try 2005 Series 1 episode 1 "Rose", if nothing about it intrigues you, try 2010 Series 5 episode 1 "The Eleventh Hour", if neither work for you at all, come back here and ask again. Good luck, there's tonnes to enjoy!
I thought they were friends
How much does anyone want to bet that some of the DWSR browse /who/?
I hope George keeps taking creep shots of Adam, it's a quite entertaining scandal.
I know it's been posted in some last threads, but this really is a great interview denofgeek.com
Start from series 1 but you can skip almost anything you don't like. Don't force yourself to watch an episode if you are not into it. You can go back once you get into it.
So where are all the filming pics?
Very few exist. The crew is keeping a tight lid on things.
this, bradders said it was like being a freemason
Is anyone actually directly following the current dwsr drama, and is able to give a greentext summary about why adam and george are at each others' throats?
>Jodie wearing Peter's Doc Martens
Fucking awesome.
If Adam truly had nothing left to lose, what do you think the worst thing he would feasibly do is?
not pay for his tv license
Cmon youre more creative than that, what do you think the worst thing he might actually do in reality is
Pretend he knows he's getting jailed in a week or some shit, or only has a month left to live, what could he do
Attempt (and fail to) sexually assault Jenna Coleman
run onto set in the middle of filming, ruining that one take, then being quickly escorted off the premises and having a restraining order filed against him
Kidnap Peter Capaldi
probably run onto set and try to kidnap jodie desu, or actually go full tard rage against george.
sounds scary desu
He's already nearing that point:
>"I am now at the stage where I don't really have very much to lose"
Behead George ISIS style on set
Cats OC is the best OC.
Holy shit, I matched with this girl on Tinder lmao
>where Amy Pond never had any periods...
You were this close to Adam. You could have been killed
Really makes me wish that things had gone somewhere with her so I could have met the legend in the flesh. I want him to tick my boxes.
That's a very Orford way to say it.
What claim is this making.
Is it saying the Doctor has been someone else since s9?
Is it saying Amy is his sister?
Literally what did he mean by this?
I think he may have meant 'parents' but fucked it up somehow. I want to say speech dictation device but I don't know how you do parentheses with those.
oh fuck me what an idiot
Braders was so based trolling the Scum Show like that. Did'nt say a thing about his character.
Still pissed Osgood didn't stay dead. Will Chibnall kill off any major characters?
>Osgood didn't stay dead.
But she did, user.
>/who/'s Christmas Space-Time Visualiser!
It's been as long since these threads until now as it is from now until Christmas:
>Crack dens!
>Would you let Nine make you kill yourself?
>Orford discussion!
(whoops forgot to link the second thread)
Isn't this going to eventually reach a point where you literally post the thread from one day before the current one?
That's the idea
Yeah, I'll probably stop around early December. I just think it's nice to have a look back on where we've come from, and realising how close we actually are to Christmas now.
Holy fuck, the political arguments on that thread. It's not even DW related stuff.
Top 5 shit trips 2 stories, /who/?
I'm glad the Donaldposting arc is over, it was literally just one guy samefagging and trying to rile up political argyments.
What was the worst era of /who/?
hard to think of any real competitors
Your favorite one.
Why is Neo portrayed as a nigger with a fedora?
No order - The Soul Bug / Silencio / MILD IRRITATION OF THE SLITHEEN / anything by Neo / The Face of Nard
So what's /who/'s concencus on the outfit?
We have about ten threads you can read through to see for yourself.
k den
I agree with this.
Thank you, that's very kind. I also greatly enjoyed the other ones you mentioned!
It's growing on me. I'm still not a fan of the trousers but everything else works. I think the idea works better as a sketch than an actual outfit but I'm sure that's just me.
Some other great ones were both of McGanon's, exquisitely written, Immigrant's joyous and inventive 13 Trips story, the 10/Morrissey story, Chumbleys vs Abzorbaloff, Wiles and the Doctor (worked much better than you'd expect, really good), The Healer, The Crossing of the Crossing Paths...really I'm going from memory but if I had a look at the contents page I'd be gushing about plenty more, it was a great collection. Everyone did great work.
if you had three options; be to be arse raped by Adam Orford every evening before bed while he whispers literally ticking all your boxes to become Adam Orford or to suffer a slow and painful death by rat torture, which would you choose?
I would choose to stop talking about adam orford and let his brand die in obscurity
Me too.
Ghost Light Part One
Some strong character stuff fighting against boring characters and a tedious and incoherent plot
The only good scene in episode one is "this is Ace recounting her childhood
Yeah; i think there was also a greater sense of exploration as well that gelled all the stories together: long runners, sequel stories and more substantial joke stories padded things out more than st1; and there seemed to be more people contributing multiple stories this time
>Ghost Light
Stop this meme instantly.
>Classic who 4-parter
>first and last episodes are GOAT
>episodes 2 and 3 are a slogging, boring shit
>somehow remembered as incredible
What story am I referring to, /who/?
I would have preferred that they gave her a dress shirt instead.
I don't even have to read the criteria you posted to know you're talking about Caves of Androzani